Big Game Hunting: Thrifting For Board Games Episode 21

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Best game thrifting finds - the luckiest thrift store finds this week.

This weeks greatest thrift store finds to date (this is why i thrift) vintage board games, current board games. these everyday thrift store finds can make you a lot of profit. And, they are great deals that you can find yourself.

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I picked up a copy of Image during my thrift hunting last week so it was amusing to see you show it this week in your session.


Holy cow! They made 2 Green Lantern movie games?! I keep an eye out for Mall Madness for the Mrs. I think that's a game she'd like.
Great video Norm!


haha. I saw Midlife Crisis on the shelf. I've had that game for years but can't remember how it plays. I remember not being overly impressed by it.


Do you mainly go to the same stores? That's a lot of unique games you find


I just bought an unopened copy of xactika this week too at a thrift shop but I got my copy for $3.


I saw Winner's Circle, which is a great game.


u should have picked up Downtown for 20 dollars AEG have dropped it but the original development company is continuing it.


I bought a Kuduuk card game on Ebay. Ever played it?


+Board Game Museum, as per usual your best channel series, and an other great episode. Can hardly believe you passed on a 3M bookshelf game ("Image"), and a Bible game ("The Omega Expedition"). I thought you collected that gendre? Also the high quality sealed self contained tin box game Peek poker Hold'em for $3 seemed like a great deal to replace your other similar game. Your total is off, $10 (Xactika $7, Amazing Labyrinth $3) not $9. I thrift bought "Xactika" for $2 a few months ago, and previously retail on sale for $5 and $7. Think you'll like the game, as good or better than "Set". Remember your smart phone and BoardGameGeek are your friends when you come across an unfamiliar game. "Armchair Quarterback" has a crappy 4.6 rating on BoardGameGeek and low $4.50 resell value on eBay. "Knockoff" is not even listed on BoardGameGeek, but an eBay copy at $5 had no takers. So that's 2 loser games, good pass. Wonder how much money you saved or lost on resell from great games you had to pass on because of missing pieces? Many games becomes worthless and/or don't play right if one or certainly a few pieces are missing. "Overdrive Arena" is a build and paint miniatures game (think "Warhammer"), in the vain of the movie franchise "Death Race", racing armored cars that shoot at each other. Like most miniature games you have to buy more than this 2 car starter set to get the full benefit of play. Say it with me "time and money pit"? As for "Boomtown" (like the title of a movie in your previous video "Movie Mogul"), or Downtown, it's actually Doomtown, as in you're doomed if you go to that town, is highly respected card game set in a lawless old west frontier town where gun fights between "outfits" abound. It has a great rating on BoardGameGeek of 7.4 and nominated for a few awards. I agree with "Dave Dogge", faster than you could blink I would have snatched Doomtown up for $20, which is around the eBay going rate but without the extra shipping costs. As you know I like American Civil War games, and so it's no surprise that I also like western theme games too. Years ago I picked up on the cheap a gaming stores complete unsold inventory of "High Stakes Drifter", another western themed card game. "Jurassic Jumble" appears to be a card collecting game (the goal is to form a whole dinosaur fossil), with blind card trading (players trade cards face down with others), combined with a musical chairs like element (snatching bones off the table with one less bone than players). Looks like a lot of fun, but a missed purchase. "CirKis" is different from Blokus as it is about forming circles and stars for points rather than area control and getting rid of pieces. My longest post EVER to your channel. Thanks for another great episode.
