The Dutch culture (shock)... How to deal with the Dutch?
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How to deal with the Dutch? Expats in the Netherlands about the Dutch culture... and Dutch directness.
Did you experience culture shock after moving to the Netherlands?
In this video: Dutch language students from different countries tell about their experiences with Dutch people, the Dutch culture, and Dutch habits.
What did they go through when they moved to the Netherlands, meeting Dutch people... Facing Dutch reality... #dutchculture
These Dutch learners tell about:
- Dutch directness
- The Dutch culture shock!
- How Dutch people put everything in their agendas
- That Dutch people don't like to share a lot
- The importances of speaking Dutch as a foreigner
- How to integrate?
There is 1 mistake in the video: 'Katrina from Greece' should be 'Katerina from the US'
Video made by Bart de Pau and Nicolas Balbontin and the students of the BLC Dutch Winter School.
Time to learn Dutch?
(to learn Dutch online)
(intensive Dutch language courses in Summer)
(intensive Dutch language courses in Winter)
Did you experience culture shock after moving to the Netherlands?
In this video: Dutch language students from different countries tell about their experiences with Dutch people, the Dutch culture, and Dutch habits.
What did they go through when they moved to the Netherlands, meeting Dutch people... Facing Dutch reality... #dutchculture
These Dutch learners tell about:
- Dutch directness
- The Dutch culture shock!
- How Dutch people put everything in their agendas
- That Dutch people don't like to share a lot
- The importances of speaking Dutch as a foreigner
- How to integrate?
There is 1 mistake in the video: 'Katrina from Greece' should be 'Katerina from the US'
Video made by Bart de Pau and Nicolas Balbontin and the students of the BLC Dutch Winter School.
Time to learn Dutch?
(to learn Dutch online)
(intensive Dutch language courses in Summer)
(intensive Dutch language courses in Winter)