7 MORE things that shocked me about America

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Hi everyone! Today, we're going to look at 7 MORE things that shocked me about America! Please explain these things to me because I've never seen them in Japan! But I like the surprise of seeing different things!

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So please explain these things to me! I'm so curious why people do these things in America! Okini!


Your house is the only place where you trust the toilet


I'm American and I don't get the gap in restroom doors I'm always scared when someone walks in


The funny thing is that there is always a gap in the toilet seat in public bathrooms but you will never find a gap in the toilet seat in a bathroom in someone’s home


Japan is such a wonderful country. People seem to respect and take pride in where they live and work. The trains are spotless and on time, every place I visited was clean and safe, people were pleasant and polite. I understand your shock at coming to the USA. The USA is a very good country, but could learn a thing or two from Japan.


Japan is a wonderful place for introverts who like peace and quiet! As an introvert, I greatly appreciate this.


I'm so traumatized by chewing gum and growing up in the US, that when you suggested we put our hand under tables and benches in Japan i shuddered at the thought. I don't think i could.


The pledge of Allegiance is legitimately drilled into our minds and even after 70 years, we could still quote it.


I think most of these things apply to a lot of countries, not just America. To me, the most shocking (and annoying) is the tipping culture. You need to tip everybody to do their job properly and this habit is slowly seeping into other countries. I can understand how tipping someone can show appreciation if they went above and beyond to help you but in most cases, even if you tip, this doesn't happen.


You can get arrested for Graffiti in America too, it’s just that people do it at midnight and get away with it, some people also pay people to do the Graffiti art too


Im not sure if this has been mentioned in the comments already but if you get gum on your clothes don't immediately try anything, you risk just further getting the gum in the fabric. Put the article of clothing in the freezer and then try and chip the gum away ^^


“When I was on a train in New York, everyone was talking, etc.”
Don’t tell her about the frequent music battles we have on some of the train lines— like spontaneous saxophone battles between completely different groups of people- complete strangers to one another.


I think what the man at the airport received from you was more like a bribe rather than a tip 🤔


There's basically two types of graffiti. Legal graffiti, that's an art form. Those are done with the permission of the building owners. They are very colorful and elaborate. You usually only see these in big cities in America. Then there's illegal graffiti that's just a nuisance. That's also an art form with it's own rules, but it's bad since it's done without permission and just ruins whatever door or wall gets tagged.


I have never thought about the gap in the toilet seat for 1 second, in my entire life...Now I want the gap completely filled.


Love your accent. Your videos are light, fun and pure hearted. Great to have you in the US ma'am


In some areas of America like the poor neighborhood, graffiti usually is a gang signs or gangs marking their territory.


Honestly, I've grown up my entire life trying to understand why public toilets are the way they are. And also why people who use them are so nasty and don't clean up after themselves 🤢


I've never seen a real gun before. I'd be so shocked as well if I see a bunch of them at a grocery store T.T


i have come across your content by accident but i am a fan of you teaching Japanese culture, thank you so much for doing this!
