THEIR NEW HOME IS HAUNTED | Paranormal Encounters S06E08

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A couple felt an urge to purchase a 144 year old farm house to turn into a bed and breakfast. It was not long of owning it that the pair started to notice strange things happening in the middle of the night. This was not just any ordinary bed and breakfast, it's a real haunted house. Door knobs turn, phantom footsteps echo the halls, disembodied voices are captured on voice recorders, figures are seen and poltergeist prints show up in the blankets.

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The wife had such a calm spirit. She seems like a really nice lady. If I were a ghost, I’d be fine with her moving into my place.


This is perfect, no dramatic music, no screaming, no silly faces, just polite and professional.


This is how you handle a haunting in a home. Yall were very polite, and respectful. I thoroughly enjoyed the video.


Yes, love them! After my divorce, I moved into a mobile home on a old country road. It was right above a very large Cemetery! The things I experienced there & my fiance when I met him, the things we experienced there was terrifying! My poor cat too! Voices, like lunch room chatter, cigar smell, cabinets opening, things going missing then showing up in weird places, full body apparitions, being touched, and more! It was so scary 😮 once we moved, no more. It had to be the land that was haunted. So love family haunted house stories!!❤ Love ya Spooky Family ❤ Support ya Colin! Blessings, Sheila


The wife has such a gentle presence. She seems like such a kind person. If I were a ghost, I’d definitely be okay with her moving into my house! 22:17


I just watched Connor investigate the Stark Saloon with Dave and Ryan of Paranormal Quest. I subbed to this channel while watching PQ's investigation. Very impressed with the calmness and mature way in which you both conducted yourselves during this home investigation. No screaming and yelling and jumping around like a bunch of school age kids every time a device goes off. Will be checking out earlier episodes soon!


In Japan you have to disclose if your house is haunted when selling your house, I think it's a good idea, if I bought a haunted house I'd be very upset.


I am glad they are not afraid of their house spirits.


I love family hauntings! Please do more!! Thank you so much for your video & hard work! I really get tired of people investigating the same old stuff! These videos are intriguing & enjoyable to watch. Thx again!


This was one of the BEST investigations I've ever watched. Very professional and courteous with the spirits. I must say the house and stories of their experiences were as if my own 1870's New England Farmhouse was being described as we experience the same as well as many other things. After 10 years we happily co exist and miss the activity during any quiet times. They do not stay away for long. I think they love this house as much as we do. Like this woman, I was absolutely called to this house in the same way for sure. I'm looking forward to watching more of your investigations.


I really love how Respectful to the dead y'all are Also don't taunt the dead it's not advised nor wise to do God Bless


Great investigation guys! What I enjoy the most about your channel is the honesty and *Integrity* in which you conduct your investigations. Thank you.


This is the first time I've watched one of your videos. Subscribed after the first 20 minutes!
Very impressed with every aspect of it: how low-key it was; no sensationalism; no scary music during the investigation; you included the owners in the investigation; and mostly, NO BAD LANGUAGE!
Maybe I'm from another planet, but most teams don't seem to realise that when attempting to contact an entity from an earlier, more genteel, age, the last thing that will gain their favour is a bunch of strangers effing and blinding IN THEIR HOUSE! There was one video I watched where the team were doing this and GhostTube said "DISRESPECTFUL!", followed a few seconds later by "APOLOGISE!". I shouted "You tell 'em, ghost!"
Anyway, well done to all concerned. I can feel a binge watch coming on!
By the way, is India originally from Liverpool? I'm sure I detected moments of Scouse in her accent.


We got to investigate there twice and both times had some intense activity. Especially in the blue room the first time. We did have a little girl come through as well. Second time more activity in the yellow room and footsteps and what sounded like the water turning on the in the pastors room. It’s an amazing house.


Wonder why some spirits get earth bound? And children too? Don't understand why children would get stuck.😮


I've never been to the deep south, but wow, gorgeous. No wonder they fell in love with this property! Maybe the spirits are protecting the house against hurricanes. Weird that their family name is 'Storm'. Anyone else intrigued by that coincidence?


What a respectful, calm and helpful result. I’m so glad you’re aware of Amy and Jarrod.


I love that house! It is my dream to own a really old house like that, fix it up a bit but keep it mostly original. I love what they did with the place, they didn’t rip everything out and change it all.


The handprints on the blanket were creepy! Beautiful place and good investigation. Love residential hauntings because you get a variety of spirits from different backgrounds. Thank you India and Connor! ❤️🙏


Remember Demons can pretend to be Children !! 🤔
