DIscovering MAPPING in Path of Exile for the first time

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Come join me as I discover Maps, the endgame of Path of Exile

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My Gear:

Disclaimer: All the insights and theories presented in this video are based on my personal interpretations and may not reflect the official lore or views of the developers.

Background Music: Path of Exile OST

This video presents subjective commentary. Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, fair use allows the inclusion of copyrighted material for purposes such as critique and analysis. All materials used here, including images and audio, are credited to their rightful creators, excluding the original commentary and licensed background music.
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Leave the Karui shores and head to your hideout. You should have access to all the NPCs and the map device from the privacy of your own custom built hideout. It's much more comfy than being in the epilogue town.


Mate tries to avoid all seasonal content for some reason, yet spends all his chaos orbs on Torment...true madman.


Finding 6 links that early into maps is absolutely insane btw. nevermind that you found as many as you did off one monster. PoE "loot goblins" are great.


My man actually got 4x 6 links from his first rare mob in his first map.. then proceeded to leave them on the ground

Peak new player experience right there :P


quick tip, always pick up 6 links, you can sell them to vendors if you don't use them for 20 fusion orbs


This is what I'm so happy about concerning the Path of Exiles community... reading the comments here, so many people taking the time to help explain things and give tips and tricks! You guys friggin rock and I'm really happy to be a part of the community!


You forgot one point on your passive skill tree between duelist start and precision keystone! That one point gives you life and mana leech, that's why you are out of mana all the time, you don't have mana leech.


The unique Champion Kite Shield that dropped for you is rare and quite good for some builds. It is called The Aegis Aurora. Glad you're having fun!


If you hold alt while you hover mouse over a map, it shows whether you have completed it already. It's most useful in Kirak missions, as he often gives you maps you haven't found yet. And completing more maps means more altas passives.

You should try to kill most mobs in a map. No need to run around looking for monsters if there are under 50 remaining, but you should kill most packs. Comparing to D4, maps are kind of like nightmare dungeons, you do them mostly for loot. And there are various league mechanics that increase amount of loot you get and often give some items that you can only get from said mechanic. For example breach (purple hands you found twice) spawns a bunch of additional monsters (more items and exp) and you get breach splinters and breach rings.

Most league mechanics also have some form of a boss/hard content. In case of breach, it's breachlords, access to whom you get by collecting breach splinters. Breachlords drop uniques that you can't get anywhere else. For expeditions (explosive placement) you sometimes get logbooks, which have more expedition, expedition lore and expedition bosses. All 10 "main" mechanics work like that. Basically, you do them and if you like that mechanic and do it a lot, you sometimes can do better version of that mechanic.
You also have essences, strongboxes, rogue exiles and tormented spirits. They spawn in maps, but do not have their own endgame, although all of these are rewarding. (rogue exiles not so much)


"People tell me this is where the end-game really begins. That anything before this didn't even scratch the surface. I wonder what that what is the incentive?." - A man walking into a decade+ of high cadence updates and content.


Please tell me you didn't leave the 4 six links on the ground...


That was interesting to see newcomer in maps, and I agree that it's quite complicated. I try to collect here few tips:
- 6-links collect always those, those are really good to have, don't vendor them but keep in stash so if you make another character you get right away 6-linked item for it.
- For start I would recommend not to use map crafting at (when you put map you can select for example Fortune Favours the Brave) at start because Chaos orbs (what those cost) are common currency in trade.
- When doing maps, "white" maps needs to be magic quality, yellow maps needs to be rare quality and red maps needs to rare + corrupted (Using vaal orb on them).
- Items can 3 prefixes and 3 suffixes, I recommend enabling in Options -> Ui -> In items section, Show Full Description, that helps to see how many prefixes and suffixes you have, and then craft in crafting bench something good for yourself in spare slots.
- Atlas Passives, I would recommend taking Essences and as many maps passives (more map drops) as you can at first


the whole time i was just wishing he would put that one point into the mana leech lmao


The fact he got aegis kinda cracks me lmao


The things you've been calling "seasonal content" are not seasonal content, those are all core features that were implemented into the game permanently after first being introduced in a league. And that applies to many things you don't realize- shrines, strongboxes, tormented spirits, ascendancy classes, were all league mechanics once. Don't ignore these things, they are important parts of the game and your progression. The actual league mechanic for the current league is something you should be doing now too, once you reach maps is when you are supposed to start doing it.


okay, tormented spirits can ''touch'' normal and magic mobs (they get the little flame above their head) and possess rares and uniques, the former gives some small bonuses both to their attacks (or adding additional effects like them exploding on death) as well as their rewards, while the ladder can give them big boosts to specific drops, like make the mob drop a lot of currency or drop corrupted items.

you would ideally try to get them to posses rares or uniques if possible, cause killing them in their spirit form doesn't give any good loot really.


first map, 4 6-links right at the start
meanwhile, I drag my feet to red maps with a godamn tabula


All of us PoE players currently laughing because we knew once you started your first play through that you'd end up enjoying the game a lot. If people can make it through the first few acts they typically really start to enjoy the game, I know I did. I'm still a noob (250hrs) so tons to learn still but its just an amazing game.


It wasn't until this video I consciously realized you could just sit in Kirac's war room forever instead of going to your hideout like a normal person


1 you can install the map device in your hideout
2 portals in map works another way than in campaign, they never close.
It's good idea to use portal scroll before bossfight
