Ionic 6 - Enable mobile GPS - Capacitor geolocation - get user current location | Uber eats app Ep 9

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Hello Friends, Welcome Back to @CodingTechnyks. In this video, we are going to fetch user current location by enabling mobile GPS if its off for our Uber eats clone app using #ionic #angular for #android & #ios.
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► Features:-
Capacitor Geolocation with Location Accuracy to fetch user current location and enable mobile GPS if off
Empty Screen Component
Search Page UI
Swiperjs banners and cards
Custom Tabs Layout
Firebase 9 - Email based Authentication
Configure firebase functions, Firestore, Storage in Ionic project
Onboarding Screens with Animated slides in the background
Log In Screen
Sign Up Screen
With proper Form Validation & Error messages
Ionic Page Components
Ionic Service
Ionic Capacitor 3 Storage Plugin
Ionic Guards including Auth Guard.
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► Credits
Onboarding screen images:
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► Udemy Course on Ionic Coupon Code
► Features:-
Capacitor Geolocation with Location Accuracy to fetch user current location and enable mobile GPS if off
Empty Screen Component
Search Page UI
Swiperjs banners and cards
Custom Tabs Layout
Firebase 9 - Email based Authentication
Configure firebase functions, Firestore, Storage in Ionic project
Onboarding Screens with Animated slides in the background
Log In Screen
Sign Up Screen
With proper Form Validation & Error messages
Ionic Page Components
Ionic Service
Ionic Capacitor 3 Storage Plugin
Ionic Guards including Auth Guard.
► Social Media
► Credits
Onboarding screen images:
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