How to Train Like BATMAN for Peak Performance (2022 Edition)

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Download the full "Prep Time" program here:

It's finally here guys, the 2022 Batman Training Routine!

This one is called "Prep Time" because, as we know, Batman can defeat anyone given the right prep time. This is your prep time. The oponent? Life... I guess?

The aim: to create a cross-modal training program that would serve Bruce Wayne as The Batman. That means athleticism, endurance, focus, power, strength, agility, and more. To do this, I turned to some of the most skilled and knowledgeable people I know and compiled a list of their best moves.

I also drew on my own "ATNSP Hierarchy." This system surfaces exercises that provide specific results. In this case: movements that provide a huge range of different benefits for maximum "bang for your buck." I also looked for moves that could serve "missing attributes," aspects of performance that go overlooked and that can provide huge benefits, if trained.

This video was by far my most ambitious yet. Multiple locations, guest appearances, cameos, fight choreography, an animataed CGI outro... I'm sorry it took ages to get here, but I hope the wait was worth it!

A huge thank you to everyone who took part. Here's where to find more from them!







Рекомендации по теме

I'm soo excited to become BATMAN !! I'm gonna miss my parents tho 😢


"Don't you think people are sick of Batman videos by now?"

Never. I will never not want more of this.


ADAM this was absolutely Incredible, the passion for this project was felt, so well done, & also very enlightening I'm honored I could be apart of this with so many great people & I Def learned a lot myself.
Keep up the outstanding work man! though again I'm pretty sure you have a real life batcave hidden under your house Dexters Lab style so now we all waitin for that reveal xD


Cmon guys spread the word about adam. This man deserves more subs with all the knowledge he provides and the quality of videos he produces.


Don't forget that Bruce Wayne is also canonically 6'2 and has shoulders as broad as a linebacker's.

Imagine a broad, 6'2 monster that trains his whole body with this insane routine throwing a dumbell sized fist right at your head... in metal gauntlets.

No wonder criminals are terrified.


Adam, as a 67-year old, having begun my fitness journey from 62, you have inspired me to think through all this functional training information as see what I can do for myself and then pass on these ideas to some of my senior adult friends. I am following your YouTube channel avidly.


If you haven't heard it recently Adam, KEEP GOING! Plenty of people like middle are TREMENDOUSLY THANKFUL for your content and all the hard work and hours and research and training/education you invest in yourself to them share/invest that back with us. with your perseverance, 1 million subs is inevitable. Quick to follow —5 million, 10 and beyond. Believe it! & Go get it!


It's 2024 and I'm battling Colorectal cancer. It took me out of personal training to bring bed bound because of the chemo treatments. As a trainer I've al ways been fascinated by Batman and what it took to get to his peak condition. Your videos are an inspiration. Thank you brother.


What’s crazy about Batman is how he’s able to bench 800 to 1, 000 lbs in the comics yet remains to be extremely athletic, only replicable in real life with a bench suit or with bench specialization training like Danial Zamani


Definitely could tell that there was extra effort put into this one. It felt like The Avengers of fitness YouTubers and personalities here. I really like your approach to fitness and how it should incorporate all aspects of health and I'll definitely buy Super Functional Training 2.0 soon. I hope that there will be a physical copy at some point just like your first program. Keep up the great work, Adam!


"It's not because I'm a nerd" Sure it isn't, Adam. Sure it isn't.

Love your videos, man. They help me get closer to my goal of being "functionally" strong. Your aproach to exercising is unique here. Keep it up!


I discovered the Bioneer many years ago looking up “Batman workout” and here we are again, covering my favorite superhero! Love the in-depthness of this and making it different than the last Batman inspired training program. You’re a beast, Adam. Keep up the fantastic work, sir!


Love it. You choosing the one "superhero" who has no super power/is actually human, makes it work as a premise. All your knowledge is fascinating - my only problem is to take all of it in. So I pick bits out and incorporate them in my training. Keep up the good work 👍


The quality of your Batfamily says a lot about you as a person. Happy to see you finding more and more success!


Ben is my man. I've been doing his ATG programs for a little while now and my knees are already feeling much better. My back squats no longer hurt my knees like they used to. Bad knees run in my family. My grand father was born with clubbed feet (feet that formed backwards). His legs had to be broken twice a year to reset his feet forward up into his early teens.


I so appreciate your dedication to fitness! Your natural build is the ideal type; a combo of farmer, boxer and al-round athlete. Thanks for it all.


This was hands down one of the coolest videos I’ve ever seen. So analytical, methodical, comprehensive. This makes me wanna overhaul my entire training routine & take my philosophy on training to new levels 😂 I’m dumbfounded. Great. Work. Adam. 🏆


This guy need 150 million subscribers he is a an amazing guy providing these self improvement vidoes..
But I'm also glad he only has 500k cause we are gonna be the new generation of supernatural.


I've trained Muay Thai from 2008 - 2022 (this year) with some occasional boxing classes thrown in as a supplement. I've also done a bit of Kyokushin bare knuckle Karate but ended up stopping. Just recently I met a Sanda coach trying to get classes up and running, so I've taken this up. This feels like a Batman fighting style for sure. The Sanda training has better fundamental boxing skills than I've encountered in any Muay Thai gym which makes cross training extra boxing seem less useful, plus there is a wider variety of kicks as well as takedowns that can be perforned right from the striking stance. I'm enjoying it so much I've decided to fully transition from Muay Thai for the time being to focus on the new skillset.


I'm just half way in, and I gotta say: This is insane! Love it!!

Greetings from Spain.
