Ancient Aliens: Da Vinci's MIND-BLOWING Secrets Revealed

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Learn the secrets and ideas of Da Vinci in this compilation from Ancient Aliens.


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"Ancient Aliens" explores the controversial theory that extraterrestrials have visited Earth for millions of years.

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If Da Vinci was alive today listening to all this analysis on his work and meanings, I can see him sayin “it’s not that deep bro” 😂


Imagine being so brilliant that people hundreds of years later, still obsessed with you, try blaming aliens because that is more likely to them than you just being *that* awesome 😂😂


I did the 'reflection' trick with my photos, and it's full of aliens!


Really don't know how the narrator keeps himself from bursting with laughter


How every brilliance is tagged extraterrestrial shows how much we expect from humans


Leonardo de Vinci was the Nikola Telsa of the middle ages.


Leonardo goes into cave*

William Henry: "Obviously he's opening stargates and portals and beaming across time "


Da Vinci to my mind, is the most accomplished man of knowledge, experiments and inventions, till date in human history.


Da Vinci was in the know, and he was sharing his knowledge with people then and now.


Can't believe The History channel airs stuff like this.


Imagine Monalisa being able to see the future while she was painted. All the people in museum, squinting their eyes from all angles to spot the mistery of her smile, at that moment she smiled in her mind and Leonardo spent next 15 years to capture that smile ❤


You know your high when you start agreeing with them


If da vinci could watch this alive, he'd die laughing and thinking how idiots are they to think like that by making scenes themselves.


You can fold a dollar bill and make it look like something entirely different, anytime you put two pictures together you get something that looks different


What they do with the mirror image 😂 you just gotta laugh


A visionary ahead of his time, Da Vinci wasn't just 'in the know.' His groundbreaking ideas and pioneering creations challenged assumptions and paved the way for future generations. His legacy continues to inspire and inform us even today.


DaVinci & Tesla are the 2 masters of all times


Everything about this,

Leonardo, the experts, and the host are great examples of overthinking.


He became one with nature and was able to look within and find his truths


His story about the cave is not the only one....his contemporary, a legendary figure in southeast Asia who met him personally in Italy also had a much earlier mysterious experience in one of the caves in Indonesia. His name was Admiral Hang Tuah, a Bugis native who became a world famous warrior and later became an Admiral of a much renowned Navy that prevented the Mongols, pirates and other invaders from starting upheavals in Southeast Asia merely by its presence since they feared the man in charge. But in his later years as an elderly diplomat, he met Leonardo as Hang Tuah was negotiating a deal to buy Italian-made cannons for the armory of Malacca, the then richest port in Asia, if not the world. Hang Tuah was born in 1432. In his early years as the King's elite bodyguard he went to seek out a mysterious hermit wizard or sorceror who lived in a cave in the mountain called Wirana, to gain knowledge which contributed to his amazing transformation - being the undefeated world class warrior who can speak many tongues including Asian, Arabic and European...and martial art skills and technical as well as advanced knowledge of maritime, military, and some say super-spiritual psychic abilities that somehow as legendary as Da Vinci though they took totally different paths: one we all know as an artist-scientist, a creative thinking genius...but Hang Tuah is a more physical hands on kind of creative thinking person who is more ambassadorial in his later years. He too was a genius having learnt from two master alchemical wizards who were known as Adi Putra and Adi Putra's brother known by his title Sang Persanta Nala...These wizards were said to have knowledge beyond human understanding, multi-lingual, knew the intricacies of the human body, engineering mechanics, chemistry and physics and medicine to heal and enhance longevity. Indeed 500 years ago in Southeast Asia is far different than it is now...some ancient knowledge however were passed on in oral traditions among ancestors of the elites which actually derived from the great lost kingdoms of ancient Sundaland (Sa'ba) and long forgotten by the average natives since the destruction of the world's earliest pyramids and the majestic gold palaces that were demolished and became ancient ruins, either submerged or buried in thick layers of soil...Queen Sa'ba's capital of her empire was completely submerged and the huge expanse of land in the Nusantara became scattered islands stretching from Thailand to the Solomon Islands (hence the name), but of course the western invaders were hunting for the relics and treasures...the gold deep in the region still there of course, but ever since the calamities, succession of occupiers and invaders, either raze pillage or plunder (as it was in the age of sails) but they also try to erase historical facts by displacement and transplant, so that natives no longer have the strong attachment to their ancestry and rich past....there was however a secret movement among the elites to protect the "magical" past, some knowledge that would astound modern scientists, architects doctors and engineers....for eg, gyroscopes, metal forging, navigation by stars, ship and house building without use of rivets and nails, medicinal knowledge that surpassed way beyond modern medicine ...(as it was well known among the alchemists then that every known diseases can be cured by the available plants in the tropical fact (contrary to popular belief, Damascus steel and Japanese art and knowledge of making fine blades actually derived from Southeast Asia...but of course after succession of invaders for centuries including the hundreds of ships of the Red Flag Fleet pirates (that were bought or stolen from local builders) the history was soon modified by the conquerors and much knowledge and skills were lost mainly due to the shutting down of shipyards and trade and of course the control by foreign "empires"....still the only surviving "science/art" left is the martial arts way into the 20th century, ironically thanks to the incessant invasion, it became necessary for such tradition to survive, equipping villagers the life or death knowledge or skill to defend their women and children...this became the huge responsibility of Hang Tuah, which sadly today's folks in the region including the peoples of Phillipines had long forgotten and thus take for granted and not appreciated because many of the scribes and elites went down, or hunted together with the destruction of the kingdoms, the last being the annihilation of minor kings of Indonesia by foreign elements. Nonetheless, Hang Tuah is as famous in this region as Da Vinci is in Europe. Both were way ahead of their time, geniuses, highly skilled creative thinkers and a deep understanding beyond average human comprehension. How is that possible? There is something about what they gained in the caves, from relatively mysterious "teachers" or "super"-beings that were never mentioned or described in reminds me of the movie Dracula, Star Wars or the biography of prophet Muhammad, or even tales from ancient alchemists who adopted very low profiles and almost gone from peoples' memory, unless you seek the...

There are rumours about mystical mystery schools that were connected to Archimedes and Melchizedek etc...that these "keepers of secrets" travelled the world back then and still maybe wandering as if they have become very long-living mortals.
