30 minute Yoga HIIT Workout (with Handstands) Day 65 Cardio Yoga Fix 90 | Fightmaster Yoga Videos

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Yoga videos to make you feel better.

Life is hard.

I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed, overweight and either depressed or stressed out. I've been there.

My name is Lesley Fightmaster. I am a yoga teacher trainer. I have taught thousands of classes. I've seen amazing transformations in people just like you.

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Very intense but very rewarding. Missing you teacher!❤


Tough with a v very strong start which then got more gentle as the class progressed. Thank you.


You are such a wonderful gift Lesley! Thank you for such a wonderful intense workout and beautiful quotes.


I took a break from this series and coming back I remembered why my crow and headstand got so good over the months. There are so many chaturangas and every day I get stronger. I did skip some to make sure my form wasn't compromised but Leslie's practices always make me feel great in the end. She's dearly missed <3


Definitely the most challenging class so far for me. Only 25 days left. I see from the comments that some people have done this series multiple times. The wheel, balancing and handstands are difficult as well as moving from 3 legged downward facing dog to warrior or crescent.


my intention of today is to breath deep and to focus on what's truly important


Sweaty! LOVED this. I practiced headstands instead of handstands. Maybe next round I will be brave enough!!


Always nice to have these moments of quiet and calm and being in the present and in control, phew, sweating and was surprised when shavasana time came! Thank you so much Lesley and family, miss you, Namaste


Love your videos and how easy they are to listen to and do and not have to look back at the screen a million times. Thank you for sharing your passion!


So 4th of July wkend & I skipped a few days. Summers in Arizona are very hot, humid and just not a good time of year for me. Maybe it’s the seasonal disorder but reversed-winter doesn’t give me the blues Summer does! Having missed 3 days of practice this one was tough for me, lots of sweat & I miss cues at a faster pace. Have trouble interlacing fingers behind my back, guess I should always have a strap handy. Anyone who experiences depression would benefit from yoga, especially with Lesley’s lovely gentle voice. People going to the mountains or the beach and poor pitiful me at home with severe plumbing problems in the house. This practice definitely helped. I did find myself over the wkend thinking “is yoga really helping me? Am I achieving anything? I’ve tried to make things happen and I’ve tried surrendering to God/the Universe and I still find myself struggling.” I get frustrated & I have fears. I’m not so young anymore. I just continue with yoga & meditation, and hopefully all the things I’ve read in books I.e, law of attraction, everything I need is already within me, will transpire. My intention was “find good in everything, even if it seems bad.” Namaste Fightmaster yogis 🥵 🙏🏻 sorry for ranting on.


I think about you and your spirit almost every day. I hope you are peaceful wherever you are.


That was a tough one. I loved it! Thank you.


After a long day I felt really unmotivated to exercise but in the end I did this yoga class and I am supercontent that I did. Thank you Lesley!


Handstands, headstands, and forearm stands make me absurdly happy ... I just love being upside down. Thank you Lesley for improving my ability to get there and to stay there longer. Big love coming out to you for this fantastic (life changing) resource xxxx


Intense and fast moving practice! Sometime I find it as effective to hold one pose for longer time to intensify but changing is also fun :)


That was by far the worst yoga flow I have done in a while :(( I must have some muscle fatigue or something because even though I slept last night and had a rest day yesterday, I was so physically exhausted. I managed my way through but I'm not content with my form in the poses and I did take a lot of breaks as well. A lot! I saved this flow and will try again another day. Thanks for the practice x


Yet another great practice with you. Once again, thank you for coming into my home and sharing the beauty of yoga and that passion that you are always trying to share. May the butterflies find you. Until tomorrow


so nice! I did all the chatarungas today....what a great workout for body and mind


As of today I can do headbands without a wall!!! Thank you so much Leslie. I never would have guessed at 38 years old I would be learning/doing this.


I used to be so good at handstands! Thanks for this reminder that I need to practice more! Namaste