How To Remember Everything You Learn

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"The Time to Run (Finale)" by Dexter Britain
"What If" by Joachim Heinrich
"Happy Adventure" by Ross Bugden

Other music provided by Musicbed & Epidemic Sound
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"It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows."



I came here for a learning tip, came out with a new approach to life.


"I tricked myself into thinking I was competent" story of my life


What's scary is finding this video for the "first time" and seeing it's already


"Tell me and I'll forget,
Show me and I'll remember,
Involve me and I'll learn."

A useful quote for all, especially anyone who has to plan lessons or training.


"I have a big brain"
"Does that mean you're smarter?"
"No, I'm stupid faster."


I can’t believe this video is 4 years old & I’m just now seeing it. This resonates so highly with me & is by far the best video hands down that I’ve ever come across! My understanding has been transcended! Thank you 🙏


1. Recall - after you read it - look away from material and try recall it
2. Feynman Technique - explain it to a 5 year old
3. Spaced Repetition - repeat for more myelination

- Prioritize the essential - “Our job is to find a few intelligent things to do,
not keep up with every damn thing in the world.”


This is an insecurity that has plagued me for years. You're brave for sharing your downfalls. Thank you.


Some advice for learning
1. Recall within the first 30 seconds of learning something
2. Feymann technique, use what you have learned so you can express it to a 5 year old
3. Use mental repetition, your brain is a muscle, use your time wisely to wire your neurones to be able to effectively remember max capacity.

Some extra tips
- Don’t try to focus on many things, just one
- Don’t try remember everything, understand the use of Quality information over quantity
- Develop intellectual humility. Understand and detach from your perspectives to learn others to gain a better understanding.
-> fight/argument to find peace


Excellent video. It affected me in a positive way, to realize even more how much damage social media are causing to our brains. An addiction for brain destruction.


"If you can't explain it to a six year old, you don't understand it yourself"
- Albert Einstein


Little cheat sheet for myself in a simple manner:
Focus on 1 thing
Look away and think about it
Write out a way of teaching it to someone else in a simple manner
Redo, relearn, practice thought


So I have to watch the video again... SWEET


This was really useful. I have been constantly suffering from information retention. The methods explained in the video can be a bit difficult for me as I get distracted very easily.. but I'll definitely try it out. Thank you!


The worst thing is that, when you’re in school/university, you have no choice but to follow a lot of tasks all you’d like to spend a little more time on a particular subject to understand it fully but if you get showered with new tasks you need to get done, here comes the “cram everything into your brain” system.


Recall: 7:10
Feynman: 7:50
Spaced repetition: 8:50


"I cannot remember the books I've read more than the meals I've eaten, even so they have made me". -Ralph Waldo Emmerson


Recall: There are two types of memory, short term and long term, understanding lies in long term, and to reach to that part it has to go through short term and a phase working memory in which the information is quickly vanishes, if information survives in this part it'll make it to long term memory and to do it there are several techniques first technique is to whenever you do some learning do it in parts, don't try to overwhelm yourself by reading 2 pages if you can't recall them, the main thing to do is to recall it by closing the book and telling to your brain what you have read about and if you can't recall it just read it again with focus and you will see that now you can recall it, repeat this process over and over again with the content you consume daily, due to large stream of informations, it is impossible for our brain to focus that results in no grasp over any single information, so the best thing to do is to switch your phone off (unless you are consuming content on it xd ) and get rid of all t e distractions when you are consuming content, Now after this, here comes the second technique called feymann technique, in which you try to write down the explanation of what you have learned, and if you can not write an explanation of it, go back to the source and again try to repeat the process of recalling, and after you are successful in writing that explanation, simplify it down and get rid of difficult terms. Now you have to make analogies of this simpler version of your explanation, which means you have to implement in such a way that whenever you see or recall that analogy, the whole topic comes in to your mind, that's the goal of it. Now after this you will have pretty solid knowledge and to solidify it more you HAVE to make a schedule of a month, in which you re read the same damn book after three days and when the month is about to end, CRUSH it for 3 THREE consecutive days and now you know that you have become a better version of yourself. Thanks for reading this so far, i hope that i have summarized the video in a good manner as my practice of feymann technique xd, Cheers


These are some tips, they work for me. Maybe not for everyone. I've been reading a book a month so far this year (well I've made it to 6 books so far).

1. Mark up your books, take notes in the margins or underline/highlight things that stick out to you.
2. Stop reading and contemplate parts that you feel are important to you. Or are pivotal moments in the story.
3. Try to relate those pivotal moments to current events or state of affairs going on. Compare them to your own personal experience.
4. Takes notes on any profound thoughts you had while reading a chapter. Usually when chapters end, they only take up 1/4 or 1/2 of the page. Write a quick summary of that chapter on the blank part of that page.
5. Once you are done reading, immediately take out a notebook or open up Word, and write your opinions on what you read, while it's still fresh. Doesn't have to be anything fancy or written like a college report. Just WRITE!

The last step has helped me immensely. I've made a folder and have written a short report (around 1000 words per book) and have gone back occasionally to add notes here and there from just thinking about the story weeks later. Or when talking to friends who have read the book as well, and made connections and critiques I hadn't thought of. This is a good skill to develop. It's help with listening, critical thinking and helps your writing. Win, win, win.

Hope This Helps!

Edit: Thank you for the wonderful responses. Yes, these are tips for beginners. I've noticed this method eventually bleeds over to mentally taking notes. Eventually you won't have to do EVERY step, but it builds the "muscle memory" in your brain to help with retaining information later on.
