More BRUTAL Than Batman's Workout - Train Like The RED HOOD

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Includes full workout routine and additional instruction. As well as links to a couple of relevant studies. Enjoy!



Hey guys! Here is the early Red Hood Training video! This is to replace the annual Batman workout this year, as I'm going to be saving that for my 1 million subscribers video. I have big plans for that one!

So, how do we differentiate a Red Hood workout? How should Jason Todd train?
Of course, he's similar to Batman in many ways. As I've discussed in previous videos, then, he needs to train in a cross-modal manner. That means training not only for strength, but also explosiveness, mobility, endurance, agility. He should be able to go from a roof-top chase, to a fist fight, to hanging from the ladder of a helicopter!

He also needs to incorporate skills training. That means martial arts, gymnastics, rock climbing...
Unique to The Red Hood, though, is the firearms training. Jason Todd is not afraid to use lethal force. I'm not about to write a training program that includes weapons training - as that's outside my wheelhouse - but we CAN look at the kinds of traits and abilities that come with marksmanship. Things like sports vision, situational awareness, reflexes, target prioritisation...

In this video, I recommend some brain training methods designed specifically to train these same attributes.

The Red Hood is also more desperate than Bruce. He's not the unstoppable tank with a plan for every situation. He's fast, brutal, and full of rage - and he uses in-the-moment tactical decision making to get the upper hand. To that end, we'll be incorporating high-intensity functional training - so that we can maintain maximum effort for a prolonged period.

This routine ties together a lot of what I've been talking about lately on the channel: conditioning, high intensity functional training, sports vision, working memory, and strength-to-weight ratio.
How do you think Jason Todd would train? And who would you like me to analyse next?


🎵 Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators

Watercolour (Full Version) [Single] by Pendulum, License ID: 9gv1Q6KAvp4

Рекомендации по теме

Thug: You ain't gonna kill me!

Red hood: Do I look like batman to you?


Now we need a new version of the Nightwing workout!


A Redhood video is something I really wanted for a long time


Man just 3 words...
I love you
U give me so much knowledge and motivation
Greetings from Germany


The cinematics on this are next level. This should be its own movie


I love your "training like different fictional badasses" series! I'm a big fan of things like comics and superheroes, the Witcher, etc so it's really cool to see that kind of thing broken down and explained in this level of detail, and also in a way that's achievable for regular people who are inspired by these characters.

My one request would be that as a woman who's interested in fitness-- I've done multiple styles of dance, judo, boxing and kickboxing, and also tried my hand at running, weight training, calisthenics, and I aspire to start learning parkour (and in a perfect world HEMA longsword training)-- it would be really great to see this kind of analysis for more female characters.
I really liked your Black Widow video (unsurprisingly it really speaks to me as a lifelong dancer/martial artist and comics fan lol), and there are definitely a lot of other badass female characters out there who would make really interesting video topics. For example Wonder Woman and the other Amazons from DC, Vi from the Arcane show, Catwoman, Korra, Toph, Ty Lee (tbh every woman from AtLA), Michonne from TWD, Sarah Connor, Furiosa, Ellen Ripley, Mulan, Brienne and Arya from Game of Thrones... just to name a few 😅


The 2 martial arts I think you can boil Jason down to would be Lethwei and Wrestling. Lethwei for strikes, think Muay Thai but with head butts where he can put his helmet to use if he has it. And Wrestling because he's explosive and it builds massive grit.


This is accurate when it comes to meeting Red Hood's attribute demands. As much us your focus is speed, skill training, gaining functional strength etc, I would also emphasise on weight and strength training. Red Hood is 6"00 and 225lbs. Having the build and skills would be an asset in my and others book.
Keep up with the videos as we learn from you and the community.


Excellent video! I can see Red Hood adding in some Kali training in addition to the striking and grappling for martial arts. Great character to base a training schedule on. Keep them coming...getting closer to that 1 million mark!!


I'm from New Zealand and have been following the bioneer for about a year now. Gained so much from him, training bodyweight & heavy weights mix. Lost 15kg weight and in fantastic shape at 47 years old. So thanks 😊
Enjoyed this new video as well.


When training at home, I'll often do dry fire training between sets or as the "rest" round of a circuit. It can help to train to maintain your fundamentals while your heart rate is high, and would probably improve your ability to shoot while under stress.


The brick warehouse/gym aesthetic is an amazing backdrop! Hope you do more videos there as it is super inspiring and cool. Thanks again for all you do!!


I feel the need to comment this. Jason's height tends to fluctuate. He's been anywhere from 6ft to 6ft 5in. Batman is always a solid 6ft 2in. However, since becoming Red Hood, Jason has always been a solid 225lbs. That's 15lbs heavier than Batman. So, Jason is usually (canonically) bigger than Bruce.


You are unique in the game ! Thank you for the high qualiy of your contents !


I LOVE THIS SERIES. We always wonder what it would be like to be these superheroes. Now we have someone to show us these things.


Seriously grateful for a red hood training video


you make me want to be a better person and do better. I regularly watch your videos. it's a source of motivation for me


Fun fact: Batman is 6'2 (1.88 m) and Red Hood is 6'0 (1.83 m). However, despite being shorter than Bruce, Jason is actually heavier, with Bruce weighing around 210 lbs (95 kgs) and Jason weighing 225 lbs (102 kg). Red Hood is also typically depicted eating food with a higher calorie intake like (he eats a lot of hamburgers) and taking that into consideration along with his height-to-weight ratio makes me theorize that Jason's training and diet are more focused on building brute strength.


Thanks for putting this banger music at the end ❤ Pendulum-Watercolour


Hey Adam!! Can you make a video of how to survive outside, in cold, hot, all conditions, all terrain, in city or wilderness with little food, sleep or water. With the exception of using technology as a tool to train for it in the future. you are awesome Bioneer❗️
