Why is my Arduino not working properly?

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Programmer Not Responding for Nano board with Arduino IDE.
Arduino port problem | COM port not found [ 2022 Update ] Complete Step by Step Guide
How NOT to fry your Arduino Uno #microcontroller #electronics #power
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How it fix Arduino uno not conect
Fix avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
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Arduino IDE port problem fixed!! | Arduino ⏩
How To RESET Your Arduino Uno Board Tutorial
You should NEVER build this 💀 #electronics #arduino #engineering
Arduino Nano Code Upload Error avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0x00
Installing CH340 Drivers for Arduino | Arduino not Detected by Computer FIX | COM Port Issue FIX
How NOT to fry your Arduino - Common Arduino mistakes #1
This MP3 Player is NOT what it looks like! #engineering #electronics #arduino
Checking Arduino Uno's Atmega328P-PU chip is OK or NOT!
How to Install, Troubleshoot and Fix COM Port Drivers for Arduino Boards - FTDI and CH340 Series
Arduino uno R3 original vs duplicate #arduino #arduinoproject #electronics
how to check arduino is working or not ?
How to test Servo Motor using Arduino Uno | Step-by-Step guide