Simple Easy Homemade Yogurt

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It is so easy, cheap, and delicious to make healthy yogurt at home with only 2 ingredients. You don't even need any special equipment for your homemade yogurt!

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#yogurt #homemade #recipe
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Have you made yogurt at home before? What is your favorite method?


I started years ago with a yogurt maker. That works fine, but of course isn’t actually necessary, as Anje show us. Just to provide yet one more way to incubate fo anyone interested: I put my milk + starter that I’ve mixed together into a couple thermal containers (a YETI drink container, a Stanley thermos, a no-name plastic thermal container). Then I put those into a thermal picnic bag I have. It seems to maintain the necessary heat for as long as I need it to. It may be overkill to have both the containers AND the bag, but I don’t want to mess with success! It’s a simple solution if you have those items available.


I have been making yogurt every week since watching this video. I will never buy it again! It’s so good and so easy to make 💕


I just started making raw yogurt at home. I use a heirloom mesophilic yogurt culture, and activated it with raw milk (no heating). Then all I do is add raw milk to a jar, and mix in a tablespoon of starter or raw yogurt from the previous yogurt batch per cup of raw milk straight from the fridge. It sits on the counter and turns into yogurt in a day or less! I often use my old yogurt jar, and it ferments faster. Just need to make sure it’s not contaminated. I often alternate between cow’s milk and goat’s milk, and both works!


That gave me the idea to use my dehydrator 😊 I usually wrap them


Lovely video, as always. Thank you Anja. I make my yogurt using a heating pad!


When I grew up we used milk fresh from the cows and set it in an open window for an hour or so to catch wild cultures, it only worked in the summer months and it was 'hit and miss' but when it did work it was always a special treat. We called it Dicke Milch.
We now use the Instant Pot to get the same result every time.


You are so precious at the end when you said thank you for joining me in my kitchen. :)
Making yogurt looks easier than I imagined. Thank you for sharing.


Thank you will definitely try it. Is your oven Fahrenheit. Here in South Africa we have celcius


It is great to make that kind of video about simple things! Most people don't even know how little work it represents 😊. I have started making my own yogurts last summer, after years thinking about it! In France, yogurth makers is really easy to find. So I brought one back home ! All I have to do is warm up my milk, mix my ferment in (I do find it too sour for my taste to reuse a previous yogurt) and program the machine. My kids love it! Making my own yoghurt also makes my live easier... I only need to have milk and ferment on hand... Which I can stock upon 😊


Use to make yogurt years ago, would put in a crockpot on warm, kept it at the perfect temperature, unfortunately it quit working and never found one to replace it, they just got to warm. Think I’ll try again, thanks for sharing 😊


Hallo Anja, habe deinen Kanal gerade entdeckt -👍🏼 und abonniert! Habe vor ca. ½ Jahr auch angefangen meinen Joghurt selber zu machen, wirklich einfach und man weiß was drin ist. Dickmilch mache ich auch im Backofen, nur mit dem Licht an hat es die perfekte Temperatur im Backofen. Habe ich mir jetzt einen elektrischen Joghurtbereiter mit Timer gegönnt ;-) jetzt geht´s noch einfacher..
Du hast eine sehr angenehme Art, gefällt mir und es ist sehr entspannend deine Videos zu schauen! Bleib gesund! Beste Grüße von einer Dänin am Niederrhein in NRW 🇩🇪🇩🇰


I love your videos, and I will be making them over the holidays. Merry Christmas to you and your families !!!


Oh, I used to make yogurt for my kiddos. Good memories!


Thanks for the video. The whey leftover can be used in baking rather than discarded.


Excellent, thank you for sharing this. This sounds so easy, I'll be making this for sure.


Thank you, Anja. I haven't done this yet, but I will do so soon!


I have strawberry honey flavored Greek yogurt. Can I use that? And how do you flavor your homemade yogurt?


I love it! Is the temperature of the oven in Celsius or Fahrenheit? Guessing Fahrenheit but just want to be sure. Thanks!


I’ve never seen a thermometer work like that before! You leave the sleeve” on!?!
