Man Dies From Poisonous Bite; Brings Back Messages From The Other Side (NDE)

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Today's NDE afterlife experience is from Ryan McCully. With a low chance of survival surgery was the only option if Ryan wanted to live. Soon after being rushed into the operation room Ryan learned there is more than what meets the eye of this existence. The journey he went on took him from a sea of souls, to witnessing conversations in the hospital waiting room, to experiencing bilocation, to conveying messages from past loved ones.






#nde #neardeathexperience #neardeathexperiences
near death experiences

🎵BACKGROUND MUSIC licensed through AudioJungle & Epidemic Sound

🎥FOOTAGE licensed through VideoBlocks and Filmpac, except parts about the topic that have been used under fair use.

Disclaimer: This video is taken from an interview by us and our channel, not taken from another channel, and it is all original content.
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This is Ryan from the video. The response in the comments is overwhelming. I feel like a weight is off my shoulders because so many of you say my story has helped you with the loss of loved ones and I’ve always felt like that was part of the reason why I had the experience and why I was able to remember it. To tell others and, God willing, give them some peace and hope. Even just a little. I wish I could respond to everyone, if only I had that kind of time, but my heart goes out to all of you and I will look forward to meeting many of you someday… on the other side ❤️
(Edit: I know my YouTube name and the satirical character I play in my videos are far removed from this topic and it’s probably off-putting for some. But outside of my experience, I’m pretty a normal guy who just likes having fun and being silly in my own way. That’s all. 😊)


I lost my husband last Saturday and if I hadn't had peace from my dad's NDE in 1965, and hearing many more of these stories, I am sure my grief would be worse. I know it will all be ok. Ty for sharing.


I just lost my mother 2 days ago. I talked to her about NDEs a month before. I know that gave her so much peace. I just wonder what she experienced. I miss her so much already ❤ I love you Mama 😢


My 41 yrold daughter died a few months ago and I have been listening to these podcasts and its been very helpful to me. I want to know she's in a better place.


I am 71 now. I had a major heart attack & 'died' at 29. I had similar experiences before coming awaits us all! Believe all that he says!


I was a Hospice RN for 17 years and had so many spirit experiences with patients before and after their deaths. Amazing experience. I'm so happy this topic is being shared so openly.


I am 52, I have had death anxiety almost every day since I was 5 years old!😢 I have tried everything and nothing have helped.
Your testimony and other NDE testimonies have left me peacefull. I believe now. I do not have death anxiety anymore.❤ Thanks, Martina


I really needed to hear your testimony "Everything is going to be Okay" ... I've lost 4 Loved Ones in the past 20 months, my husband being one ... now, on pins and needles as my mother is at end of life stage. Thank You so very much and God Bless


I lost my mother in 2012, my Dad and sister both passed away from covid at the end of 2020, another sister passed away in 2018 from Cancer. I went from a large family to just me and my little sister. I still struggle with their passing. This video really helped. Thank you for sharing.


My son passed away unexpectedly. 1 month before he had an opportunity to confess and he shared he felt so good and light. Two days before his passing I dreamt with him as an Angel I even told him about my dream. After he passed away I asked him in a dream if he was happy. He jumped in happiness and said mom you can’t imagine how happy I am. This has helped me cope with my son’s loss.


I turned 59 yesterday, I have had three ndes, I very much look forward to going HOME. Humanity is upside down and backwards currently.


I had to smile when you described the comment, “everything is as it should be “…. This was the message God gave me the day after I walked off my 32 year job….


I was under pain management care for 8 years when I left an abusive husband. I moved to a location with no family or friends around and really isolated myself. I was in pain, and losing weight (because I had to prepare my own food and couldn’t get out of bed.) I got sick with what I thought was bronchitis in 2020. I never went to the dr at that point, so not sure if it was Covid. My lungs were on fire, I didn’t have enough breath to talk on the phone. For 3 weeks I laid there. I prayed for God to take me. I told him I was ready. Then…I remember walking in a beautiful field with vibrant colors of flowers everywhere. It was bright and sunny, then a male was walking next to me. Not a body, but a bright energy. It was Jesus. I felt so loved, with no pain. I was told I could stay there but they would have to tell my two adult children I died. That just broke my heart thinking of the pain my sons would go through hearing that news. I couldn’t bare it. I remember a reel of my life being played, but not on a screen. It was as if I was reliving it. I watched moments in my life and could feel the same feelings as it happened. I could smell the air and feel the temperature at the time it was happening. The moment flew by and when I woke up I was crying, as if I lost someone close to me. I listen to other NDE’s and confirms my experience. We have so much to learn while we’re here. Enjoy your life and the ones you love! We never truly die! We never lose our loved ones!


Thank you for sharing you r experience I lost my adult son a year ago and cry for him every night. Even though I know his in heaven I had my spiritual experience he visited me in my dream and the day of his passing I felt the Angels touch my back it was only me in his room. I just miss him so much. 🙏


What I found particularly compelling about Ryan's story is how articulate and plain-spoken he is. In his rather straightforward, undramatic fashion, his credibility really comes through. Ryan, if you ever read this, thank you for sharing your experience.


I lost my 41 yo son, also named Ryan, 2 months ago by his own hand due to mixing his antidepressant with alcohol. I’ve been in such pain since then, but your testimony gave me peace. I know my son is nearby because he stays in contact through dreams, leaving tokens, and messing with us through electronic devices, but I wanted reassurance that he’s okay on the other side just the same. After watching your video, I feel he’s no longer in pain and is doing okay. Thank you!


Thanks Ryan. My son went to heaven on 4/18/23 at the age of 34. I was right by his side holding his hand as he took his last breath. My faith is deep and I know that he’s been set free and is the happiest he’s ever been but I miss him terribly. I watch these NDE’s just to try to imagine what Jordan saw & is seeing and try to imagine what he’s doing with so many of my family that are there also. I appreciate you sharing your experience it really does help.


I saw my son spirit enter his body after his birth, I asked what was the special light they had on him, their answer was that there was no light….this was in the delivery room. What a great son he is.


You're a beautiful soul. I have been close to death, and truly, we experience regret when we have to return to our earthly bodies. Thank you for sharing your peace and understanding. Your kind and brave.😊


I have listened to so many of these Near death experience stories and this is the most real and comforting one I've heard. He just explained it as it happened, gave proof, and didn't run out to sell books claiming he's now a spiritual guru with rules to connect to the other side, and no soul contract BS. It's refreshing to know that the spiritual world is not something we have to learn or try to get right with meditations, affirmations, and $1, 000 courses on connecting to the other side.
