China Trade War - Buy, Buy American Pie

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Uncle Sam points out the problems we have when we buy cheap products from China. This is a parody and involves exaggeration. Tastykakes are made in the United States and not in China and definitely contain no harmful ingredients. Visit www.Tastykake.Com. Little Debbie is also located in the United States and not in China and their products contain no harmful ingredients. Visit www.LittleDebbie.Com.

Ten REAL reasons to avoid products made in China: 1. Products made with hazardous materials 2. Lack of quality control, monitoring, and safety regulations, plus corruption 3. Tainted food, deadly drugs, adulterated products 4. High levels of antibiotics and toxins in seafood 5. Exploitation of the Chinese workforce and use of child labor 6. Predatory pricing and unethical business practices 7. Massive industrialization at the expense of the environment 8. Deforestation and mining has destroyed the water supply in Asia 9. Chinese military manufactured goods 10. Manufacturing in forced (laogai) labor camps and prisons
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I remember watching this all those years ago. I was only 9 and much more ignorant than I am now. It was an eye opener and gave me insight to the downward slope everything is heading in in a comedic satirical sense that kept my younger self interested, so I want to thank you for making this back in 2009 :)


Frequently the best way to tell the truth is through humor. This accomplishes that magnificently. Thank you- please keep it up!


Funny song but in reality it's the truth. Hell Yeah.


You've gotten the point. It is not funny. It's painful and sad and too true. People pay more attention to the problem if it's presented with a touch of humor. Satire and sarcasm work well for this situation. If we didn't laugh once in a while we'd have to cry all of the time. Thanks for your interest.


i loved this video. As soon as i saw it i shared it on facebook and not half an hour later one of my friends reposted so all her friends could see it. :) you are very talented at making videos.


I'd laugh even harder, but the truth of it keeps me from falling over silly completely.
You can tell by the creativity and quality THIS was made in AMERICA!!!

Great job, great media, better than network newsertainment.


I just love the "creepy flipping puppet version of Uncle Sam". It absolutely makes the piece. I think the creepy part is what makes it so effective. Thanks for all the hard work.


i wish we still were in reagan america :(


@Orlor In Canada, the average wait for a simple MRI is three months. In Manitoba, the median wait for neurosurgery is 15.2 months. For chemotherapy in Saskatchewan, patients can expect to be in line for 10 weeks. At last report, 10, 000 breast cancer patients who waited an average of two months for post-operation radiation treatments have filed a class action lawsuit against Quebec's hospitals. Similar situation in Britain. Not the case in the US.


@mnimv It's based on a 1971 Don McLean's mega-hit song called "American Pie". The most memorable lyric from that song is "Bye, bye Miss American Pie". Thanks for your interest.


Very clever...reminds me of Tom Lehrer


I don’t know if anyone would see this but man I missed this.


Yes, There are short cut swindlers everywhere, not just in China. But most show up here because we are not paying attention, please check what's in the box.


Sad but true. It's a fact of life that the price we pay for buying things cheap is a recession, local industry and businesses taken over or replaced by foreign ones, and the quality of products going downhill.


Speaking of twits. The singer is a member of the Capitol Steps. They are a group out entertainers who live in Washington D.C. They try to find humor in all things political and/or socially relevant. They have lampooned both parties mercilessly and they love to poke fun at many of our weaknesses as Americans (such as our love for large automobiles and our inability to agree on issues such as healthcare policy). It's important to have a sense of humor or as a minimum to have some sense...


This song parody is based on a 1971 song by Don MClean called "American Pie". It memorialized the 1959 plane crash that killed singers Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens and The Big Bopper. It's most memorable line in the chorus is "Bye bye Miss American Pie". Thanks for your interest.


I love this video. I was re-directed here from Don Tolman on twitter and have to say it is so very funny and so very true. Well made. Thank you for the laughs and the truth about our food :)


The parody is based on a song called "American Pie" and it was originally sung by Don Mclean in 1971. Thanks for your interest.


@Heavensopure That is Uncle Sam who is the national personification of the United States and/or the American government, He first appeared in popular literature in 1812. Thanks for your interest.


Actually what really happened was the American people started to buy the product that was cheap on their wallet and Walmart started to loose sales. In order to compete, they were forced to buy China products to keep the prices down.