Bernardo's presentation at the Science & Non-Duality conference, 2013

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This video summarizes some of my key arguments against materialism, as discussed at length in my upcoming book 'Why Materialism Is Baloney,' which is now in advanced production at Iff-Books and should be available before the end of 2013.

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Think on this by UG Krishnamurti:
" You and awareness cannot co-exist. If you could be in a state of awareness for one second by the clock, once in your life, the continuity would be snapped. The illusion of the experiencing structure, the “you, ” would collapse, and everything would fall into the natural rhythm. In this state, you do not know what you are looking at. That is awareness. If you recognize what you are looking at, you are there, again experiencing the old, what you know."


Bernardo ❤ and as one audience member stated, “Bravo Bernardo!” I say, keep it simple everyone, for in my opinion, we can and should not believe “someday” we can, know Everything and the Why of it all.


Great speech! I'm so glad there is someone who explains duality so undeniably and simply. Having had dreams of future moments in my life that manifest mostly during peak psychedelic experiences I am obviously completely compelled to believe that the is a universal source of consciousness and that theta/alpha brainwaves during sleep have the potential to transcend the brains filtering and connect with future moments in brief glimpses


Always very organized and concise. I like listening to Bernardo.


Hi. Yes, I am aware of it. In my upcoming book I actually equate 'information' with subjective experience; in other words, information is all there is, to the extent that it's experienced. I avoid using the word 'information', preferring to say 'experience' instead, because it avoids the realist trap and, as such, is less ambiguous.


The position I defend in the book is that localization leads to a form of self-reflective awareness that cannot be achieved in any other way. I elaborate on this over a chapter. Cheers, B.


Hi Sean. Thanks for the kind words! And yes, I do not see any reason to dismiss your experience.


This is great! Thanks Bernardo, appreciated.
, ,


We need the "lunacy" believes of science, as obviously it levitates our understanding and so we can carry on from there and being able to hold the discussion as you share with us. Yes, some people stuck in those believes, but having such believes does aid us in further progress. It's like teaching kids basic humanity so they can carry on and develop in their life, otherwise they are stuck in simplicity and you will have to dig deep to prove there is actually progress in such approach.


Bernardo is always great. Hope that cold went quickly.


bernardo, i really hope you see this comment. one of the most amazing things i have heard in a while is a section from this presentation you braught up, and that was the part about how less brain activity = hightened awarness and all the wonderfull examples you showed. i have never seen anyone present it in such a way and 1st i want to thank you so much. but i think you have really stumbeled upon somthing amazing hear. i would really LOVE to hear you talk more about this and these experiances and how it relates to there really just being "one mind" and maby you could even talk some about how it relates to nde's as far as this "less brain activity = more awarness". i would love love love to hear you talk more about this cause this is truely amazing to me.

thank you for all your wonderful videos, i know you are a buisy guy but please keep them up as well as keep us updated with all your projects and what you are working on! thanks!


great insight and clarity of explanation. the whirlpool image is compelling. so good to see your description of separation of mind and brain...the source of cosmic awareness is always letting the brain shut down... great talk...hope you are feeling better.


"Whirlpool in the flow of mind" Nice. :)


Bernardo, I am obsessed with your theory. It brings me some kind of hope, but I wonder, how can we prove this ? Just wait until I die ? But will I be able to have that 'aha moment' ? Will I see what really is the existence ?


In this sense serotonin and dopamine could be a mind shutter. That is why is blissful


13:20 I'm french, I knows the story of Olaf Blanke induced OBE from Switzerland, it was not real OBE, juste an autoscopic phenomena. It has been revealed by Mario Beauregard ( in SALON, in a article about NDE ) and Sylvie Déthiollaz ( from Switzerland to, she paid a visit to him for some explanations )


this philosophical lecture is a proof than philosophy is impossible for ordinary people to embrace as their guide for the day-to-day ethical people will need a system of dogma of some sort


Bernardo. The only thing that I don't understand is why alcohol don't expand conciousness if it is a nervous system depresor?


Thanks so much for this talk Bernardo. I am really looking forward to reading your book! I have a question for you. Having a phd in computer engineering, I am quite surprised that you do not seem to use information as a tool to explore the nature of reality from an idealistic point of view (e.g. Wheeler's it from bit). As I am sure you are aware, digital physics / virtual reality models of the universe are gaining momentum these days within science. What are your thoughts on this approach? :-)


30:00 since when was vitalism disproven? I believe in it. How can you say vitalism is not real and not explain?
