Studying Artificial Intelligence in Germany - Huge Opportunity

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Studying artificial intelligence in Germany is a massive opportunity right now. There are plenty of degree programs available at German universities in which you can learn AI and start a lucrative career.

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Actually I don't comment on YouTube vedio may be I don't want to but after watching your vedio I can't stop to appreciate you are the best research presenter with excellent knowledge...


going for data science degree is hugely better than focused AI degree, cuz your getting the most important builder block for any AI module which is data, you need to be good at collecting and managing data


8:04 I was slightly disappointed that you did not mention TU Chemnitz with its M. Sc. Data Science degree. Sure, there are a dozen universities that offer similar programs, but the one in Chemnitz is quite unique, and I'd argue it offers exactly what you need as a future ML engineer. At least when I was researching it three years ago, there was nothing comparable out there.

In contrast to literally any other ML or Data Science program, in TU Chemnitz there are only three mandatory modules: introduction to Data Science, introduction to Neural Networks, and a coding seminar project. All other stuff is elective! This allows you to specialize in whatever topic is most relevant to you, and also to brush up on some topics where you have a knowledge gap. There is a quite impressive list of "regular" lectures you can choose from, which covers almost everything you may need, from heavy maths stuff like Theory of Optimization, to more practival CS stuff like Multiprocesing, and also some niche stuff like Neurocognition or XML Metadata parsing, just to name a few. In addition, every new semester they offer specialized state of the art lectures which are designed from scratch and are only offered once. For example, I took a lecture about solving Inverse Problems with Deep Learning, which is an extremely niche topic, but it was exactly what I needed at the time. And if this is not enough, there are also some "placeholder" modules which you can fill with any other lecture offered by the university, for example you could take a lecture about autonomous driving from the IT department, or some biology lecture, or literally anything else. Machine Learning is not only about machine learning, it is also about domain knowledge and specific use cases, so this freedom allows you to learn something outside of ML bubble to better understand the domain you want to operate in.


Hi Max. Great content. Can you make a video on cybersecurity and related universities in Germany? That'd be a great help.


This Video has come at the right time for me, I was just thinking about applying for KI Courses in Uni


Ich bin ein Inder und plane, mein Studium der künstlichen Intelligenz in Deutschland zu machen. Vielen Dank für Ihre tollen Informationen und Ihr Engagement 🇩🇪🇮🇳💝


there is another way to learn about AI and get a job, which is online courses with neat problem-solving skills + an github portfolio assembling all your projects in it to showcase your expertise, with same time of uni you'll portfolio will get you a place
don't underestimate this roadmap, people from USA get employed because of it, 30% of IT employees are self-taught


Funny how i was already applying to one and then this comes up. Thank you Max!!


omg thanks max, I was just wondering about this


Thanks a lot for this one man!! It was really needed.I wanna do my MS AI from germany


This is what I exactly needed Thank you..


I am going to do my bachelor's in Germany this year ....and i had planned to do my masters in AI as this channel at the perfect time


Hello! Can you make a video on bachelors in International Relations / political science / joint majors as economics and politics in Germany? That would help a lot!


Your videos are very helpful, thank you


Make a video about UI/UX Design career options aswell


You should make a dedicated video on all courses explaining each of them.


Can you make a video suggesting some certain skills for the data science/ cs based on the German market? Thank yiu


I rarely comment on youtube, I guess cause I am lazy. But i couldn't hold myself telling you this "You are the best presenter/researcher"


Great video man.. i have a video request for you as well: How to get admission into Automobile Designing in Germany (Art School). Its a very less discussed topic, been very difficult to research about on the internet for me. Would be really helpful..


I think you missed one another type of course that may lead to the AI - Mathematic.

And I think it's a lot of better course than CS if you want to have a lot of opportunities. With Math you can either go to sciense, to CS and programming, to AI, to economics and much more.

But of course it has its cons. The first one - it may be to hard as it has a lot of maths :D And the second one - it may be too abstract and you may need more time to specialize.

BTW, thank you for your video
