r/AITA for Refusing to Give Away My Inheritance?

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0:00 Intro
0:08 Mom
3:22 Maid outfit
7:02 Complainer
10:19 Inheritance
12:52 German

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Maid Party had an update: Roommate went to party where all the Richies made fun of her for her outfit and then excluded her from most conversations, her "boyfriend" basically ignored her the whole time, talked to all the other girls at the party and treated her like crap. She came home with smeared makeup(most likely from crying). Roommate told OP she was right not to go to said party. Roommate still didn't apologize about the fight but OP doesn't really care about the apology.


All* kids* are welcome* anytime*!

*conditions apply.
*well-fed children from wealthy families only.
*abused kids stay away.
*business hours only.


“Hey kids! If you have a problem come to me!”

“Ok, my dads abusing me”

Like, seriously?? She tries to build up this fake ass image of herself, as this affectionate, welcoming, kind person who anyone can come to if they feel alone, but behind closed doors she drops the mask and shows her true colors.


Karen: *Insults OP in foreign language*
OP: “Hey, that’s rude”
Karen: *Surprised Pikachu face* “Wow, so rude for not telling me you understand me”


“I’m sorry your father is abusing you and your sister, but you didn’t sit with my daughter at lunch that one time so I can’t help you. By the way can you tell your mom to like my most recent post about how my house is such a safe and loving space to all neighborhood children? it’s not getting enough attention.”


So she just likes to be the “cool mom” and not actually have to do anything involved.

She’s a fair weather mom


Story 2: NTA. I am all for supporting your friends and love ones, but there's a LIMIT to that! And asking you to wear a skimpy maid outfit is way, WAY beyond the limit. If he thinks it isn't a big deal, why not he get someone ELSE to wear that outfit? Ruining everything? Just get SOMEONE ELSE to wear it! Killjoy? Oh, pardon me for having self-respect!


Story 3: Yeah, I don't think I could stay in a relationship with someone that ENDLESSLY COMPLAINS and makes people around them miserable. Is this a call for therapy? Maybe, I'm no expert, but she is exhausting to be around based on this post


Story 3: OP if you have to lock yourself in the basement just to have a nice meal, then you need to seriously think about this relationship.



I really hope those are changed names for reddit.


Story 2: anyone else feel like the rich dude is setting the ladies up to be SA? Like something bad is definitely going happen. Don't let your friend go, I honestly feel it's going to end horribly.


Story 2: OP's friend has the self-respect of a wet rug. Hence why friend's bf said that OP has the "right attitude". Yeah, that relationship is going to be "fun". The kind of "fun" I would avoid like that plague.

Story 3: OP's girlfriend needs emergency therapy and a class on boundaries. It's TRIVIAL to wait like 10-15 minutes to talk. If her motivation is pettiness or spite, especially malicious instead of playful, she's going to be a difficult partner.

Story 5: Yeah, OP's husband needs to either get more involved in conflict resolution or set clear boundaries, because I would hate to know that my own family mistreats my spouse like that.


Story 3: why are you with her? Op if i was you I'd leave she's being super controlling and rude, you deserve so much better then someone who won't give you the basic respect.


Last story: you know, even if you don’t speak the language, usually can still sell your crap talking them. Because disrespect you thinking it’s cleaver, you don’t switch from one language to another, during this conversation, just talk about any random thing.

OP didn’t have to say anything, and the only reason they’re mad is because they got caught and embarrassed.


The maids are definitely going to be used at the party


I, unfortunately, anticipate story 2 having a traumatic update for the friend who went to the party... 😢


Story 5: Based on them making so many negative comments at OP in German (until OP called them out) they just don't really like OP, judging absolutely everything about her. That's just not good


I have neighbors like that first story. The kids aren't abused but just fosted off on the neighbors when they are bored. The little girl used to come over to my house every 15 minutes. She's 8 years older than my daughter and was very mean to her. Broke her toys, would make her cry constantly and laugh about it. When my best friend was killed, i asked her mom to keep her home for a few weeks...that kid knocked on my door every 15 mins. I finally had to tell her mom if she came over again without being invited, i would call cps on her.

I was very close to a mental breakdown at that point. My daughter was 2 and TERRIFIED of that kid. Any time she saw her coming, it was a screaming fit. That kid didnt leave me alone fully until covid and i STILL had to fight with her.


That "right attitude" comment made my skin try to crawl off my body 😳


Story 2: But that’s just it, they aren’t dating she’s just running after him, and he’s taking advantage. He’s your stereotypical rich guy think he can do whatever he wants whoever wants. He probably thought that desperate girl hang together, so OP would just do it, or could be bought off. But her refusal made her a “ challenge “, which made her more attractive. Because the one you have to work for is like a test to your skills.
