CESSATIONIST - Official 2023 Trailer

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•Coming Soon 2023•
From the makers of the films Calvinist and Logic on Fire comes a film about the Charismatic Gifts and the Doctrine of "Cessationism"

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"Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God with whom you've been sealed for the day of redemption." Ephesians 4:30


It's amazing what unbelief can do


Cessationist in the comments. Please give me one verse in scripture that backs cessationism.


The Word of God is the standard. Above any experience and above any opinion. And in the New Testament it speaks of the miraculous gifts and the responsible use of them and not once - in all the words of the New Testament - does it ever suggest that the gifts would cease at the end of the apostolic age.

Believe what the Bible teaches on the spiritual gifts and not what these men teach about it, because they are wrong. I know there are frauds who pretend and aren't actually oracticing spiritual gifts. But so were there in the first century. It didn't change the fact that miraculous gifts were around then, and it doesn't change the fact that miraculous gifts are around now.


There are a lot of strawman arguments in this trailer. And I find it interesting that the examples of the "charismatic" church are the most extreme examples that most charismatics don't even believe. I'm curious what cessationists do with the end of Mark 16? And why do they always refer to them as apostolic gifts when the Bible clearly refers to them as spiritual gifts and Paul himself will go on to say that Christians aught to desire spiritual gifts. If spiritual gifts are dead, so is faith because it is in the list of one of the spiritual gifts...


Such dangerous ground to tread…the examples in the trailer are extreme and don’t represent the church as a whole.


The enemy is working overtime to deceive the Church because he knows if he can keep us powerless, his Kingdom can continue to destroy souls.

Cessationism is one of the enemies' strategies against the Churxh.

"Yeah, the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
Those aren't for today." - Satan


They continuously shout and shout God is Sovereign, God is Sovereign!!! Yet when it comes to spirituality they deny God's Sovereignty and exalt their own anti-supernatural worldly ideology.


As a believer and pastor for an SBC church for over 13 years who also met the Lord through a 4 Square gospel AG ministry, and has seen life in both sides of the theological track I just want to input here in comment world- I have so much to continue to learn but in studying scripture, theology, doctrine from faith backgrounds, I can say that the cessationist position is not a very strong position. In going back + forth in the general arguments of the position there is not much of any strong ground to stand on for the ceasing of gifts. I think the argument of shallow false prophets and wrong using spiritual gifts is the danger of modern charismatics. The desire to worship your gifts and find influence for them is wrong. But I also believe that not being informed of gifts is wrong too. There are gifts that cessationists believe it’s just not the “supernatural” ones. Now I don’t think there are any apostles here nor will there be but I think the pitfall is a running away from gifts instead of seeking submitted order on them via the Word and the Spirit. The implications of having a doctrine of the Holy Spirit which may be correct/incorrect will ultimately help/hinder spiritual maturity. I don’t know what the exact exact answer is, but I do not believe the scripture that it gives any pronunciation of a ceasing for any of these gifts. there’s nowhere in scripture that qualifies this claim however, there are plenty of areas of scripture where we are informed on how to use spiritual gifts and what to do with them. The word of God is enough even if there were no spiritual gifts today we rest in Christ alone, and in his word alone, the Holy Spirit is always here in his people. He will always be enough despite whether I ever manifest a supernatural gift but that doesn’t mean no one can do that.


What amazes me about this is no where does it say this is the case in Scripture. It does say, however by Jesus Himself, that His followers will do even greater things than Him...through the Indwelling of the Holy Spirit. The ironic part here is that the trailer calls for proof. There are many cases that have been documented but inevitably those are probably going to be looked at extremely skeptically by the people who are interviewed in this film. But in the case of this belief, they are on shifting sands as far as a foundation goes. Because in this case all it takes is one. If even one miracle has occurred, outside of their surveillance and knowledge, one that is legitimate, than this whole belief collapses in on itself. I know people who have testimonies of healings. And frankly, even if I essentially believed there was a possibility to what they were saying, I would much rather at least be somewhat cautious and admit that I do not know, rather than boldly proclaim, "None of these so-called miracles are real." How can they possibly know that. And if even one is legitimately from.the Kingdom of God, not only are they wrong, but more than likely they have unwittingly rejected an actual miracle of the Kingdom. Not only that, they have pulled the ultimate example of eisegesis into the Biblical text they claim to reverence, since you have to insert this idea in. You cannot get there on Scripture alone. Honestly, this doctrine is really dangerous from a spiritual perspective, because if they are wrong, they are not just wrong about an opinion of doctrine. More than likely they have caused people to view legitimate workings of the Kingdom of God, as a deception. I'd rather take the chance of believing in miracles of the Kingdom, and being wrong about some of those, than take a stand that none of them are legitimate and than find out my whole stance was completely wrong by the manifestation through the Kingdom of God of just one. Which I have already had proof for. "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! You shut the door of the kingdom of heaven in peoples faces. For you don't go in, and you don't allow those entering to go in." (John 23:13 CSB)


I love the Bible, believe in its authority, sufiency, inenerrancy and ineffability. That is why I believe in all the gifts are for today. Otherwise I am not being true to the text. Usually those who hold this view always put as an example Joel osteen and weird manifestations that I would agree that are antibiblical, hardly they go deep in analyzing with those that have a strong view of scripture and live out the gifts. Same stuff


These men call the move of Spirit "Strange Fire." It's strange to them because they haven't experienced it. It's easy to critique what you've never experienced. I'd rather have what they supposedly call "Strange Fire" than no fire at all.


So when you talk about prophets being the very mouthpiece of God, are you also meaning all the women prophets especially in the New Testament? Are you sure you want to do that considering your raging complementarian worldview?


This is a one-sided argument, I would like them to debate the other side. I heard Dr. Michael Brown wants to debate them regarding cessationist, But why they keep refusing? Cessationist backing out on this debate.


So many of us Christians have been brought up with an understanding that the whole "being baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues" is a bad or questionable thing. We've been told this over and over again, so you tend to believe it.
But wait a minute, we first of all are Christian, what is right and wrong, good and back is determined by what the bible says. What does the bible actually say? Did you know that no where in the bible does it say that this Acts 2:38 experience will end. It actually says the opposite. 1Cor 14:39 says don't forbid anyone to speak in tongues.
John7:39 By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified.
People of God, Christian videos are good to watch, but read your bible, the bible is a higher authority then your pastor. When you watch this video, question how much of what the speakers say is actually based directly on scripture and how much is based on traditional thought.


You can be heavenly minded and no earthly good, or you can be earthly minded and no heavenly good.
Most Christians fall on Cessasionist side or they fall under (like in some of these weird clips) people who make Holy Spirit into a weird overly charismatic thing. Those folks by the way were demon possessed before they ever called it Holy Spirit.
The problem with both sides is they either say Holy Spirit is no longer opperating any gift, OR they call demonic things Holy Spirit.
Both extremes are a terrible place to be.
Holy Spirit isnt making people do weird things. There are other spirits at work.
But you dont throw the Holy Spirit out with the bath water. Blaspheming Holy Spirit in saying the gifts are no longer at work today OR saying demons are the Holy Ghost are both blasphemy. Be careful with films from both sides.


i dont agree with cessationism or those over the top charismatic crazies.


Has any cessationist ever considered the ramifications of being wrong? If you are wrong, you would literally be blaspheming the Holy Spirit by doing violence to His Word. Promoting this doctrine as if it is the infallible Word of God is theological arrogance on steroids—very dangerous.


Welp, more bad arguments.
Also, how about debating people you guys have avoided talking to for over a DECADE in some cases?
Oh wait, that requires intellectual honesty, no something I see in this trailer, much less that the full thing will have, given what some of you said here.
And yes, some of your own words are LEGALLY ACTIONABLE, as in, the people you're talking about are fully able to sue for defamation.
Them not doing so, is not proof of your side, it's them showing grace.
Saying all charismatics are frauds, is slander and/or libel, depending on if it's spoken or written.
Congratulations, you have now done both with this "documentary".
Have John McAllister sell all but one of the mansions he owns, in one of the most expensive places in SoCal, then I might buy some of what you guys say.


No scripture- just the most extreme examples

Not setting itself up for a fair assessment.

Cessationists often do hold scripture very highly however with this topic they really don’t have much to stand on
