HEALTH ANXIETY: When You Can’t STOP Worrying About Your Health | Dr. Rami Nader

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Health anxiety is known by a variety of different terms, including hypochondriasis and, more recently, Illness Anxiety Disorder. Regardless of the term, health anxiety or hypochondriasis can be an extremely distressing and debilitating condition. At its core, hypochondriasis is associated with a preoccupation of having or acquiring serious medical disease or illness. In health anxiety, physical symptoms are often not present, but if they are present, they are very mild and are not necessarily indicative of a serious health condition. For a person with Illness Anxiety Disorder or hypochondriasis, they have a high level of anxiety about their health and are easily alarmed about any signs or symptoms suggesting potential disease. The person engages in excessive health related behaviours like repeatedly checking their body for signs or symptoms of the feared illness, reassurance seeking behaviour from their doctors or maladaptive avoidance. The hypochondriasis or health anxiety causes the person high level of distress and can lead to interference in their engagement in recreational activities, their social relationships or their functioning at work.

#Hypochondriasis #HealthAnxiety #IllnessAnxietyDisorder

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my health anxiety went away when I was leaving home for living my own life. Came back during pandemic 15 years later in a brutal different form.


Every ache, pain or sensation that I get I jump to the worst case scenario. Even being hot, cold, hungry or tired makes me really anxious sometimes. I know deep down that I'm being irrational and overthinking everything but that doesn't help me at the moment of fear and panic. I just can't seem to accept that it's 'normal' for us to have different aches, pains and sensations. I think with me it's a case of everything has to be ok all of the time or I feel like something is wrong.
It's not just my health. I also worry about my adult children, grandson, partner, I worry about their health or if they're ok or I worry that my partner will cheat on me for example. I assume I'm also suffering with generalised anxiety disorder? All this is making me agoraphobic too but that's because of the symptoms that I always seem to have. Some of the symptoms I can't even pinpoint. I very often get a horrible all over body worried/anxious/nerves buzzing feeling...It really is exhausting!

I do find your videos to be really helpful though Rami
so thank you so much for doing them ☺


…and (forgot to say) many people may study health anxiety articles and videos, such as your excellent series, in an attempt to persuade themselves that “it’s all in the mind” and not actual physical disease. This in itself can, paradoxically, also be anxiety-provoking!


I juat became a father 7 months ago and I never been so concerned about my own personal health until I became a parent. I went for an annual checkup with my doctor and everything came back fine which is a miracle cause thinking back I really neglected my health. I feel as if I'm constantly worrying like somethings wrong when whats on paper shows other wise. I certainly developed health anxiety since then and "Dr. google" made everything way worse smh.


I didnt even realize that I've been doctor shopping for years. Sometimes avoiding someone I don't trust. Developing epilepsy has changed my life for the worst for years now swearing I have brain cancer. I'm finally going to a nuerologist that I trust will do the proper testing and I'm praying to not being diagnosed with something bad. I'm terrified. But I'm just gonna see what happens. But this video kind of relaxed me into thinking it may not be that. Maybe I can control it. I'm done avoiding bad news so that I can begin proper treatment. If it's something deadly.. Thanks for the video. I gratefully appreciate it.


This is me. Everytime I have a relapse with my anxiety in general, I develop major health anxiety that lasts for a long time! It's frustrating. My most recent relapse happened in November 2022, and since the health anxiety has been in overdrive. My most current symptoms right now are digestive and I'm so afraid of it being cardiac related, even though I've had several ekgs and blood work done to rule out anything cardiac related. I'm just having a hard time accepting it


Dr Rami this is me body checking it was taking over my life thank you


Very clear explanation, thanks. Obviously there are also those whose health anxiety causes them to do the exact opposite…and avoid as much as possible visiting their GP / MD for fear of being told they may have a bad disease! Maybe this section of the population go unnoticed and therefore “unlabelled”? But their fears can be equally impactful & chronically life-restricting.


Thanks..great talk..helped me a lot..I’m quite happy if a doctor says I’m OK…but have over my life thought I had serious disease from my toe to my mother suffered health anxiety and used to ask me as child about medical, terms!! I was only 10 too


Thank you so much. This is exactly what my daughter is having. It is sending immediately family friends and work colleagues crazy. All is suffering REAL BAD. my daughter think every one has the problem. She is fine. Thinks she got it under control 😢😮😢😮


Each and every word you uttered is happening to me. Please help me to treat this havoc causing disease.


I can relate to almost everything you said having developed this condition when I was very young.
Also I think it has very similar patterns to OCD I wrong?
Can't wait for the next videos about it.
I would like to suggest you to do videos about BDD too, it would be very helpful.
Greetings for your great job.


You have described me exactly in the video. Do you have a video to help me stop these thoughts?


I totally relate and what can we do about it?


Sir i always have anxiety and panic related symtoms like palpitations, sense of impending doom, cardiophobia and dizziness..will start cbt..will it cure my cardiac symptoms


Very helpful and insightful video, thank you for creating this.


I’m in the medical field and I don’t think I should be. I worry constantly about EVERYTHING!!! Covid sent me into this hyper awareness that I cannot shake. Anytime a coworker has an illness I get so worried that well she was next to me all GREAT!!!! Then I stress and stew. I am the only one who still wears a mask 😷 and I find myself getting so irritated at my coworkers bc since they don’t bother to mask up and come to work sick now we’re all doomed. It truly makes me feel anger bc I feel like see, I mask up for your protection but I can’t get the same courtesy?? Thanks!! I’ve always been a worrier and a germaphobe but it’s out of control now. Not just with covid. It’s every ache or pain and I’m worrying. It’s literally debilitating and exhausting. Thank you for this video there are people like me out there who needed this more than you know!!


Found your video interesting and helpful and a different way of looking at health anxiety that I never thought of thank you


I have had hypochondria all of my life. Unfortunately, at the age of 29, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. It had ruined my life, because now I feel like EVERYTHING is cancer.


Also, I'm totally looking forward to seeing more of your videos about health anxiety. Your videos about panic disorder and anxiety have helped me immensely.
