Jay Leno on Why He'll Never Own a DMC DeLorean

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Clip from Cars and Culture #6 - Jay Leno

A conversation with comedy legend and car enthusiast Jay Leno.

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From what I could find out, this is what happened. John Delorean was approached by an investor. During negotiations, it became clear that the investor was also involved in drug trafficking. Then when Delorean said he wanted nothing to do with that, the investor treatened him. "I'll send your baby daughter's head home in a shopping bag!" Is what he was told according to wikipedia.
So Delorean did the only thing he could and complied, letting himself be treatened into submission by this drug dealer investor.
Then when the drugs were delivered, the investor turned out to be a police informant and the whole thing was a trap from the beginning.
During the trials, the depth of the entrapment became clear. The FBI agent in charge was even recorded saying "I'm going to get John DeLorean for you guys ... The problems he's got, I can get him to do anything I want".
In the end, the court ruled that is was clear case of entrapment and Delorean was aquitted.
So, as much as i appreciate and respect Jay, calling JD “just another drug dealer” is really not doing justice to the situation.


One day my friend and I showed up at Jay's garage on our motorcycles and Jay was so gracious to show us around. Thanks Jay. It really was by accident!


Jay is one of the few guys that has a real matchbox car set we all used to play with in full size .With a team of fabricators, mechanics and maintenance to keep them clean and serviced .


I like that when Jay doesn't like a company or CEO or whatever, he literally doesn't buy the car. So many people hate on Amazon or whatever but still have prime accounts, or rich people jump through all the Ferrari hoops to get the latest & greatest. Jay just straight up doesn't play the games. If he feels wronged by something, he votes with his wallet. I love that.


I love the fact that a personal hero to Jay was an automotive person. Not an athlete, actor, or commedian... just a down to earth automotive person


He’s so, so off the mark here though. John DeLorean wasn’t a “coke dealer” by any means, nor did he compromise his morals. He was a businessman with a failing company, which put him in a desperate position. He was entrapped by a close friend of his in an FBI sting operation (which many speculated that the heads of GM played a hand in), and was later acquitted of all charges by a jury.

The reason he went along with the deal in the tape was because he was surrounded by armed men in the room whom he feared would kill him and/or his family if he backed out. He talked about this in numerous interviews.

I wish Jay Leno would have educated himself a bit more on the topic before just broadly calling DeLorean a “coke dealer” like all the other casually ignorant people, especially as someone who apparently had admired him before.


Pretty insane the level of reputation damage the federal government did to Mr. DeLorean. If they were willing to do that to a desperate businessman, just imagine what they'd be willing to do to someone to actually posed a threat to them!


With great respect Jay, I’m not sure the simplified version of Delorean’s fall from grace was necessary.


I honestly think the "Back To The Future" franchise helped hype this car up, and made a newer generation fascinated with it.


He also will not own a Ferrari. I like that he has principles.


Jay is a bright guy, I'm surprised he isn't aware of the actual JZD story. He never sold so much as a gram of drugs, and his only crime was being recorded in a hotel room with undercover agents who set him up.


Jay is like 80 now and still doesn't know or care that DeLorean was acquitted of those drug charges. ACQUITTED.


A JURY found John DeLorean NOT GUILTY, on all drug charges! Period.


it was a setup, John had powerful enemies


I’ve considered a Delorean myself in the past however I didn’t buy one either, not for the reasons Jay mentioned tho or the fact it was a “bad” car. I actually didn’t want one in the end because having spoken to some owners they all mentioned the fact you can’t park one anywhere without the same comedy gags or generic questions every time. The novelty of it would wear out very quickly for me after the 20th “where’s the flux capacitor” or “what happens when it hits 88mph?” .


I respect jays choices...it takes more than a movie to warrant the space of the garage....


I wonder what Jay Leno thinks of Preston Tucker and the Tucker 48. Similar situation to DeLorean, both were accused, both acquitted, both companies tanked by the time the legal proceedings were done


Despite how much I like Jay, he is notorious for sometimes not drilling down below the surface too much on subjects & knowing the facts. The Feds entrapment & later falsifying evidence against John DeLorean is now very well known, & documented in books & articles on the subject if one wants to avail themselves of the information. DeLorean was not, "just a coke dealer" as Jay opines, & his ignorance may cause those who look up to him to feel about him the same way he does about DeLorean.


Regardless... the DMC12 will always be an important part of automotive history. It’s an epic story and an idea that took pure gumption and risk. No matter how you slice it...the car, the man, the story...deserve proper recognition and respect.


When I first saw the Delorean in Road and Track magazine as a kid, I dreamed that this would be a supercar that I could drive someday. But, the engine looked familiar. Popping up the hood of my dad's Volvo station wagon kind of ruined it for me.
