Improve MSFS Performance*How to dial in your Settings for the BEST MSFS Experience using FPS Tool

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Optimize your Microsoft Flight Simulator settings for the best performance using the FPS tool in the sim. This tutorial will guide you through the process and help you tailor your settings to your specific PC setup. This tutorial is for all gpu's amd and nvidia as well as gtx and rtx cards. I will not be going over frame generation for the 40 series cards for that you know you need dx12 and hags mode turned on. In this guide i will touch on different scenarios depending on the gpu and the performance you are getting. The main goal in the video is to match the gpu latency with the cpu latency doing it this way both hardware devices will be running at the same speed and this will eliminate stutters. I will show you what settings to change in the sim to help achieve the balance that you need and everyone's system settings will be completely different so i ask that you post your settings in the comments with your specs as this may help out others to get a starting point if what i go over doesn't do the trick. This is a very complex guide and will take your attention so you don't miss anything and i suggest that when you get to the settings part that you don't skip because to talk about different things during testing. If you have any questions p[lease let me know in the comments. A very big thank you to our Captain's Club Members for your monthly support , it goes a long way. And thank you to all of our subscribers and commenters !
Make sure to like share and sub to the channel thanks for watching!

My Pc Specs
I9 10850k Overclocked 5.1ghz all core 1.3vlts
32gb ram 14clk and 1.45vltz
1000 watt psu
rtx3080ti Overclocked +206 and undervolted to 850mv
32 inch 4k monitor running at 2560x1440 resolution in the sim

***********Link Section***************
************Time Stamp Section***************
00:00 start
00:31 Disclaimer
01:59 how to access the fps tool in msfs
03:55 going over the fps counter info
05:36 setting up for testing
08:14 What the fps tool should look like in the limited box and latency
10:43 Monitor resolution and what to expect
12:20 Setting all settings to medium except a couple that i go over
17:20 Goal of using the fps tool
18:42 Image quality testing
25:26 Final conclusion on what setting is best for you
25:35 How to balance the gpu and cpu latency
27:02 How monitor size and resolution place a big factor in gpu latency
28:19 Adjusting settings Don't skip this section lots of good info throughout
41:39 Dx12 testing
43:40 Credits

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Рекомендации по теме

This is by far the most useful guide to understanding how to use the graphics settings I have seen. Up to now I’ve been working in the dark. Great job


I hardly ever comment but you deserve it. This has been, hands down, the best bit of advice I’ve ever received for MSFS performance management. I was pulling my hair out. Bought a brand new top of the line PC just for MSFS and was left completely dismayed how much of a stutter fest it was. I would be on the ground in payware aircraft, at payware airports at 60-70 FPS, fly along at 90-100 FPS but as soon as I tried to land or takeoff, I would get massive stutters. I just couldn’t work it out. Dropping my settings did nothing and mostly I had good FPS, ruined by stutters.

Turns out all I needed to do was jack my render scaling to 150 after watching your video! My GPU latency was down at 8ms and my CPU was 14ms.

End result? My sim, still with everything on ultra, looks even better due to that render scaling at 150 delivering me more than 4K resolution and that has forced my GPU latency up to around the same as my CPU and it runs like butter. This is without even turning on things like frame gen (which I don’t need with performance like this)

Cannot thank you enough! The number of people who just tell you to lower your terrain LOD (which did nothing - I just got a higher FPS and the same stuttering). Microsoft should point everyone towards your tutorial!


Bloody awesome. I have read so many threads over the years with people talking about this, but always at some high level. I get on and ask some basic question to try to get an understanding but am usually ignored. This my friend is gold. Thank you so much.


I have to recognize the high professional level in every aspect we found in your channel. what is remarkable besides the quality of the information is how you handle the tone of your voice and the speed of your speech. On here, most if not all of the contributors that provide technical information they miss. Someone who tries to educate or just share information must keep in mind that the mission is not for exclusive people who belong to a specific race or ethnicity. You considered the different scenarios and was clear that the result may varies depending of the rig of each users. Congratulation on this fantastic presentation !


I’ve spent 3 years trying to identify why I was getting micro stutters, specifically in VR on the ground and taxi turning. I’ve followed numerous and dubious recommendations from snake oil salesmen. But this has made everything clear and solved my problems. Thanks so much for your analytical and clear advice in this video.


I was just changing slides after looking at some videos, but this one is the best one I've seen so far. All with a logical and theorical base. Thank you very much.


thank you so much for doing this, . I had been stumbling around changing settings with no real idea what I was doing, with your help I have vastly increased the quality and frame rate of my sim. You sir are awsome!


Years of trying to figure it out, I never understood the balancing between CPU and GPU and never really understood what I was looking at with the FPS display. My graphics have never looked so good free from stutters. Now it's time to see if this transfers to VR which has been giving me grief. I knew this 4080 i713700 combo could do it. I'm at 84fps and my CPU/GPU is balanced at exactly 11.6/11.7 with 4.5 vram in use. It's unbelievable. I guess I could up some more but I don't see how it can get better. I'm rendering 6656x1871 on my super ultrawide. I never understood rendering either until now. New subscriber


I recently bought a 4090/14900K/NVME-only system just for FS2020 and on the pristine build I was facing massive stuttering. On the dev-mode FPS counter, there were huge red spikes every 0.6 seconds even though the system was capable of over 70fps at 4K. Fortunately I was able to track this down to a process called "Nvidia Share" that is started in the background whenever you enable the in-game overlay in Nvidia Experience, which is part of the full package installed from a Nvidia. Once disabled I was able to tweak and adjust settings using techniques similar to this excellent guide you have made. Thank you for sharing this video.


I want it extremely thank you for this YouTube video. I have been dealing with so many problems trying to get the best optimization and understanding the FPS counter in the top right corner. I'm still using an old 3900x ryzen and a 6750 XT graphics card. I do have it hooked to a 4K TV and my vram has always seemed to be just pegged out at 12 gigs or higher never crashed but it just stuttered so much. I'm now getting 70 FPS crystal clear imaging. Decent detail far as distance wise and running on the 4K and it barely scratches over 8000 vram. The game is so much more enjoyable to fly. Always been a big aviation person so this makes it so much more enjoyable now. Granted I tried it out in the Houston area away from everything. I still got to try it in a highly developed City, but I feel like there shouldn't be any issue just because I have so much. Headroom to take in all the details.

Thank you


Thanks for that far, is the best video tutorial in youtube, to optimize the MFS 2020.
In my case, using the Fenix A320, i went from 25-30fps with Dx11 to 35-45fps with Dx12, with 25ms of main thread and Gpu latency.
My Pc spec: 16Gb RAM, RTX3060 and AMD Ryzen 5600X 6-Core Processor 3.70 GHz.
Very Thankful.


Fantastic info, especially on which settings affect the CPU latency and GPU latency. So helpful. Thank you for sharing with the viewers.


This has been the best tutorial for performance in MSFS I’ve ever seen. I’ve learned more in this compared to every video I’ve seen! One thing for me is that I limit my frames to 30fps cause i honestly don’t need 60fps for this game. Also it runs my my GPU hot for obvious reasons and it heats my room up quite a bit lol so for me my GPU is in the 25ms range since I’m limiting BUT I used to not get a solid 30 fps at times but now it seems way more stable. The screen resolution thing really helped me out cause I could never understand the science behind it.


Okay…..this has been the BEST video to date. Having a better understanding of how setting directly affect not only fps, bit the balance between CPU and GPU is really helpful. I went in and made some changes, and compromises, for my personal setup. oLOD and tLOD are HUGE in affecting main thread. Im running a 4070 with an i7-13700 and still have to make significant compromises to settings. HOWEVER….it is much smoother now, which is really important


This video showed me something that, after 4 years of fighting bad FPS, I was able to kill 95% of the stutters. I have a rippin' system with a 4090 and 13900 CPU. This showed me WHAT to look for and WHAT to balance. This all comes down to getting the GPU and CPU to match in Milliseconds. Be patient and go thru this step by step and it SHOULD help you understand the balance needed to make this crap software work. Small RANT here.... We should NEVER have been forced to only use ONE CORE and then now 4 CORES when you have 24. MS and ASOBO hosed everyone IMHO. Great job on the video dude!


Thanks so much for sharing this with everyone. This really helps with issues I was having. There are streamers out there that hide their settings behind a pay wall. You, Sir, are a true gentleman


What an excellent video! Thank you so much for this my friend. I had low FPS and stuttering on a fairly decent machine (i7-13700F at 2.10 GHz, 32 GB 5600 RAM and Nvidia GeForce 4060 graphics card). Come to find out, I was CPU constrained. Because of you and this video, I am now running MSFS at a GPU/CPU balance of about 11ms and steady frame rates at 60-80 FPS. Subscribed!


With this video I understand how to use the FPS developer tool to balance my system (5800X3D, RTX4090). Now it run‘s quite balanced, what it did never before. I got my CPU and GPU quite close to each other, CPU 13, 7 and GPU 15.
BUT due to flying only in VR I balanced it in VR. This was the second key to success. Thank you for this ✌️


Fantastic content really de- mystified the whole balancing between GPU/CPU Thank You,


An absolutely great video shedding some light on the most tricky parts of optimising a system, thanks. I'll be trying out some of these for certain as I'm pushing my setup to it's limit but didn't know the effects of these settings on each other.
