Akin's Desperate Last-Minute Appeal to Women

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"In the final week of the election, Missouri voters will see two sides to Republican Senate nominee Todd Akin.

One is a compassionate guy women can trust. The other is a flawed politician Republicans need to win back the Senate. Each will get its own airing in the final leg of the campaign with ads urging voters to choose the unpopular Republican and defeat incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill.

Still struggling to win support among women voters after his "legitimate rape" comments from August, the Akin campaign's final ad push includes a minute-long spot in which a rape victim praises Akin as the most compassionate person she's ever met."* Cenk Uygur, Michael Shure (Current TV Political Correspondent), and John Iadarola (Host, TYT University) dissect this commercial and the last-minute appeal to save Akin's campaign after his disastrous rape comments.

*Read more from Pema Levy/ Talking Points Memo:

View the original Missouri ad from Todd Akin:

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if that woman was raped and had an abortion but now regrets it... that doesn't mean you have to take away the opportunity to make your own choice to have an abortion. you can CHOOSE not to. OBVIOUSLY. and hello- she might regret even more having that child.


Both women's body language is counter to what they are saying. Both are shaking their heads NO.


That first woman makes me sick. How can someone who has had their rights brutally violated, vote for someone who wants to take some of those rights away. She's a sell out.


Every time I see an Akin ad on T.V. I want to puke my guts out.
I am so ashamed to be from Missouri right now.


As a former Alaskan I'm so glad that Joe Miller didn't get elected, and I'm glad that I get a chance to vote against Richard Mourdock here in Indiana.


I was raped, and had an abortion... I support Todd Akin because he would take away that right.


The Irony for me... was when Zoya says Russia told people what to do and did not want Americans to go through that but yet she accepts Akin telling people what to do with their own bodies.


The problem with these radical 'tea party' types is that they really believe that a majority of Americans see the issues the same way they do. Turns out that isn't really the case. The country isn't even center-right, much less fascist-theocracy-right. This entire outbreak of right-wing zealotry of the last few years is a death rattle. It's the lashing out one last time before their power is gone.


They had a Russian saying that she doesn't want the US government to control life like the USSR government did, while saying that the government should stop you from having an abortion.

dat dun make sense


i'm from Missouri and Akin is a sorry man...who in their right mind doesn't know what rape is???


The "not having sex" thing has never worked, never. It's been tried for thousands of years and has always failed. Do you live in Russia? Do you know what kind of culture is there? Whatever the reason these women have for aborting their babies it's a cultural issue. Taking away their right to choose would be a very bad idea.


He is not endorsed by the republican party and he is actual disowned by the republican party after statements of his abortion policy. So he is not a republican senate nominee.


"The reason why I'm supporting Todd Akin is because I love this nation. I love my freedoms. I don't want to lose my freedoms."

Ummmm... except your freedom to make decisions about your own body?


The worst part about american politics is that they focus on stupid things like "hes a nice guy" or "omg she plays wow" or "hes gay he cant lead" ... none of these trivial things relate to how good of a leader they are. Why dont they ever say "hey hes a good speaker" or "this guy has a good policy on economy" .. in america it boils down to this guy will help a little old lady cross a road... Who gives a shit what if hes a horrible politician.


People are coming out of the woodwork in Missouri just to vote against Akin, i doubt they can make up six points in such a small amount of time.


This is how people think in 2012! Look at the facts Romney has said and then if you ask a supporter why they support him they will make up what it is they "think" he will do no matter whether he has said it or not. This is because he is treating his campaign like religion if pushed he will just say to have faith or seek to confuse the issue with adjectives! "Mind readers" have used these techniques forever; "I see in your eyes that you have suffered a loss at one time in your life" yea right!


You know how people sometimes say that they're so embarrassed that their face went ''red as a tomato?'' You're seeing it in that video


Because now that she's not in that situation, she wants to take the choice away from everybody else. Republican 101.


There was this one ad from the Republicans that featured a Russian...

But you know. It's just like those Elephants said; they said it about the Democrats but it's mainly about themselves: After you throw the kitchen sink, when the bottom of the barrel is empty, when you have NOTHING... You fling shit and hope that something sticks.


The Russian actor would be better suited for an Anti-Russian commercial .
