The World Design of Metroid Prime 3: Corruption | Boss Keys

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Metroid Prime 3 might be best known for its inventive pointer-based control scheme. But in this video, let's take a close look at its world(s) design to see what it can tell us about making Metroidvanias.

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"The power of the Wii." Boy, that’s not a phrase you hear very often.


When I played this for the first time I didn't understand English yet. So I basically played this like any other Metroid, figuring things out by myself.


Prime 3 was actually my first Metroid game so when I played it I was unaware of the series' Metroidvania nature. It didn't feel like not a proper Metroid game, it just felt like a fun sci-fi game with a good mix of action and puzzles. The parts where you have to use the morph ball to activate the giant tubby statues are so cool.

One thing that was great was the use of environment. Since part of the story is reestablishing contact with the other bounty hunters who have gone ahead of you, as you progress through the world there are invisible trip wires which causes things to happen in the far distance that give you an eerie hint that you're being watching which to me adds to the classic Metroid idea of being isolated on an alien planet. What's going to come out around that corner?


Prime 3 is the most perfect utilization of motion controls I can recall ever existing. The door handle stuff felt solidly immersive.


The meteor did not spread leviathan seeds when it blew up. The meteor was a leviathan. Several more had already been dispatched to the other planets.


It has its flaws, but I do love this game. I like how when you're first "set free" that you have the choice to go to two planets. It would have been great if both planets were accessible, and gave you a power-up; but require the power-up from the opposite planet to finish both planets.


"The meteor blast showered the galaxy"

I don't think you understood that. Other meteors actually landed in those planets. You just stopped the one on Norion.


Metroid Prime Hunters actually had planet hopping first. Though to be fair, this game did a LOT more with it, and let you actually see the inside of the ship instead of just a 10 second per-rendered scene. lol


Elysium, to this day, is one of my favorite settings, not just in Metroid, but in gaming. I am just over the moon for the aesthetic, the heavenly music, the goofy tin man enemies, all of it.


I think I'm pretty alone there but I like all MP games for what they are in their different way. I don't compare them and figure out what's missing or what could be made better as seen in other parts of the series but rather take them as they are and immerse myself into the correspondent world. I like MP1 for being some kind of 3D Super Metroid. I like MP2 for travelling between similar but different world. And I like MP3 for the firmer storytelling as they already did in 2D with Metroid Fusion. That's why I still hope there will be an HD collection for the switch anytime soon.


I enjoyed this review, but I think you're being too critical of the "shooty-shooty, bang-bang" sections, as I felt like they were like they were boss fights with a twist. Especially with your example of fighting off space pirates on a "flying bomb". Not only was it exciting that you were on a Skytown platform, armed with a thermonuclear warhead, free falling to make contact with a Leviathan, but the added danger of needing to repair the escape pod by soldering the circuit board with the plasma cannon was absolutely thrilling--it's one of the most memorable moments in gaming for me.

You talk about easy to get energy tanks, but ignore hyper mode. You say how good the Wii remote feels in game, but criticize it for adding more action. You mention how only perfectionists care about 100%, but disregard that this effects the ending you get since the first game.

You have valid points, but it just feels like you went after low hanging fruit. What's obvious is that it's different for a Metroid game; however, it's also obvious that it was the only Metroid on the Wii. More story and lore to give context to more action, taking advantage of a new control scheme without sacrificing too much of the theme (in fact, adds more dimension) and classic gameplay makes it an excellent game and sequel, period.


honestly prime 3 was my favorite, i found all the new contraptions and new ways to use old abilities very interesting as well as using the gunship other than a glorified save point. I also don't mind the hand holding unlike most metroid fans i liked the inclusion of character interactions and having the computer talk to you every once in a while.


8:58 Big facts right here, it's a really fine line to walk I think between how much a game lets the player figure out on their own vs how much it talks you through things. You don't want feel completely dumped off with no instruction or clues whatsoever, but you also don't want to get so reliant on instruction that you can't do without it. Subtlety goes a long way, nudge don't hand hold


Aside from the powerups you can find in Valhalla it seems you missed one thing. Noting too special, it is a message from AU 313 before being stolen by space pirates. No extra ability but worth mentioning


I’m surprised at how critical you ended up being of all three Prime games; it didn’t sound like you particularly enjoyed any of them. Which is perfectly fine! But I do think viewing a game through a specific lens can have its drawbacks. Like, viewing these games purely through the lens of “how good is this at executing the traditional Metroid formula?” can make you miss just how good these games are AS GAMES. The mixture of atmosphere, puzzle solving, combat all rolling into one at any given moment is what I think makes this series so iconic, not necessarily its execution of the classic Metroidvania design.


My fav pat of metroid prime games is the Lore and Scans


After watching what feels like 50 Boss Keys videos.. I'm starting to think that maybe these Metroid games might be quite good..


Semantic lore correction here…
The Leviathan Seeds didn't get scattered from the meteor above Norion; the meteor *was* a Leviathan like the others.
They were all sent out from Phaaze.

I also find it funny you consistently mispronounce some things that're voice-acted in the game, like "Bryyo".

But overall a very good video and analysis!


I've really been enjoying this series. Great production quality and interesting insights.


Let's hope Retro Studios see your Boss Keys videos to get inspiration to nail Metroid Prime 4!
