How Much Money I Spend Raw Feeding My Pets

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This was a long awaited video! Were you surprised on the cost?

VIDEO ★ How I Meal Prep Raw Food For My Dog (Full Week)

VIDEO ★ 5 Things To Avoid When Shopping For Raw Pet Food

VIDEO ★ The Cheapest Raw Food I Could Find For My Dog

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I have a 70lb wolfdog who eats about 2lbs of raw each day. On average it costs me about $100/month. I save money buying chicken quarters for her bone requirements (and this obviously comes along with some of her daily muscle meat too). As a large dog she can easily crunch through these bones. And because chicken quarters are usually one of the cheapest cuts of meat available, it brings down the overall cost per pound of her entire diet.


I have a 12 year old dobermann and a 16 week old dobermann puppy. I use ready made and homemade meals. Ithink it costs me around $150 a month. This is only until the puppy gets to adult size and then I think itll be more like $100. Apart from being spayed, liv hasn't cost anything at the vets in her 12 years. Some might say it wasnt the raw food, but all her siblings died from cancers from the ages of 5 to 10 years old. Shes amazing and people think shes a youngster still. Raw all the way!


I own 2 dogs over 72lbs. It is way more expensive to feed raw. Way more expensive to feed raw and balanced. Chicken is an inflammatory meat (it is hot and a very dirty bird) from a TCVM. The thing is, raw will keep a much healthier dog. Either you pay the Vet or you pay the grocer. We buy premade raw from the pet store for variety, but it is pricey. Kibble is garbage and continually going to a vet is not on my radar. Raw is expensive especially rotating meals, but we don't rely on a vet for pills as before when feeding kibble.


You forgot to add in the cost of vet visits, cancer, yeast and other ailments our animals get from commercial food. Framed in that perspective, a raw food diet is far cheaper, while being so much healthier!


I was planning on getting orijen for my dog but this really opened my eyes. I never realized that raw food wasn’t so expensive after all thank you!! I’ll definitely looking into raw food for my dog now


I have a 15 month old Cane Corso (145lb male, intact). He eats 2145 grams a day (4.7lbs). I'm in Vancouver, Canada and I average about $2.5/pound of food. So with supplements and toppings, its about $12.5-15 per day or $375-400 per month. Homemade and balanced.


I have a husky, who is about 40 pounds. She eats a balanced raw diet, thanks to this channel! I have done my research and I am so happy with the results. I have noticed now, that she only sheds when it's time to blow her coat in the summer (which is terrific). The only real downside is that my dog is picky and doesn't want to eat unless I feed it to her. So I have to grind the meat into balanced portions and hand feed her.
Anyways, I spend about $120 on my dog every month and she eats twice a day. 
I was wondering whether you feed your pets twice a day.


Call your local butcher. I buy
meat scraps for $1.00-1.50 a pound. My Husky is happy.
Avoid pet store foods


Thank you for doing this cost breakdown. I've been considering switching to raw for a while now (I've already weaned my 5 cats off kibble, including one who "needed" a prescription diet) but I thought it would be way too expensive. I'm currently feeding FF exclusively (I switched to it during the pandemic because it was the only canned food I could reliably find). @3:56 Your 14.6lbs haul for $40.15 gives a cost of $2.75 per pound. I just bought a month's worth of canned food from Amaz*n (the cheapest place I could find it). I got TWELVE 30-can poultry variety packs of two different combinations for a total of $265.51. The price per pound of the FF was $3.66 for one variety and $4.21 for the other. At 3oz/can, 30 cans per pack and 12 packs give a total of 67.5lbs. This video is about a year old so the prices have likely gone up, but for comparison sake if I use your cost per pound and apply it to the amount of FF I buy then my cost would be about $185.63 for raw, a savings of about $80/month. You sold me! This week I'll be going on tour of my local suppliers to see what I can find and start stocking up in order to prepare to transition them. Thanks Mariah!


I’d love to switch my boy to raw, and start my Doberman on raw when I get them, but I would probably start out with a commercial raw food, while learning how to make raw myself. I know that commercial raw is more expensive, but I would rather use that as the main meal while I learn. Especially since I have to avoid chicken for my Pomeranian.


What puts me off raw is how complicated it is to make sure your feeding everything that's needed it's not just as simple as throwing a piece of raw meat to dog
I have two pups both just under three months one a border collie one a yorkie cross they're on dry food and I want to go raw but too scared ill screw up and give them the wrong quantities. I don't even have dog scales do keep track of their weight as they grow


You have to add due to the currency difference even average dry kibbles are expensive in developing nations, feeding raw made more sense to me, i'll try it when my kitten is a bit older 🥰


One thing I do to save on the dog budget is to groom my own dogs. I save a couple thousand dollars a year doing this. I would rather spend this money feeding them a healthy diet.


Thank you for sharing this video - it was super informative! It is too bad that you couldn't find oysters! Also, who knew that wet food was so pricey???


I feed my dogs often raw chicken quarters from Aldi. They are a Greater swiss Mountain dog (50kg) and a swizzy (40kg) and never had problems with digesting the bones.
They crack them a few times while gobbling them down.


It's also less expensive bc you won't have high vet bills as they get older . . . . just like humans. Thank you for showing how simple it is buying and shopping. I'm going to be more diligent when I go shopping. Trader Joes is usually very limited. I'm sure organic is better too.


i saw a study that showed that you can remove like 80% of the salt in certain canned foods just by washing them under water. you can also just test it by yourself. taste a piece of oyster before and after washing it, huge difference.


as a ferret, i can confirm that shellfish are pretty selfish


How much it cost to feed Raw can really truly depend on where you live and what resources are in your area. many of us do not live in an area where we can source the right ingredients. This means we have to order it in which costs more. It's just something you have to consider.


At this point my pup be eating better than me
