Lee Smolin - How Complexity and Emergence Create a Cosmos?

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The universe began as a simple hot bath of particles and forces. How then the vast diversity of things we find on earth today? Much depends on the principles of 'complexity' and 'emergence'. What are they? How does each work and how do they work together?

Lee Smolin is an American theoretical physicist, a researcher at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, and an adjunct professor of physics at the University of Waterloo. He is best known for his work in loop quantum gravity.

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lee smolin needs to do some posterior strengthening exercises, his posture is terrible! not his postulates though, those are great.


I love this channel! Keep up the great work.


I like Lee Smolin, doesn't say he knows the answers, but has an intuition of what is required for better answers than we know so far.


I have been a Lee Smolin fan since The Trouble With Physics.


I've liked this video before I've even watched it, such is my faith in Lee's ability to deliver. I love the idea of evolving universe's giving birth to baby universe's through black holes. Hope he talks a bit about it...here goes !!!


The problem with every question regarding the universe is it’s always followed by…and what came before 🤔


Help us Lee Smolin, you’re our only hope.


It hit me the other day, there is ridiculous simplicity at the fundamental level - seriously ridiculous. Everywhere else it is chaotically complex, but take any small bit of matter and zoom in, zoom in so extraordinarily far in that you cannot comprehend how vastly removed you have become from everything else you might know, and the things that you observe at this level is homogenous with little variation compared with other bits of matter throughout the universe? This idea that everything is built on simple blocks that can be configured in different ways is intuitive, but maybe it's incorrect, maybe everything is infinitely complex, even at lower levels, we've just grasped onto the patterns we can fathom. Perhaps my thinking is flawed.


But a biological system (an embryo), at birth doesn't carry its lifelong sustenance with it, whereas, by definition I think a cosmological system (a universe) does. A huge disparity, is it not? Unless our universe is "feeding" on something disconnected to itself.


There's no fine tuning problem. We're injecting the idea that the numbers could be any different, artificially expanding their boundaries. Who's to say it's just the way it is because that's the only way it could be? It's either that or a multiverse type of concept if the laws are indeed not truly fixed. What doesn't make sense is a single universe only with those laws being open... but they don't have to be.


I want to download full interviews. How and where to download?


There are no such things as particles, you can't produce pull(gravity) with particles. Only with an extended medium connecting all objects can you have gravity.

Forces, fields, time, space, mass, and energy are all concepts. They are not things.

Every video on this channel is filled with nonsense.

Any rational people reading this join us at Rational Science.


To make an emergence with complexity itself is astounding. This is possible only by Allah, the Almighty. Allah is great.


It is foolish to believe, that 'Complexity and Emergence created Cosmos', Mr. Kuhn.
Wrong perspective.


Why don't scientists consider there 2 historical regions universe...the crunching blue shifts region and expanding red shift region? If that is the case, in the long term, the crunching region is moving toward reduced complexity and the expanding region is moving toward greater freedom.

Perhaps the stages are set up for the doom day....the crunching zone will be heated hells for arrogant souls and the expanding region will be heavens for Godly humble souls.


In my opinion, Smolin's cosmological natural selection theory is probable, and well explains find tuning.


Life follows the patterns and laws of the universe, because it is the universe. To say you need to study and use terminology related to biological systems to talk about the complexity and evolution of the universe is almost backwards. Biological systems exist the way the are because that’s a property and pattern of the universe.


So from the point he said gases I was done.
So if something comes from nothing then gases are something so until you give me a symbolic understanding of what gases represent in the transformation of thought into thought sensory prior to this understanding your point can be concluded in many algorithmic notations and yet no point of conception can be found only its afterbirth tou thinking the bigbang is physical in its exterior


Do the probabilities of quantum fields require complexity?


very good

Longitude 127 Seoul Okinawa Soul Axis -- Bahai Faith Rael
Jesus Huh kyung young
Great aletheia
