Antagonist Supersets Are AMAZING!

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You want efficient & effective workouts?
Antagonist supersets are the answer.

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Disclaimer: AlphaDestiny is not a doctor or a medical professional. Always consult a physician before starting any exercise program. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. AlphaDestiny will not assume any liability for direct or indirect losses or damages that may result from the use of information contained in this video including but not limited to economic loss, injury, illness or death.

#Workcapacity #Supersets #GPP
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Back when I was a college athlete and Freerunner/Calisthenics athlete Antagonistic Supersets were all I did.
I was literally a workhorse. I basically never got tired physically. That plus sprints, random parkour runs and martial arts let me push myself to the point of staying up working 2 jobs, riding my bike to work each way, one job was mentally taxing (teaching) and that was after I was physically taxed from the first.
I credit these kinds of Giant sets to that immense work capacity.

It’s humbling to return to it after a long period off.


After trying out antagonist supersets and non-competing giant sets in 2016, I've never stopped using them. Their efficiency is unmatched and they're included in every program I write. My general population people love how quickly they can get an effective workout done and my athletes love how much volume they can do in a training session. The first couple weeks of using them could be tough for some people with low work capacity, but that rises quickly, and then the resistance training ensures that even people who hate doing designated cardio consistently maintain a healthy level of conditioning.


This is how I’ve been training for a while now. Usually do exercises in the same plane of motion. IE vertical press, vertical pull, horizontal press horizontal pull. Works great and lowers the workout times.


I'm 63 and have been training this way for 25 years. For lower body, though, I pair squats with dragon flags because the DF activates a good stiff torso for a well-braced squat. I pair RDLs with hanging straight leg raises where I touch the pullup bar with my feet, to get some good hip flexor work that opens what the DL compresses. Chins with OHP, bench with row, etc. I do include rotational or anti-rotational work with my upper body antagonist pairs to get a giant set sometimes, thank you Mr. Alsruhe. The alternating expansion and contraction in the joints is another benefit worth mentioning: it's like a pump for synovial fluid. My pulse, respiration, blood pressure, and body temperature are all low for a person any age. I credit this training method. Thanks Alpha!


For accessories these are the way to go!! Time saved in the gym is extra time for living life and recovering


Little is said about how Alex has improved his technique in ring dips


I started doing this at the beginning of the year, and I've progressed like never before


💯 Agree! I use antagonist supersets in most of my workouts as it’s VERY time efficient to have active rest periods working opposing muscle groups, & it can even keep your HR up a bit as an additional benefit.


Have pretty much only been training in super/giant set format since I started watchin Brian some two years ago. It just makes sense and now I'd find it boring with more "conventional" formatting.

Brian is the GOAT (no offence Alex, you're very high up the list too)


That is the way I've been training for a while now. It's a huge time saver and it really works great for gains too! Even better when I group all the agonist-antagonist sets in one giant total body set with no rest in between and make it a circuit (slightly lower loads, though) repeating the whole group 4-5 times with a 2-minute rest in between rounds: a real killer (I'm 60 yrs old!), but it sure saves time! Great info, as usual!! Forgot! At the end of every agonist-antagonist set, I also squeeze in a set of some abs exercise so I make sure not to skip on core workouts.... 👍🏽


I don't have weights and time, so I do 300 pushups - 150 dips- 150 pullups (10-5-5) back-to-back sub 45 minutes, 3-4 times per week, the other days I usually run about 7km to 10 km for leg. Getting healthy is simple, don't make it complicated guys :)


Chin up and dips are such a classic I always do them


The built in cardio plus the muscles blow up like balloons from all the blood flow. Love this method of training.


This video is great. I like how you build upon your other recent video on rest times with this compromise and advice


I do that without knowing it's name 😂


Switched to this recently from Push/Pull/Legs... Love it so much


I've been programming this since 2018. Bench press / Rows and DLs / Standing OHP is the jam and then tri extensions / bicep curls and front delt raises / rear delt flies. You do this 3x a week and you get incredible volume.


The ring dips at the beginning were amazing. Incredible strength


I don't know the scientific reasons or so, but when I do one chest exercise+one back exercise and one ab exercise as a superset each set takes 2-2:30minutes of total time. I looked significantly leaner even at the same bodyweight.


I’ve been doing this and getting great workouts.

I typically superset like this


Inverted rows

Calf raises

Leg raises
Bicep curls
