How do you balance learning multiple instruments at once?

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How do you balance learning multiple instruments at once?

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It's a great point you made about how there's a difference between LEARNING an instrument and MASTERING an instrument.

I'm kind of an oddball in terms of my skills and knowledge. I play guitar but I'm mostly a rhythm player which is fine with me. I play piano which helped the most in learning music theory but I'm not a virtuoso that can play classical pieces or complicated stuff. Drums I've played the longest and is probably my strongest instrument but I know the least amount of theory for it. I don't get into crazy time signatures or complicated subdivisions.

Each instrument gives me joy and a unique sense of creativity. You don't need to play like Mozart, Eddie Van Halen, or Neil Peart to be a musician. I love the following quote because it applies to me: “a jack of all trades is a master of none but often times better than a master of one.”


Change playback speed to 1.5x, thank me later


Hey Ross! I’m in my senior years now. Easily gramma age to you. I just felt like saying this is awesome work you’re doing & I am proud of you. & Thanks!❤️😊


Great advice, especially the part about getting to where you want to be with it. I mainly play the piano but I also wanted to play a 2nd instrument and my family is getting me a guitar and it's great but I wasn't sure about what to do to play them to my liking, since I really want to focus on the piano. Now I've got an idea about what to do, thanks to you.


I'm so glad I found your channel! your teaching style is perfect for me, thank you Ross!


Nice advices Ross! What abot memorizing lot of repertoire for each instrument and NOT FORGETTING IT. That's also an issue... Thanks!


I'm a pretty good sax player after years of practice and im also trying to learn piano and guitar at the same time but it is a pain. I'm not trying to be a a performer but I do love music and it is something I'm naturally good at. I was always frustrated in art class cause I was horrible and no matter how much effort I put it I sucked. But when I tried playing instruments it was so natural. It was a bit hard at first to learn but it came so natural and I was so happy that I found a way to express myself in an art form. I'm barely a sophomore in hs and im taking concert and jazz band to learn music theory even though it doesn't make sense to me. I just learn chords and notes and how to read them on a paper and I'm good to go.


Thank you for the video.
I being a Muslim man did feel guilty and it felt like I was in Polygamous relationship with my musical instruments, polygamy and Muslims aren't well received, ( humorous intentions).
Your video has given the Peace of mind I needed


first, your videos are very good and a source of my overall knowledge in guitar so thanks for that.
my question is- how do i build a practice routine? i play the piano and the guitar on my own but i cant really build a routine for them


Nice tips, above all couting the repetitions. I want to practice more in 2020 ;)


My brother can play recorder, flute, piccolo, piano, cello, viola and guitar, every new instrument he picks up, he can play reasonably well within weeks, to months and while he is good with woodwinds, it's his ability with strings that I found incredible, I always wanted to play the guitar and the violin but it's a struggle, he picks up cello, viola and guitar with little effort, it's only now that I am trying to drill theory into my head that progress is picking up with guitar, still want a violin, practicing both and playing different styles, might help in some way to play different instruments! Giving up my frets scares me tho! lol, hard enough without learning arbitrary positions by muscle memory alone!


Sorry for my bad English, but WOW I was trying so hard to find some help practicing 2 instruments, and I FINALLY found the video that I needed to know about all that time! Thank you so much, keep it up! (:


Well I want to make Metal so the guitar I will master, vocals too, & for bass, good enough, drums, either good enough or a drum machine.


Sorry for the poor audio quality on this one, I didn't realize my mic wasn't on heh


I watch everything other than playing at 2x… and was confused for a min thinking I was at 1x on this video.


Hi . I am wondering if i am learning/practicing 3 instruments, Is it ok to do one each day instead of having to do all 3 everyday ? i think this will help with focus and time management better as i dont have long hours to practice because of work, but i am not sure if it will be effective?


in my honest opinion, everybody should have a didgeridoo
and a guitar


Great content Ross. Cab you make a cideo about voice and singing? You mention you do exercises and I would like to learn that too


I started learning electric guitar with a teacher about a month and a half ago is it wise to start learning bass at home alone?


Oh I have a reason to use ableton for its looping function
