Why do women have male friends?

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I’m just a normal girl having 1 normal guy friend and this dude straight up called me an attention seeker and a manipulative person bruh


I agree, the friend zone is for losers.


They also keep thise male friends as backup mates if their relationship fails. And also they get free protection from the friend without giving anything in return


No, they have male friends as a backup in case their relationship goes sideways


I think most people use word "friend" very lightly. When I say friend I mean someone that I know and care about. We help each other in difficult moments and we talk and give advice both ways.
Haveing people who just say that Im preaty would make me cringe and uncomfortable.
So don't be afreid to be friends with some girls. Just make sure that you are real friend and not just replaceable mascot to cheer her up.


I am a woman. My best friend is a man. We're friends bc we grew up together and have lots in common. We build each other up. You know? Relationships do not always work. Friendships work.


I am a female, and I can say that what this male is saying does NOT apply to all women. So, you being an intelligent man, will have to remind yourself about THIS reality and gemeralizing is a BIG mistake against yourself as a man, and against women who dont fall into the category of what this guy describes.

I am going to point out some things for you to consider:
Women who have brothers and they get along with and have experienced protection and support from them
... have great attitude and understanding about males that are healthy!

The above women i mention growing up with brothers, normally are also friends with their male friends and know the boundaries that need be between a man and a woman far more than others who dont.

I have brothers only, I am the eldest of us sibblings, i have always had male friends inside and outside of the circle of my brothers' friends.

I am more confident, brave and sharp thanks to them pointing things out and my careful observations and experiemces.

There is no need to get anybody's validation, and only very insecure women need to seek that in her male friends, which also speaks volumes of those male friends' feeding the lack in those women...

My male friends, as they got married, our relationship also faded away and that is natural and healthy, it never stopped me from making new friends in the male circle but today... most men use NOT their brain and it has become a real challenge to meet men that dont play games!!

The time comes for everyone to wake up anf make changes!


You can't call it a true friendship if y'all aren't saying the worst insults to each other 🤦‍♂️


I've male friends because all my hobbies are more popular amongst men. They don't shower me with anything...


100% facts. Some women have a fan club of nothing but men telling them how gorgeous and beautiful they are. Simping is at an all time high.


I was at the gym today and noticed this girl working out with a couple of guys. At one point she told one of them “thank you for validating my feelings” so I see your point here.


This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen: I have male friends because my masters degree is dominated by men and have the same hobbies terrible. What a terrible generalisation. Pls explain why men have female friends is it because they are insecure about themselves? 😂


Men and and women can be friends only if they found eachother unattractive.


so why do men have female friends? isnt that entire point of friends? to enjoy each others company?


I have a male friend and he barely pays attention to me or gives a compliment nor gives me a gift💀💀


I think those guys how give the particular type of girl unique compliments and stuff they are simps who try to get her to the only option is to respect your self and leave🚶🏻‍♂️thanks allot men I've learnt a lot💯❤


“Hey guys, I’m a guy but I’m gonna tell you how women think..”.


And when this friendzoned friend finally finds a woman who feels attracted to him those women usually get competitive and subtly mean to the new woman. I tell that from experience of having been the girlfriend to friendzoned men.


World is so messed up
When you know people for their heart gender doesn't matter
If you all know to keep enough space and stay in friends limits
Have clear boundaries
Leave it
Not many people know
