Paris Paloma - knitting song [Official Lyric Video]

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The deft, agile fingers
In firelight flicker
Skin laced in wrinkles that made needles sing
There, love is concreted
With quietened breathing
Simple entwining of intimate string
It’s a beautiful thing
At stockinged knees sitting
I watching, her knitting
Intent on her fixing my little hands’ mess
She’s sure she can save it
Even with hands shaking
She had such a patience that I don’t possess
I was such a small pest

let us sit, so quietly,
in firelight I know you’d die for me
How gentle can our violence be
‘Tween finger and thumb
I’m sorry I’m repetitive
Don’t mind I keep forgetting it
So long as its my thread
Not the depths of her love

Two girls in their twenties
slowed down getting ready
As one said “please help me,
For its cold tonight.”

In our undergarments
She passed me the scarf and
Said “I never learned
how to cast off right”
For a moment I swore that
The light that I saw as
She handed the wool with a smile in the gloom
Was the firelight form
from the glow I was taught in
On grandmother’s hands in the cottage sitting room
Of course I’ll cast off for you
let us sit, so quietly,
in firelight I hope you’d die for me
How gentle can our violence be
‘Tween finger and thumb
I’m sorry I’m repetitive
Don’t mind you keep forgetting it
So long as its your thread
Not the depths of my love

#parispaloma #cacophony
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Its 12:30 in the morning and im listening to this. Sobbing violently. I love my Nana, who is now 76. She is my everything. My savior, my mother, my friend, my biggest supporter. I love her more than anyone ill ever meet. I owe her my life over and over again. She is mine and im hers. My mother. Her son. I love you, Nana. ❤😭


My granny passed away from a long illness a few years ago, and she was a seamstress (among other things). This song resonates so strongly 😢 thank you ❤


I don't remember last time I was crying because of a song. but today is that day
I am a textile and knitting designer, and this song is just a gift for me and my mother and grandma, and grand grandma, as they teached me how to do it


My grandmother taught me how to knit when I was 7 or 8, I wanted to make a blanket for my Barbie and she would repare my mistakes, my great-grandmother knit a few rows on that blanket that I never finished and ended up undoing.

I met my best friend when I was 21, I knit and she crochet. I remember spending a good hour just knitting with her early in the morning in summer some time ago, one of my best memories with friends. We're going to your concert soon.

This is bound to be my favorite song forever.


This is such a beautiful song about female love and the different forms it takes - it makes me feel so safe


Wow, I am just... so moved. My mom and my grandmother tried to teach me crochet when I was a teen, but I just couldn't wrap my head around it. I picked it up 14 years ago, and I'm obsessed with the craft. There's a crafters group I'm part of, and this just makes me think of those amazing people. ❤


This is so beautiful, and knitting is beautiful too.

I love how she sings of how knitting can symbolise so much love.

I have this song on repeat!


My mother was the one that taught me to knit, my grandmother was the one to teach me to sew. I'm a grandmother now myself and this perfectly encapsulates the love that goes into every knitted stitch as I prepare for the coming of another new life with baby blanket, bootees, beanie and cardigan. Just delightful and I hope to pass the art down to others in my time.


My grandmother taught me how to knit in the few months before she passed - this song is a blessing. Mine had dementia too so the “don’t mind you keep forgetting it” resonates. You’re now in my top 5 favorite artists


Crying so hard. I've just ordered my first yarn and I can't wait to listen to this warm song of affection while learning this cozy art. 🥰


I was never able to have a relationship with either of my grandmothers, but my mother was crazy talented at crochet and taught my sisters and I from a young age. This song brought back such tender memories and made my dig out my hooks again 🤍


My grandma taught me how to knit when I was very young, to make little hats and blankets for my dolls and plushies. I never really knitted again until I was 25, 10 years after her passing. I still have some of her cardigans and shalls, which are so dear to me, and every stich I knit I feel her close to my heart.
Thank you for this song, I didn't know I could cry for knitting, but I needed it.
It's beautiful.


this might be my favorite song in this album 😩💗


My grandma taught me how to knit when I was ~8 years old and I stopped for a while but I picked it back up a few years ago and I love making things for my friends and family but I always get excited to show her what I've made when I visit her, and one of the first things I made was a hat that she still wears. This song is beautiful and a wonderful way to remember my grandma (and also a reminder that I should visit her soon!)


there is so much feeling you’ve put into this. It makes me long for something I feel like I once had while simultaneously aching for some kind of absence, this gaping void that isn’t quite pain, but it longs and aches for how comfortable this feels? It’s so beautiful. It’s so easy and sacred. It’s so inviting and nostalgic and intimate. Like I genuinely don’t think I have words enough to express how much what this song makes me feel means to me.


my great grandma taught me to know when i was 8-9. she’s 93 now and doesn’t remember who i am. it’s an odd thing to have learned such a big part of who i am from a person who doesn’t recall it, but i am forever grateful for the knowledge and for her ❤


This encapsulates so beautifully the way love permeates the skills and experiences we share with one another ❤ I remember being taught knitting by older students at school - I was so awful at it, and could not at all wrap my head around the traditional crossed-needles position. So they patiently taught me it with parallel needles instead, and I still knit like that now, all higgeldy-piggeldy 😂 I love that these things that I picked up from people are forever imbued with their touch 😊


Crying, this song feels so warm... 🫀💫


I sent this to my grandmother who taught me how to sew and now i teach people to sew for a living this song leaves me in tears its so beautiful 🩵


My Granny tatted and quilted. She taught me to sew by hand because she had always been too poor to have a sewing machine. This song reminds me of the Love & Patience she exhibited towards me and taught me through osmosis. I miss her desperately and hope there is some afterlife with souls swirling around like electrical, colorful mists that communicate telepathically or some other Magical Existence on the Other Side because I miss her so much and long to thank her soul to soul.
Love to ALL our Grannies who we all miss so much. ❤
Thank-you, @ParisPaloma for another song that instantly becomes a part of the fabric of our lives. ❤
