Tales of the Jedi - Eps 4 Reaction

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Jay and Adam react, review, riff, and rate the, probably most important, episode of Star Wars short story series, Tales of the Jedi.

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Physically yaddle was lifting the giant door and metaphorically trying to hold on to what little light was left of dooku… loved it!


Im sad Christopher Lee could not see this. This few episodes made him one of the best characters in Star-Wars.


Qui-Gon was his canary and without him he fell to the dark

Also makes Palpatine egging Anakin to kill him a much deeper wound


That conversation when Dooku has Obi Wan held captive on Geonosis feels very different now. “I wish he were still alive. I could use his help right now.”


When Dooku said "Qui Gon always loved this tree, " and I realized what just happened, I full out cried, my guy. I was not expecting that, especially since we had JUST seen him. That was another level of emotional impact from a character I never expected to get that from. Phenomenal. This was the moment I fell in love with Tales of The Jedi.


Yaddle opening the door, the light pouring in--which illuminates Dooku's face, and make Sidious recoil momentarily--it being the last moment for Dooku to CHOOSE the light side... but Yaddle couldn't hold it. The door snaps shut and the darkness covers them all. The veil of the dark side falls over Dooku, and he ends Yaddle's life in front of his new master locking himself into his new place. GOD THE SYMBOLISM THANK YOU STAR WARS


I really enjoyed seeing that Dooku never stopped caring for Qui-Gon, even after he was already well on his way to going to the Dark Side. It was really sad seeing them discuss how he'd like to meet Obi-Wan, and then seeing him mourn Qui-Gon as basically his son, the boy he raised and trained to be a Jedi Master, even to the point to calling Sidious out to his face for allowing Maul to kill Qui-Gon.


Filoni did the same thing with Maul in Clone Wars and Rebels. Takes a paper thin character and fleshes them out and makes them amazing.


For those who don’t know, the deletion of Kamino from the archives pays off in Attack of the Clones when Obi Wan goes looking for it.

Also, RIP Yaddle. We hardly knew ye.


Dooku is a classic tragic character where his reasonings are totally sound but his methods are wrong. Add the fact that he completely miscalculates Palpatine’s manipulation tactics so all his actions are pointless at the end. He is just another tool in Palpatine’s pocket. Fantastic 3 episode arc!


This one was my favourite, it’s just so powerful. I got teary eyed for yaddle and I barley knew her. Such an amazing episode


Interesting facts: Dooku's family is very very rich, his father hated him when he manisfest force senses and he abandon Dooku in a forest, a jedi searcher found him and he carried him to Coruscant. His mother died when he was young, and when he left the order, he reclaimed his titles of his homeworld and he became Count Dooku of Serenno and a very wealthy man in the galaxy, because of that he financed easily the separatist faction


I love how sidious is blinded by the “light”


Which was more heartbreaking; the fall of Dooku or Anakin? In about 45-50 minutes, Filoni gave us a back story for Dooku that left most of us wanting more.


Man, Filoni's star wars work always feels like genuine George Lucas star wars. I've missed it so much.


Anyone else also notice the way the giant door also looked like a massive toothy maw, like they were inside a great beast of darkness that was threatening to swallow them all?


The "Tales of" series is going to blow up because it can go anywhere and be about anything at any time next season. Tales of the: Sith, Bounty Hunters, Old Republic, etc. I hope LF sees this potential in future iterations and exploits it to the highest degree.


I wasn't expecting to cry for Count Dooku today. But I did.
I wasn't expecting to discover his paternal love for Qui-Gon ran so deep.
I wasn't expecting to cry as Dooku crossed blades with Master Yaddle today.
But I couldn't stop crying. I'm still crying as I write this.
And. . .I never expected to be offering up a prayer that he found peace before Anakin's blades found their mark.
But I do. And I hope he found his way into the Light of the Force.


This was a way more believable and understandable fall to the Dark side than what we got for Anakin in the movies.


I felt like Yaddle trying to reason with Dooku from a hiding place felt like a great foreshadowing of Luke trying to do the same to Vader in ROTJ. Obviously they had a different outcome. Another example of Filoni respecting the entire saga so well.
