What is Identity?

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Understanding and engaging with our and others' identities is a key part of meaningful interreligious and intercultural dialogue.

Even when our identities seem the same, it doesn't mean we’re living that identity in the same way or that our perception and interpretation of an assumed identity is correct.

Understanding the identity of others allows you to explore dialogue in more depth, reduces risk to the relationship and ensures you acknowledge where and how perceptions come from.

In recognizing one another’s identities, we can appreciate each other’s diversity and tap into the richness of experiences it offers us.

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I believe the Hierarchy of identities goes as follows.

Identity (Short form ID): The most broad term describing all aspects of a person's identity

Objective Identity (short form OID): All parts of a person's identity that can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively.
Subjective Identity (short form SID): All parts of a person's identity that revolves around their own perceptions.

Objective Physical Identity (short form OPhID): The part of the identity that can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively revolving around the physical body.
Objective Psychological Identity (short form OpsID): The part of the identity that can be measured quantitatively and qualitatively revolving around behavior/beliefs.
Subjective Physical Identity (short form SPhID): The part of the identity that revolves around the perception of the physical body.
Subjective Psychological Identity (short form SPsID): The part of the Identity that revolves around the perception of behavior/beliefs.

I believe these different terms are important to distinguish between when we are talking about identities. As you can see using just the term "Identity" Mixes the subjective and objective parts of people's identities. Making 0 distinguishment between who they think they are and who they actually are. All these terms have their uses.


Body dysmorphia is when the SPhID does not align with the OPhID.
Denial of behavior is when somebodies SPsID does not align with the OPsID.
Identity Crises is when somebody is unsure of how accurately the SID reflects their OID, leaving them unsure of who they actually are


I believe you are conflating ego states and feelings with identity. For example, I am me no matter what situation or dynamic I find myself in. I know who I am and don't need to try to categorize myself . My identity only really serves others. Just like how the Gazelle identifies the lion as danger.


Seems like a video entirely made by AI; reuses the same words frequently, superficial and broad strokes without using any thinkers or theories as references, provides no context for understanding identity in a real situation, even has the voice of an elevenlab bot... disappointed


Seems a load of rubbish. I dont have any identify for myself, that would make me an idiot
