How Heat Exposure Improves Bones: Strategies to Live Longer & Live Better

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In this video I discuss a very interesting and I think important study showing how heat can improve bone strength and therefore potentially affording an effective strategy for people to leverage to overcome and prevent osteoporosis. I also discuss several important strategies for both living longer and better: Lifespan & Healthspan. As a Health & Performance Optimizing MD & Researcher it’s my passion to identify what humans should do to extend their lives as well as improve the quality of their lives thru disease elimination and prevention. I hope you enjoy this video full of effective health optimizing strategies and share it with others. Follow me on my podcast Health and Wealth Optimization Podcast & YouTube channel and on Twitter & IG both @drseanomara
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Good info. How about mentioning how this applies to senior citizens. I am 85 and I am working on keeping my health.I am now sprinting during my morning walk .


This Doctor knows what makes humans healthy--Follow his free advise and lifestyle


Great video. Hoping you'll do them more regularly! Would love to break down videos on visceral fat!


Dr Sean, you are literally one of the best and most informative, helpful doctors I have found on youtube and instagram. You have always responded to all my questions on instagram and I just want to thank you so much for taking the time to do so. You have especially given me hope on instagram recently, regarding strengthening my bones. (I had anorexia in my 20s and all my doctors told me my bones were weak and there was NOTHING I could ever do to build them and make them strong again). That devastated me for many years but in the last several years (I'm now 37) I have been doing heavy weight lifting and eating a high protein diet and feeling better and stronger than ever. Despite this however, I still suffer from anxiety from the "nocebo" effect those doctors gave me years ago. You on the other hand, give me great hope that I can indeed keep building and strengthening my bones! Please continue to post more videos, especially about how to improve and strengthen our bodies as we get older. Thank you again Dr Sean!


I haven't had air conditioning in over a year or water heater. During the summer, when I fall asleep sometimes it's 95 degrees. Everything you say is true for me


I enjoy and learn much from your videos Dr. Omara. It's so refreshing to see someone from the medical profession step outside the norm and approach health using natural remedies. Since you seem to target older men, would you consider doing a video on enlarged prostate and recommended remedies? Thanks..


In tropical areas, one finds many shorter, smaller people, so this doesn't seem like a general rule. The Masai drink blood and milk, which surely affects bone length. The articles look interesting.


Please post those links in your description - much easier for folks to work with than taking screenshots. Thanks!


Reduce sugar and carbs for dementia ! Great podcast


Thanks Dr. O'Mara. Been following your videos and they are the most relevant info for body composition and performance out there!


do statistics show less dementia in scandinavian countries, where daily sauna use is very common?
almost every home has its sauna next to their shower/bathroom.
Love your videos, I am going for it!


Facinating Doctor Sean!! Although, now I'm curious🤔 as a Filipino from Manila where it's hotter than the sun, my wife is very short. Would this mean her genetic potential played more of a roll in her height than the heat? Or does it mean she would have been even shorter without the extra sun? Or it probably means she's short just has super dense bones? Facinating though wow 😊


What about hip fractures and being exposed to ice and snow? Has fallen many times on the ice, easy to be completely destroyed. Totally agree that many people get too little sunlight, and the diet today is tragic with many meals with a lot of carbohydrates.


I wonder if the sauna tradition of the Nordic people creates a hot environment to create that beneficial microbiome.


How does heat affect multiple myeloma? How would a person with multiple myeloma benefit and what regime could help to increase bone strength or help bone heal, and grow back? Thank you!


Would you please show how to make a sauna?


I just took my first bath in 2 years, my fingers started puckering within 10 minutes x
