Michael Brown and The NAR & Christian Nationalism Document

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Another document that attempts to disassociate members of the Nar from the Nar.

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#NewApostolicReformation #Nar #MichaelBrown #FalseTeachers #FalseProphets #FalseApostles
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Before I came to Christ I used to come across Mike Brown’s radio program while driving home from work. He’s seemed very educational, interesting and enjoyed the tone he would speak in. He caught my ear. After I accepted Christ in my life I sought out his programs and by the grace of the Holy Spirit I felt something was off. I pretty much forgot about him but through your channel and by you exposing him I am grateful to the Holy Spirit and I thank you for all your hard work revealing the truth. God bless you and your family always


NAR is also yoked with the Roman Catholic Church. John Arnaut and Kenneth Copeland met with Francis the first Jesuit general to be pope. That was in 2014 at the Vatican. Kris Vallotton of Bethel and Che Ahn met with him in 2016. The same pope which puts his full weight behind Chrislam. Thanks for the video. Keep standing in the sound doctrines of Christ everyone.


What's up with all the levels that need to be reached? It's like they are playing a video game.


Seems a little strange to me that all of these self proclaimed apostles and prophets couldn’t foresee Todd leaving his wife and family for his secretary. 🤔After all, they all hear from God😵‍💫


I saw this false shaking while I was in this false ministries back in Italy, meant that they are touched by God, that they can "feel "the Spirit filling them...this are all lies, if the Spirit was actually there everyone would had felt it, felt on the ground like Daniel and ask for mercy, and repentant from their wicked ways


Great Video! I Got caught up in the Christian Nationalism Movment for a short time. A major host of the movment is Andrew Womack's Bible college here in Colorado Springs. It's scary how big it's getting and how our government officials are being led into this movement. God opened up my eyes while attending at a Truth and Liberty conference at Andrew's Chrch that was hosting Rep. Lauren Bobert and other politicians. There is a lot of corruption in America right now, we are getting away from our Christian values more and more each day. All American believers are fighting to try and lead our country back in the right guys are capitalizing off that fact and taking it to a new level of unbiblical proportions.


To be an 'Apostle' of Christ, one must meet the following criteria:
1. Must have witnessed the risen Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 1: 21-22)
2. Must be appointed by the Lord Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:11-12)
3. Signs and wonders follow to show that the 'Apostle' is sent from God.
4. The 'Apostle' must be a man (sorry, no women allowed or permitted) as there were no women apostles (not permitted under Paul's instruction on women having teaching authority over men)

If a person missed just one of these 4 then they're not an apostle. Modern day 'apostles' are nothing more than men (and women) who are puffed up in their own sinful lusts for power and honor that they grant this title to themselves, and women too. Those who do not follow the requirements as laid out in scripture, and yet claim to be apostles, are not of God!


The foundation of Christian nationalism is moral values. But thats the trick and why many Christians are getting sucked into it. It's foundation is MORAL VALUES not CHRIST. The church has become more concerned with politics than Christianity. We've walked Caesar right onto the altar reserved for our Savior. Morals don't equal God, God equals morals. We've wrapped ourselves up in support of a den of liars and let ourselves become so consumed by fear that we've lost our way. I don't say this in a way that liberals do, but Christian nationalism is extremely dangerous and has taken over our churches. Some churches are beginning to look more like rallies than services. There's also an ecumenical aspect to it too. It's bringing the reformed, the NAR, Catholics, and new age together as one and for one cause. When Christians, NAR and catholics are at conferences holding hands praying together in unison, Christians are then by default praying to a false God


Christian Nationalism does not exist in the NT.
Of course we are to pray for our countries and to be the salt of the earth whever we are, but the Gospel is made up of believers from all peoples and all languages and does not belong to any one country in particular.


Even Todd knew that it wasn't going to work out he kept shaking his head NO when they were speaking false things to him. 😁


How do we know C Peter Wagner is an apostle? Well, because he said so 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was homeless in Abilene Texas and the homeless ministry that once preached the gospel had brought these teachings in the ministry.
The founder hired a man to be director over the prayer room that was built where the old sanctuary had been. One morning at breakfast the prayer room director did a devotional called " nuggets of grace"
In that devotional he told of watching God TV and during the Lakeland revival he was placed in a trance or sleep and when he awoke their was a pure gold nugget on the floor in front of him.
Providentially God had opened my eyes to the deception of these false teachings not 6 months before I wound up homeless. When I addressed the issue with the founder and the prayer directors home pastor, it did not go well with me.
I was visiting my dad and received a phone call by the founder with these words " Calvin, now we have been friends for a long time, you hurt mick, he loves Jesus and you need to apologize for hurting him"
I was trembling . I later talked with Mick and only confessed that I first did not approach directly with him on this matter .
But he rejected my reasoning and my experience with the movement myself and how it breads covetousness clocked in false humility.
I actually heard a sermon by the founder just to see if he had changed his position only to hear him say " I don't care what anyone says, mother Theresa was a Christian"
His position was clear.

If you think homeless people are stupid and ignorant to the truth., Being homeless you get to see behind the scenes and hear things by other homeless of the corruption . Many even testified as we would discuss these things amongst ourselves, that late at night, candles and dark robes where seen in the office at night if that ministry.
The founder was confronted by a street preacher who each year would return to Abilene to preach the gospel and the founder would cater to him and get his picture with him in the paper.
One day the preacher asked the founder why he suddenly everyday wore black clothing. The homeless preacher even had evidence of the corruption within that ministry but had no idea what to do with it as not knowing how far up the corruption had gone. He left Abilene never to return again.
I have more to share but not io


Matthew 16:4
“A WICKED AND ADULTEROUS GENERATION seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas. And he left them, and departed.”
King James Version (KJV)


It is just straight out sad that Michael Brown has made this choice to support these false teachers and to make excuses for their actions. He can be so solid yet so deceived.
I suppose he has just always been like this when looking at his past. I pray he may somehow have his eyes opened and repent! He has no excuse, he knows the word of God, just choses to ignore where it condemns or does not support the unbiblical teachings and experiences of these deceivers in the NAR.


Many will come in MY name and Deceive Many...


Why does Todd and a lot of them move their heads like snakes!! That is creepy enough and kinda tells it all.


These guys sound more like psychics then prophecy!


Todd did go to a whole new level. However, not in the direction they all assumed...


Regarding Wagner's decrees, the only thing that increased in Todd Bentley's life was sin. Some time later this was declared by (Big P) prophet Bob Jones to be the fault of Christians who had cursed Todd. By cursed he meant exposing him using Scripture and God given discernment.

Not one of this crowd - and they are all connected - ever take responsibility. Sin is always somebody else's fault.


Eventually, all false ptophets lead people back to the Pope and his false church.
