#2 Django tutorials | Setup

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In this lecture we are learn how to setup Django in our system:
-- install django
-- we know that which os we are using
-- you need a python setup too
setup python (if you don't have it)
-- install python and remember that tick the box of add python to path
check python version
-- open cmd and type python --version
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
with instalation of python we also get pip
-- pip is a package manager for python
check pip version
-- open cmd and type pip --version
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
Now we ready to install django
-- pip is used to install django
check django version
-- open cmd and type django-admin --version
-- if you have not installed django then you will get an error
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
if not then it is time to install django
-- before that suppose we install django then it will be installed for whole system.
-- so we need to create a virtual environment for our project
-- virtual environment is a isolated environment for our project
-- it will not affect the other projects
create virtual environment wrapper
-- open cmd and type pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
-- it will install virtualenvwrapper-win in your system
create virtual environment
-- open cmd and type mkvirtualenv test
-- it will create a virtual environment named test
-- now we are ready to install django in our virtual environment
install django in virtual environment
-- open cmd and type pip install django
-- it will install django in our virtual environment
check django version
-- open cmd and type django-admin --version
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
create a folder
-- open cmd and type mkdir projects
-- it will create a folder named projects in your system
-- go in that folder by typing cd projects
create a django project
-- open cmd and type django-admin startproject telusko
-- before that we check the folder or not in project folder
-- now after enter the command it will create a folder named telusko in your system
now we run our project in server
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In this lecture we are learn how to setup Django in our system:
-- install django
-- we know that which os we are using
-- you need a python setup too
setup python (if you don't have it)
-- install python and remember that tick the box of add python to path
check python version
-- open cmd and type python --version
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
with instalation of python we also get pip
-- pip is a package manager for python
check pip version
-- open cmd and type pip --version
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
Now we ready to install django
-- pip is used to install django
check django version
-- open cmd and type django-admin --version
-- if you have not installed django then you will get an error
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
if not then it is time to install django
-- before that suppose we install django then it will be installed for whole system.
-- so we need to create a virtual environment for our project
-- virtual environment is a isolated environment for our project
-- it will not affect the other projects
create virtual environment wrapper
-- open cmd and type pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
-- it will install virtualenvwrapper-win in your system
create virtual environment
-- open cmd and type mkvirtualenv test
-- it will create a virtual environment named test
-- now we are ready to install django in our virtual environment
install django in virtual environment
-- open cmd and type pip install django
-- it will install django in our virtual environment
check django version
-- open cmd and type django-admin --version
-- if you get the version then you are good to go
create a folder
-- open cmd and type mkdir projects
-- it will create a folder named projects in your system
-- go in that folder by typing cd projects
create a django project
-- open cmd and type django-admin startproject telusko
-- before that we check the folder or not in project folder
-- now after enter the command it will create a folder named telusko in your system
now we run our project in server
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