Coercive Control And Domestic Abuse, featuring Dr. Christine Cocchiola

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Dr. C interviews Dr. Christine Cocchiola about her vital work with survivors of coercive control. She discusses how people can unwittingly become trapped in coercive relationships, then discusses a multitude of ways to address it therapeutically.

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Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, TX. For 40+ years he maintained a counseling practice in Dallas, conducting more than 65,000 therapy sessions and many workshops and seminars. He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder. Since creating his YouTube channel, his videos have received more than 100 million views.

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This is so true. This gaslighting abuse and coercive control can happen to all people at all levels of society, even to the most intelligent and sensitive person. Sometimes you can become so involved within and by the situation/s that you can't actually see or logically explain what is actually happening in front of you.


I have learned so much from this guest. Be honest with children in a gentle way.


I was a member of a work/trade nonprofit and I was at the home of another member so that I could witness the worst verbal abuse I have seen. I tried to get the wife to read Why Does He DO That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men by Lundy Bancroft but she didn't want to, so I simply left a copy behind me.
Later I ran into her and she thanked me for showing her that the abuse didn't have to be physical to be abusive. I'm glad I could help rescue her.


"They diminish you and elevate themselves". So profound.


Great acronym DARVO. Friends thought we were so lucky in our relationship while I was really lonely. So glad to have my own life now.


Shout out to Team Healthy, Dr Christina & Dr C. ☆☆☆☆☆


This was incredible and so informative. Thank you!!


Isolation can be created by the shame a manipulator instills in the victim & the ensuing self-doubt. And indeed, if the manipulator is more adept at charming, they vacuum up all the favor of shared friends and family, leaving the victim fully without emotional support.


Dr C: I think Dr Christine is my favorite guest you've ever had on your channel. She is so amazing and so excellent. Please have her back!!!!


I especially wanted to learn more about coercive control.
Thank you, Dr C ☀️ and Dr C ☮️


My husband literally said straight out that I shouldn’t trust my instincts. I immediately responded “that’s something a predator would say”


Great guest. Long ago when I was trying to go into training someone said you mean you as wounded want help others? Now I won't work as a client w anyone who doesn't have the experience. Most in natural health became experts from their own illness. Bravo for waking up Dr. C. and sharing. The abuse can be so subtle and profound.


Abused with no bruises.
It’s exactly what happens to us who live with a Covert narcissistic personality disorder. Bruises eventually fade but the emotional damage magnifies as time and abuse goes on.


When I left my abusive spouse, I was so sad to find out, from his escalated abuse and smear campaign, what a correct decision it had been for me to leave.


I love your choice of guests! I can always trust that those people you choose to share the stage with are going to be the real deal...


Thank you so much for bringing these issues to the forefront - you are an asset to the health of the nation.


What an excellent video!! Thank you to both speakers. I've escaped, and am now able to give my autistic adult daughter, a new perspective. It's been so freeing. Giving my daughter the freedom to speak, feely, and challenge me with her own opinions and perspective. It's a work in progress- her father focused and turned her into the scapegoat for almost everything, and she developed her own coping mechanism- total turtling. We are starting to enjoy our lives.


Dr C you were our Uncle and now I declare you as our bro!.. You care so much! ❤Thank you 🙏For all you do! I was so happy to see you are uploading shorts now


Dr Chocchiola your story is my story. I thought the same thing after leaving my abusive marriage. How could I not know I'm being abused because there's no hitting. Thank you so much for sharing your story, especially as a professional. People havea difficult time wrapping their head around that it can happen to professionals as well. TY 🙏


Hearing it gets worse when they leave is so scary but for the children we need to do it
