First time Path of Exile when... yeah I'm good

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Josh Strife Hayes gives Path of Exile a try after playing Diablo Immortal. Then he decides to open up the skill tree right after tutorial...

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My problem with the POE skill tree isn't that it's complicated it's that it commits what I consider the cardinal sin of this genre; it forces you to know your whole build before you start instead of experimenting on the way to discover your build by playing.


I still remember the first time I saw this years ago and I just said to myself "This isnt a skill tree, this is a fucking skill forest"


Imagine him learning that this is only one of the skill trees


The passive tree is one of the easiest to comprehend parts of PoE, much harder is figuring out why your 6K life 3 layers of defense, fortify, divergent determination, MoM inquisitor got one shot in T9 map by a blue non-chaos monster.


And this is exactly what Elden Ring did with the map. You can't gauge how much the entire map will be because you cant scroll past the borders you already discovered. You just go "Wait, there's more??" but only after you already discovered that bit. And then the game brings you underground. "EVEN MORE??" It's huge but not dauntingly huge at first and there's no sense of rushing through it as a first time player. Just hide stuff.


If they added some explanation to the skill tree it would be alot easier. Certain bonuses tend to cluster together in a rough sense. For example minion nodes tends to be North and west of the skill tree. Understanding this would make it alot less daunting for newcomers. Of course there's exceptions but as an introduction something explaining that would help


Chris actually said in one of his interviews that they're working on a system that will allow you to see a predefined skill tree/build highlighted and you'll just follow it as a new player. Also the ability to share and import skill trees of other players straight into your game.

That was a few months ago so I guess that's some time away


Honestly though, this is what sold the game for me lmao, I guess different preferences


"Oh! this is the moment everyone stops playing" - Josh (After opening the Skills Tab)

This killed me 🤣


I really really really hope Josh gets so much into PoE, he's going to review and nitpick it and give it all the praise AND the shit it deserves.
- Former player, who still loves the game, but doesn't have time for a second 8 hour job.


100% that was the moment I stopped playing. I always think the FFX sphere grid is a good example of how to do this sort of thing: it shows you enough to know there is depth, but leads you through the early process enough to get your bearings


I had the opposite reaction, I saw the skill tree and thought, "this is the game for me."
Keeps getting better the more you learn too. 3 years in and still loving it!


Crosscode did a similar thing with its skill tree. Obviously it’s way less complex, but you only unlock bits and pieces of it as the story progresses. It’s much more digestible when you have only the “normal element” circuit points to worry about at first, if you were given each element from the getgo you would be very lost.


The shock moment swings both ways. When I first saw the tree, I thought, "Whoa, this is so cool! And they all connect? That's wild!" But someone else could say, "This is way too much to think about for a level 2 character, " and be completely understandable in saying it.


And this "complicated" passive skill tree is actually the last thing you should worry about 😂


I was lucky to have a friend who's played the game for a few thousand hours to guide me through the passive skill tree for what build I said I would have wanted to go for, but otherwise this was my exact same reaction the first time 😂


I played FFX growing up and loved the sphere grid. So seeing POE''s skill tree was actually so interesting to me the first time.


A yes... that skill tree. If Path of Exile is remembered for nothing else, it will be, for that skill tree. 😂 To be fair it is the most similar to a ‘tree’ I’ve ever seen. 😆


when i saw this thing, i wasn't exactly impressed, i was more like "is all of this really necessary? or are most of them just tiny passive damage increases?" I think the only bad thing about this system is that your first character will always be useless, because even if you are watching a guide for a specific build, you need at least some level of experience into the game to actually understand what those guides are saying and what you're actually building.


Idk man, my first time on the tree was the moment the game sold itself to me. It has a clean overview of paths and clusters and the mystery of possibility.
Organised complexity just inspires me.
