100-Year-Old Trick To PEELING Hard-Boiled EGGs 🥚

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Macadamia Nut Butter & Parmesan Deviled Eggs

When it comes to making deviled eggs I suggest making extra. Is there ever enough? The traditional deviled eggs are pretty close to perfect in my opinion, but when you have something so right, isn’t it correct to say it can only get better? That was my thinking with this simple recipe. I took two ingredients I love and I believe most people do, macadamia nuts and parmesan cheese, and introduced them to deviled eggs.

I think we have all suffered through peeling eggs that do not want to peel. Having to pick off one piece at a time, just wondering when the nightmare will end.

I’m with you, I do NOT like peeling hard-boiled eggs. For this reason, I wanted to find out what the tricks are to peeling them with ease. I found the answer from an 80-year-old. I’ll give you a hint. It’s so crazy easy you’ll wonder why you ever knew…

How To Get The Perfect Egg For PEELING – Knowledge About Shopping For EGGS

When eggs arrive at the grocery store they are 3 to 5 days old. There is something called the Julian date on each carton of eggs.

Julian date ranges from 1 to 365. The number reflex the day of the year they were “laid”

Older eggs make for easier peeling. Perfect hard-boiled eggs are 7 to 10 days old

🥚 Macadamia Nut Butter & Parmesan Deviled Eggs Recipe

🥚 Deviled Eggs Recipe | Hard Boiled Eggs Facts & Techniques

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1) Add eggs to a large pot and cover with water, cover the eggs by around 2 inches ( You can add some salt and vinegar to assist - helps harden the eggshells )
2) Turn ON the heat on the stove and bring the water almost to the boil
3) Once hot enough turn OFF the heat
4) Next cover the pot with a lid
5) Set a timer for 8-9 minutes
6) Once the timer goes off make a few cracks in each egg to allow some of the water to enter the eggs ( this begins the process of removing the shell from the eggs )
7) Set the timer again for 3-5 minutes ( timing will depend on your elevation )
8) Once the timer goes off place the eggs in cold water for a few minutes to cool them down
9) Peel the eggs and enjoy


I found your video while getting ready to make hard boiled eggs. I boiled them differently because I'm funny about eggs, but followed the cracking and ice bath steps. And I'll be damned... every one was perfectly peeled. You literally saved me an hour of stabbing myself with shards of egg peels. Thank you for sharing that man's trick!!


I just dump the hot water out and fill pan with cold water and crack all the them sit for a few minutes and been doing this for years !!!


This egg peeling trick is the best. Worked great for me thanks a million ! A tip for those who don’t compost the shells. Never put the shells in your drain garbage disposal. A plumber told me egg shells clog a drain more than anything else! Thanks again!


Listen, Everyone: I’m no conspiracy theorist but I SWEAR they’re watching us! I made tuna salad yesterday and spent a good 45 minutes peeling off little chips of egg shell from my eggs. I complained to my wife, but never looked up solutions online or even breathed a word of it outside my own kitchen. Then, magically, this video just pops up in my feed? How?! And why?! (I mean, I’m thankful for it and will use this trick next time I have to peel eggs, but that’s not the point.) Of all the years I’ve spent on YouTube, how did They know to send me this now?!?! Something about this isn’t right.


Worked like a charm! 👌 Thanks to you and the older gentleman that originally shared it! 💕


I had 《《《《 NO IDEA 》》》》
the larger the egg the larger the yolk. I've been cooking for 50 yrs 😋
Thank You So Much!


in my experience, having the water at a boil before putting the eggs in makes the biggest difference in peel-ability. I forgot this rule and put eggs in a room temp pot then bringing it up to temperature, and the eggs were unpeelable. I went tried the starting with boiling water, and peeling was easy again.


I haven't tried this trick but I found a trick that seriously works best....put a tsp of lemon juice in with the water while boiling & the shells literally fall off. I was so sceptical of this until I tried it & I will never boil another egg without lemon juice! It's incredible!


This looks great! AND I like his voice…I understood every word…subscribed because I finally found someone I can understand….Thank you


And another alternative to consider:
The membrane can also be made to separate more easily if you steam them instead of boil. The steam is much hotter than boiling water and does the trick. The shells almost fall off.
I get perfect eggs by steaming 12-12.5 minutes.


I've done this twice now and both worked perfectly. Thank you for saving me so much time and stress....🤙🤙🤙


All my life I've been trying to figure out how to peel an egg. Thanks.


I have tried everyone's solution except this one, in which I am going to try. Every other one that says they have a solution does not work like they say (their solutions are still issues with peeling) I hope this does work, Thanks


Tried this out from my usual method of letting it reach a rolling boil first.

Did everything exactly as described, except that I let the eggs sit in the hot water at the "almost boiling" point a bit longer than directed, just to try to make sure they'd be cooked.

None of them were cooked by the end. Wasted several eggs.


0:42 Word of the day 😂
Specise: specific and precise put together 😎


Once they've cooled you can put them in a plastic storage bowl with the lid on and give them a shake. Don't worry, it won't hurt the eggs, and that'll help crack the shell more so it's easier to peel.


When you get to the point of peeling, use a spoon and follow the inside of the shell. You don't have to peel, let the spoon lift the shell and no damage to the egg.


This worked perfect, easy success. Wow, thanks for taking the time to make this video.


A fireman taught me this trick…when he cooks, he’s cooking for the whole crew so they do huuuuge batches….after boiling, cold shock, then put a lid on the pan and shake for about 30 sec or so. Don’t overdo it or you will blow the eggs apart….the eggs literally fall out of the shells if you do it right…. I use older eggs, and I boil for 10 min…I don’t use vinegar, salt or lemon….
amazing how many different ways there are to boil a damn egg!!
