How You Know You're in Love: Epigenetics, Stress & Gender Identity | Karissa Sanbonmatsu | TEDxABQ

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This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Social interactions alter DNA (‘epigenetics’). Revealing how her own gender transition led her down the path of epigenetics, Scientist Karissa Sanbonmatsu takes us on a journey to DNA rave parties and the science of love. Following Laverne Cox, Geena Rocero and Janet Mock, Dr. Sanbonmatsu comes out as a transgendered woman in her talk. She argues that long RNA molecules (DNA’s molecular cousins) may unlock the secrets of epigenetics and someday help with autism, addiction and Alzheimers'.

About TEDx, x = independently organized event In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations)
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This is interesting and inspiring topic. When you falling in love, all the impossible things become possible, your way of thinking turns into positive things. You can't really explain the feeling of being in love. That feeling is the best feeling that everyone could be experienced.


These type of speeches fascinate me. I'm glad to see I'm not the only trans person who is enamored. Amazing job Dr. Sanbonmatsu, your speech completely captivated me.


Being a critic is easy. Being authentic and outspoken takes courage. Congrats! 


Your explanation of biochemistry is a gift especially when you highlighted how RNA is different from DNA. Thank you for your talk.


I watched the whole video and was upset at the end when there wasn't an answer


Calm, controled voice. She is an awesome speaker.


In many ways, how much you miss a person reflects how interdependent your lives have become. If you are questioning whether you love someone, perhaps consider how much you miss him or her when you’re apart.
I made a video in my channel about 5 signs of being in love you can watch it


Wasn't the kind of talk I was expecting, but you're amazing! Keep it up.


Karissa, I was at the event and was so inspired by your presentation! I'm inspired by you personally and professionally and appreciate the journey you so courageously and compassionately walk. To do this research that is so cutting edge and furthers tests the boundaries of what traditional science has thought is inspiring. To do this as a transgender person is beyond inspiring. Thank you and You Go Girl!!!


One of the best Ted talks I've ever seen. Great presentation and personality!


Karissa, as a transgender woman who is not out full-time and as a science student and as an aspiring engineer, it is easy to become overwhelmed and intimidated by the idea of being transgender in a culture of predominantly men who seem to demand evidence in all things.  I had, in fact, recently become convinced that I would never be accepted as my authentic, actual self, due in part to an apparent lack of solid scientific evidence that transgenderism is not a choice.  Disclaimer: this line of thinking may have been hatched during a particularly unpleasant bout of dysphoria...  Your example is inspiring and uplifting to someone who is struggling with Calculus (yeah, I'm that girl) not to mention love, and on top of it convinced that she'll never fit in among scientists.  It's so cool that you decided to come out on stage at a TEDx event.  That is an *epic* coming out story.

Also, epigenetics sounds like an amazing field of study.  Continue to rock!


Great job! I am going to show a part of this to my make epigenetics a little easier to understand...lets hope it helps my students too!


That was an amazing presentation !!! Dr.Sanbonmasu with all my heart and sincerity....applaud and admire you....and your research ! Beautiful !! It touched me...made me realize something about me, and my life in general.
Past 3 years I realized I have depression, actually longer at least 10 years . But just in the last 3 years got some help.When I started to get suicidal thoughts, it became worse, to the point of planning it.I decided to get help, during one of the sessions with my psychiatrist we hit this topic.I recall maybe falling in love maybe 2-3 times, I've been in my relationship for 15-20 yrs we have 2 kids( son:10, daughter: teenager 15) I have been with lots of women, all over single and during my relationships not proud to say I've always been unfaithful, and suffered consequences.I'm sad to say I lost my love for my common- law, and probably never did love her.Don't get me wrong ...I will always take care of her and kids for the rest of our lives support her and kids in any way....after all she will always be the mother of my only kids.
Sadly the main reason I never asked her to marry me, I'm always looking for love everywhere else, I also realized that I always have trouble with love affection, stress, feelings, etc..and this stems, way mother and father. They never showed any affection, communication, stress etc...towards each other, or my brother and I. I'm repeating the pattern just like they did with their parents, from all the family stories I dad, grandfather, great grandfather, acted the same way I did.
I try to be different...with my kids at first I was cold, but then swore to my self, I don't want to be like my parents and now I adore them not a day goes by when I don't hug them, kiss them, tell them how proud I am of them, how much I love them, ask them if they have any problems, and always kiss and tuck them at night.My son is affectionate, hugs, kisses, daughter on the other hand is the opposite. I guess she has my gene and since she's the oldest, see's her mom and I cold, no affection, etc... and sadly picking up traits, examples, learning from us ?


I can't even begin to understand the hate directed towards someone solely because he or she is transgender. Very disappointing.


This woman is a genius. C:
An awesome genius.


Gave me goosebumps - you can feel the love. Great audience


Karissa, it has been a joy to be a witness to your brilliance!  This kind of authentic talk saves lives.  xoxo Kathe 


Learn to listen. When she talks. Stop everything. Turn around and listen. The rest does not matter. When your at a gathering. Lots of people. And after 33 years you wonder where they are? They go shopping. And running late getting home. You call. I was worried. Are you ok? These are just a fraction of the things that define love. Life is hard. It's a lot better when you share it with someone. I'm the luckiest guy in the world.


Absolutely brilliant and captivating!  Thanks for helping people understand.  As a physician who is also a transgender woman, we have so much to do to educate the public about who we are.  Talks like yours will help very much.  


I think you did a great job! It's a funny, adorable and awesome TED talk. I appreciate you!
