How To Deal with A Narcissistic Mother in Law | Narcissistic Personality Disorder - NPD

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My MIL is like this.
* Seems nice to everyone
* Talks positively in front of me
* seems to agree with all of your ideas
* speaks so highly of herself
* speaks differently when you’re not around
* spreads lies about you and your kids
* always thinks that you’re taking advantage of her
* always comparing people, such as, their family is more capable of loving my kids than my family does (she does that so smoothly in a calmly and happy manner that
you won’t notice it if you’re not familiar with her schemes.
Does that sound narcissistic?


Best thing I ever did for my family was cut my narcissist MIL out of our lives completely. For years I did like what is recommended in this video. Then she started messing with my kids. My husband tried to manage her but would become physically ill any time he had to confront her. For him, for my kids, and for me, we have zero contact. I’m sure she tries to get in touch with my husband still, he doesn’t tell me about it. Life is so much more peaceful now.


I no longer speak to my MIL, after her third strike. Strike 1: she kidnapped my first-born and the police had to get him back. Strike 2: she turned off the hot water when I was showering and physically assaulted me as I came out of the bathroom. Strike 3: she blamed me for my husband’s clinical depression and lengthy unemployment. She is dead to me.


My MIL is a lonely old hag who tries to make others miserable too, especially me. I can be sitting down looking at my phone and she criticizes me for being on it all the time. I guess she wants me to be staring at walls and floors. I try to avoid being around her.


My Mother in law is very Narcissistic. She does not clean, Her house is filthy and smells. She goes above and beyond to get attention, It does not matter if it's positive or negative she wants that attention. She also plays favorites and gaslights her sons. Recently my Husband got into a little argument with his brother over their mother and when we were over her house she said I heard you and your brother were fighting over me and with a evil smirk on her face she says don't fight over me. She also kisses her adult sons on the lips and rubs their backs very creepily in front of my sister in law and I than stares at us to see if we were watching. Everything has to be all about her and she actually will purposely fall or hurt herself just to get her sons attention. I noticed that she dislikes her one sister and they have a rocky relationship, I suspect that sister knows good and well that she is a Narcissist and has little to no contact with her. I also suspect she secretly does not like me. I work out, Go to church work hard and I am overall empathetic, Happy, loving and caring. She is overweight and would make snide comments about me being thin and on holidays she would always want to cut my cake and give me huge piece on purpose and expect me to finish it.


Yeah, been married for 25 years- this only works temporarily. We are talking about people with a severe mental disorder & no boundaries, regardless of the brick walls you put up. These people are endlessly scheming & coming up with new ways to destroy you, your marriage & kids. They will resort to using others to do it as well. They love when you play these games you are naively trusting, they think you are stupid when you try to do these things…. Because they’ve been through it and done it all many times to others who thought they were being smart too…. They love calling you stupid & love shocking you when they roll right past all this new knowledge you are teaching. Cut them off! Get a divorce if you have to…. But, the games get worst and more criminal the longer it goes on & it never stops because they have a mental disorder!


You don’t deal with it ! You run as fast as you can and haul azz 😂


Thanks a lot for this info. I've been dealing with it for several years already and it's creating so much trouble with our married life. More power on your channel.


#4 but she only does this to me, alone, when no one is present 😢


I put up with it for 13 years because I knew I wanted my children to see it for themselves. I knew if I had stopped access to my children beforehand, she would manipulate the story in the future! They now see it and have chosen for themselves not to engage with her and stop the relationship completely. I have celebrated this fact, and now we are all free from the manipulation 🎉


The best Is puting a long distance, but what about if the son of ths natcissistic mother in-law doesn't want to


Such a wise video. The distancing truly works and I love the fact that she no longer can talk to me (always give her the talk to my hand face) even when we are in the same room. This is asserting the space you are maintaining.


I don't know why, but for some reason I find it extremely grating to look up a video to deal with something incredibly personal and traumatic, and to be talked to by a cold, robot voice that makes no inflection regardless of how traumatic the material is.


How do i become less accessible to her when she gets all information about me and my plans from my husband? Happens all the time. He gives into her. Twlls hers everything. And she knows it.


What if the mother-in-law has been a narcissistic manipulative pathological liar since the time you met her? And in the last year and a half is now showing signs of dementia layered over the dark narcissistic personality. How can you cut off ties with the narcissistic mother-in-law, it was not possible before and now with layered dementia developing, it's next to impossible and also since the son always wanted her close by and to be with her


Wow you said everything correctly..
I do what ever you tell un aware i was doing it right..
I just fallow my instincts and i hold on tight to reality...
I learned to distinguish the real reality and the reality shes building inside me..


It took a while, but married life has been easier once we cut contact with my MIL. I feel bad for my husband, but if she doesn't apologize and change her behavior, then she will never see us or our children again.


It's awful when an elderly mil who's a narcissist actually lives with you.
I spend a LOT of time wearing


It's a great video. However, take into consideration that this happens to men, too.


So how to deal with a MIL in whose house me and my husband stays and they visit us for somedays which may turn into a month too..shes so controlling whenever she stays with us..i feel so depressed..despite my numerous effort my husband doesnt wanna leave that house because it is his repsonsibility to look after his parents property since there is no one else and doesnt wana leave the house empty..but im tired and ready to stay in a rented apartment nearby...its been 3 yrs now husband is really good with me but hes not willing to move out..
