am i still a minimalist ?

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minimalism was a big part of my content a few years back and people have long been asking me why i'm no longer creating videos about my simple lifestyle as much nowadays. a lot has changed in the last couple of years — am I still a minimalist?

i talk about:
- moving and traveling around the world
- we sold everything we owned ?
- minimalists with a capital M
- being a natural minimalist
- scandi = minimalist ?
- born as a minimalist ?
- overactive brain AND overactive heart
- minimalism as an experiment
- nomads with no money
- living in the middle of nowhere without water
- simplifying our minimalist finances
- sharing a 15 sqm apartment with david… and cockroaches... and mice... and rats.
- living outside of society’s norms
- getting comfortable
- getting a good salary
- done with experimenting with minimalism?


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so what do you say... would you call yourself a minimalist ?


The boy I loved did not have the same mindset, so I had to minimalize him to go my own way...
I'm genuinely happy for you that you have David. He is such an intelligent and supportive guy who wants to be with you at any time.


Since I don’t wanna be in a relationship, get married and have kids, I’m still living in my parents house, in the same room I’ve used my entire life.
I work hard, save most of my money and help my family with bills. The best is that we spend time together, but then I travel around the world and come back to my room. I love my small room and being free of the pressures of society 😌


I just love how down to earth you talk about minimalism its just such a more realistic way! I only wear 5 dresses in the spring/summer and 4 in the fall/winter and they’re not your “typical” black and white minimalist wardrobe. I love dreamy flowy Victorian inspired clothes and even decor and honesty... I couldn’t be happier


"I had a job that I loved and the boy I loved." ❤️ Seriously, once you are happy with the most important aspects of your life, you don't really have an urge to buy a whole world any more, you see material things as important as they are. Love your message, girl!!


Love that you don't try to hide the fact that lack of money has been a factor! That feels like the one thing nobody will admit. I also live in Berlin, have done the suitcase living thing, and had a glorious time with it. Romanticise your own life!


I am currently in a position where minimalism has been forced on me. My relationship fell apart and as a result I had to move away. He basically got everything. I took my personal possessions, my clothes, my books, and whatever I could fit in my car. And I'm okay with it. In fact, I want to have even less.
I too find it very freeing, I'm sleeping on a borrowed mattress on the floor and it doesn't bother me one little bit.
The knowledge that I could pack up and store my books and other non-essentials with family and go anywhere I like with no one to worry about but myself is feeling I've never had before.
I had my whole life planned, I was just married, had a stable full time job, saving to buy a house, thinking about kids, had a bunch of relatively new nice (to me) furniture, etc., and now all of it is gone. Once I took a few months to get over the heart break, I'm actually happy.
Now I have infinite possibilities laid out before me, I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life now. and that is both terrifying and exciting.
Part of me will always miss it, miss him, miss my pets but now, I am free. (or as free as one can be while still participating in everyday life, in the city, paying rent, rego, taxes etc. Haha)


It’s so refreshing to hear what You have to say on this subject, because I’m seeing some very crazy behavior amongst my friends, they are unconsciously throwing away everything that they own, because they read that it’s cool to be minimalists, then after 2 weeks they regret it and spend a lot of money on new things that don’t resonate with them.
Like the whole concept became “for show”, without thinking why a person even want to simplify. I would even say that it can be scary in some cases!
I actually feel that this is one of the best videos that You did recently, because the message is SO bloody important!


I am definitely not a natural minimalist (too Taurus for that) but I find that keeping my spaces clear and clean helps my mental health a lot so I put a lot of effort into keeping my possessions to a minimum


I've been somewhat of a minimalist by force. Between 2012-2013, my husband and I lived in a the cheapest apartment we could find(we still couldn't afford it), we had $200/month for food... it was not particularly exciting or glamorous. I was pregnant with our daughter, had horrible morning sickness, and spent my days alone in the apartment with no TV(my dad eventually bought a device for us to pick up local TV stations), no internet, and no phone(my husband needed the phone in case his taxi cab broke down). For the first two months, I had to depend on an old radio for any connection to the outside world. I would listen to the local university radio stations for news from NPR. Our family was over an hour drive away and I had no way to get to them. We had hardly any clothes to our name, and they were not stylish, designer clothes. My husband worked 16 hours/day driving a cab, so I didn't see him much. It was depressing, but I made the most of it. I read a lot of books and wrote stories in blank notebooks. My life before that was even worse, so I was just happy to be married to my soulmate, have some food to eat, a warm bed to sleep in at night, and a healthy & perfect baby girl growing in me.
Things are much better now. We can afford to be minimalists, but with a pretty home and few, but nicer things.


I agree with your concept of minimalism. My job is very important for me and regarding a partner, I am now at a stage where I really value being by myself, but that's simply what works for me now :) What I struggle the most with is finding people and friends that share a similar mindset... I suppose that's the price for living somewhat differently to what society dictates


I love how you talk about minimalism, it is more about creating a better life which align with ourselves. Next year I move abroad, and it helps me a lot to think about what I need most and what is not necessary. Thank you for your interesting insight, as usual.


Fantastic video as always Jenny - so beautifully edited every time xx


For the first time in my life, I’m really seriously enjoying the minimal life. I’ve given away a LOT of my stuff this year and not bought anything. I’m loving saving money, and how simple my home has become💛


I started practicing minimalism five years ago because I needed to fit my stuff in a smaller apartment. I’ve been in the same place for five years and every month I release more things. This year I did a spending ban for 6 months to only buy food and household necessities. It has stopped the flow of New Stuff quite nicely. Thank you for adding inspiration to my journey! 🤍


I laughed because I also don't own a dining table 😂😂 I eat on my sofa table sitting on the floor. Its comfy. 👍


I just started my channel and it's so comforting to know that you also didn't start from an ideal place, luxurious flat, expensive furniture and all designer clothes as many Youtubers have this as kind of a given. Thank you, Jenny! This already makes me feel better!


I am! I used to be into the all white or white/black modern feel to things. Now I am into French/English Cottage style, still minimal. I have been a minimalist for over 30 years now. It ebbs and flows with my life- single, married, married with child, working, stay at home, back to college..and many more wonderful things to come!


I’ve definitely been more aware of what I buy because of your videos. I’ve finally hit my stride in finding my personal style, so clothing is so much easier and paired down now. The one thing I can’t live without is art. Many of my friends are painters, so I have a collection of their pieces all throughout my apartment. They bring me joy because they are gorgeous and I know the hard work and love put into each painting.


The vibe in your videos is so clean ahh 🤩
