How Poland Quietly Becoming RICHER than any other European Nations!

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How Poland Quietly Becoming RICHER than any other European Nations!

Poland's economic history is a tale of endurance, transformation, and the promise of a rising superpower. Poland boasts one of the EU's fastest-growing economies, with an annual GDP of $689.349 million. To truly appreciate Poland's current growth, we'll explain how the country has risen from the Soviet era to become a prosperous nation.

#Poland #Economy
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Im a brit moving to Poland next year. The UK has become an embarassing, depressing, and restrictive country stuck in the early 000s.


Where are form buddy, your editing skills are damm good, keep it up


Poland was not manually governed by USSR. There was a huge autonomy, even if there was imposed alliance and general economy model. However, there was private farming domination in Poland and there was a huge market, partially grey, partially legal for businesses below 50 employees. Words 'communism' and soviet symbols were almost forbidden to avoid unrest against them. Catholic Church was a big independent player. Media were censored, but in big part realistic as the propaganda was more as a success type channelled in the main information slots. However, you had access to the western publications, underground print and foreign radio stations if you wanted uncensored news. Music and culture was western. Obviously elections were fiddled by the ruling party but regular riots pushed the system to change the governments. Just for you to be informed how we were managing, during the soviet satellite period.


The new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empire???


The descruction from ww2 did not help niether


Good on U Poland, may U rise as a power house against communism n other dictatorial govts. U have invested well in
defense which U will create peace in yr regions. Give yr people room to navigate democratically. Also U should know that d democracy U build 4 yr self will only work when it has a moral boundary otherwise yr people will suffer with addiction n enslavement even though U defend rigorously 4 it.


Really? The stats do not confirm your assertions here. Even theft from shops increased exponentially of late and it is directly linked to an increase in poverty.


Ots because Poland doesnt let in muslims or others that do not fit in. Poland is provong thr diversity theory incorrect. Same as in thr US where the most advanced technologies are all created by one specific group of people same and opposite of those that dominste NBA😂


Poland has printed so much money to buy a shiny new army that will likely start suffering some heavy inflation in 18 months or less


Poland is poorer than russia measured in gdp per capita


The new Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth Empire???
