The TRUTH About Predestination #shorts #calvinism #jesus

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This is more than a superficial difference in doctrine is it not? I am young in faith and still naive. I want to believe that Christians can easily overcome these differences as we all still believe that it is the blood of Jesus that saves us. But, rejecting the idea of predestination is foolish as it is clearly supported by God's Word, the Bible, right? God has power over ALL things, this includes the hearts of men. God is right to choose one over another as his will is perfectly just and good. Should I not rejoice if God saves me and condemns the one standing next to me because His will has been done?
What I want to ask is: how serious is this denial of God's complete authority? Surely it is not a rejection of the Holy Spirit. It is just men being foolish as is our nature, after all. Only God can say who truly loves him. What should I think about people like Dr. Flowers? Is this just silly or is this a very serious, even dangerous departure from the truth?


Eph 1:4-5
4just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we would be holy and blameless before Him. In love 5He predestined us to adoption as sons through Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the kind intention of His will,


Flowers has been refuted so many times on this and he still keeps sayings that God arbitrarily chooses people for salvation… when will this guy repent.


I can't believe that a doctor of theology like Leighton Flowers cannot understand the simple biblical truth about Election and Predestination..

Dr. Flowers, no one is predestined to believe but the elect are predestined to be saved because the elect are believers..


Ephesians 1:4–5 (ESV): even as he chose us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and blameless before him. In love
5 he predestined us for adoption to himself as sons through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will,


So then does he love certain people more then others? There has to be a reason why the elect are the elect.


Im intreasted in Calvin’s on predestination
My veiw on predestination is that god had predestined his creation for heaven however they have the freewill to reject the grace given by god interupting the predestination in gods plan


Most scholars dont think Paul wrote ephesians. Wonder who wrote it? You gotta watch it with these pegans bro. They got in there on us and corrupted all kinds of stuff. Some say Paul himself was a pegan pretenting to be a Christian.


You do not have to ask the question.. a matter of fact it is probably wicked to ask the question! That is just a high level reduction of the allowed schema given to those who are sent to make disciples. I have either forgotten the personality test need to find the elect before gospel presentation or it’s not in the scripture!😂
