Was The Apostle Paul More Loving Than Jesus?

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Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Evangelism and Apologetics for Texas Baptists, responds to an excerpt of #RCSproul's commentary on Romans 9 which seems to conflict with the broader #Calvinistic belief that Christ only died for the Elect.

If Paul was willing to forfeit his Salvation for the sake of his fellow Israelites, did he love greater than Christ himself?

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I have never felt so alone. I could never have imagined facing something like this on my own and I’m so afraid for my children. I lost my job because I declined the vaccine. I declined due to pre existing health conditions (Lupus) now I’m facing eviction next month. I’m a single mother with two autistic children. I have nowhere to turn I’m ashamed and I am broken. but. I STILL HAVE FAITH THAT GOD WILL PROVIDE! Please pray for me.


Paul was the one man who Christ himself personally commissioned to interpret his work to the world, and Paul was motivated by the Spirit of Christ.


If people simply read the Bible than read things INTO the Bible we could avoid so much nonsense.


“Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” (1 Corinthians 1:13)


It's kind of like God wants us to love our enemies when he doesn't love his


I can understand how Calvinists reach their conclusions, but they paint themselves into a very awkward corner.


I asked Google the title question. Your video showed up. On the first page. Six text items above your color thumbnail. Congrats.


Also... Paul was willing to trade his salvation for theirs when, according to Calvinism, it was God who MADE Paul’s fellow countrymen reject the Wow!!!
Try to wrap that around your head for a Calvinism is the most messed up theology, if you can even call it theology!!!


1 Timothy 4:10 — The New International Version (NIV)
10 That is why we labor and strive, because we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all people, and especially of those who believe.


Hyper-dispensationalists also teach Paul’s gospel is different and more gracious than Jesus’ gospel in the four gospel books. We need to not only rebuke Calvinism buy also rebuke other false doctrines deceiving Christians.


When Jesus was hanging on the cross, he looked down at the Pharisees and said forgive them father they know not what they do .was he being more compassionate than even Paul ?after all the apostle Paul was willing to give up his salvation for His friends .Jesus was asking the father about forgiving his enemies obviously Jesus and the father are the ultimate in compassion and justice, at the same time .this is why he can be sovereign and give us a free will at the same time .he can walk and chew gum at the same time .unlike James White and most Calvinist. Who somehow can’t see this I guess they’re pre-destined to be blind. Because of their stubborn hearts. They need to understand God is a good God and cannot does not and will not tempt us or cause us to sin until they can clear this hurdle they stay in darkness self-induced pride full hard harts. We can only pray somehow They understand who God is therefore they are cast into outer darkness .It was counted on to Abraham as righteousness because he believed God was a good God And he was fath full .


If Paul had Calvanism in his doctrine then he would have beseeched God to elect his fellow Jews. Showing Calvanistic doctrine is not in his mind when writing. This is just one of many reasons that many older Calvanists affirmed free will and God being sovereign. I personally like good old fashioned inconsistent Calvanist preachers. They let the text support their doctrine, not their doctrine overshadowing the text.

Of course anyone with a dictionary knows that God's sovereignty is not in conflict with mans free will. Unless that dictionary was written by a true Calvanist.


So by this logic, if a fallen angel has genuine sorrow over another fallen angel, or even satan himself, being treated justly and thrown into hell for eternity, that would mean that fallen angels are more loving than God?


I genuinely appreciate the humility that RC has in hurting for his brethren who have not been saved. But the question that I think of was, Did he ever think how inconsistent that hurting would be in line with his theology? After all, it is god who has not saved them in his theology, and nothing RC can do to ever persuade them into accepting the scripture because only the Holy Spirit gives the faith to regenerate. Did he ever wonder how contradictory his own theology is? Or was his own heart hardened to accept things so dogmatically without ever really understanding the aching heart that Jesus has for the non-beliver?


This is unrelated to Calvinism but very relevant along the same lines. Did Jesus command us to be more forgiving of others than He is toward us? God requires repentance. Yet some scriptures seem to say forgive everyone regardless if the repent or not while many other verses state emphatically "if they repent, forgive..." So is God asking us to be more forgiving than He is?


Respectfully brother….but……the title of this vid?……are you serious?………the title is not worthy of a philosophical debate, in fact any debate


Another nail in the coffin of calvinism


What's wrong with this video title? This is a spiritually stupid question, read I John 4 : 16, do apostle Paul could love anybody with his own flesh feeling? Could we? Paul's love toward others is God's love and Jesus was the Word of God aka the Love of God Himself. So what's the difference?


The question is are you willing to take the Mark Of The Beast, so that your family don't have to?


Proverbs 20:18
“Every purpose is established by counsel: and with GOOD advice make war.”

Please consider purging the doctrine of grace according to Calvinism that you willingly swallowed.
That is the only advice I have left in me to give today.
I am getting so tired of spoonfeeding advice to people that have been deceived into believing that we can't take free advice.
We are a vessel made of clay that becomes formed by the advice that we take in and put out.
We are being influenced by good and evil advice.

Proverbs 13
17 A wicked messenger falleth into mischief: but a faithful ambassador is health.
18 Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction: but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.
19 The desire accomplished is sweet to the soul: but it is abomination to fools to depart from evil.
20 He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Proverbs 14:7
“Go from the presence of a foolish man, when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.”

The body of Christ is being built according to the wisdom of God and just as quickly it's being divided by the wisdom of the world. False doctrines are brought into the body of Christ for the purpose of causing division to make us look foolish in the eyes "of the world" so they will not consider receiving the wisdom of God... I was once "of the world" because I walked with fools that were feeding me the wisdom of the world, and because I swallowed what they were serving me I was formed into a vessel of dishonor. God didn't stop me from eating the wisdom of the world, he let me eat what I wanted, but He didn't leave me with only the wisdom of the world, He sent His servants to walk toward me with the wisdom of God to enable me to become made "of God" if I should swallow what they were sent to feed me... all it takes is a seed to produce FAITH in the vessel that takes hold of wisdom...God is PATIENT.

Colossians 4:5
“Walk in wisdom toward them that are without, redeeming the time.”

2 Timothy 2
24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,
25 In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;
26 And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

We get OURSELVES trapped in the snare of the devil because we willing swallowed his crap and walked with him straight into the trap, and it takes the word of God to set us free by shining a light on the lies we ate...we tend to run from the light because we can't handle the pain of humility that we will feel when we submit to the light and admit that we willingly ate crap because Satan has a way of making crap sound DELICIOUS. The light forces us to realize that we were formed into a fool by the fools we put our trust in...I was formed into a 46-year-old catholic and I can only blame myself for what I became.
My advice is to STOP RUNNING from the light because selfishly I am getting too exhausted to chase after you...Calvinism is an idol that is built inside the vessel the swallows it and just as you were able and willing to swallow it, you are able if you are willing to purge it.

2 Timothy 2:21
“If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.”

Proverbs 4
5 Get wisdom, get understanding: forget it not; neither decline from the words of my mouth.
6 Forsake her not, and she shall preserve thee: love her, and she shall keep thee.
7 Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
8 Exalt her, and she shall promote thee: she shall bring thee to honour, when thou dost embrace her.
9 She shall give to thine head an ornament of grace: a crown of glory shall she deliver to thee.