615 Paul Washer: A Practical Cessationist?

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This is a critique of Washer's Cessationist ideas. Though this man has done a lot of good in preaching the gospel, he falls short when it comes to the "everlasting gospel" and spiritual gifts.
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Washer is perfectly on point with what he is saying.


He's not wrong. I came out of the Charismatic movement and not one time did I witness the person in tongues speaking a human language or an interpretation for the tongue. Even if Paul was making the case for a heavenly language, it's clear from scripture there has to be an interpretation. I never saw one!


Brother Washer is what I consider, a soft cessaionist. As he had said it's because of his experience in the mission field. I consider myself one also based on what I understand and heard from testimonies of people I know who love the Lord. I therefore conclude that the manifestations of the sign gifts are not normative but rather exceptive. After all, from whom does the person who have the gift of "healing" get to heal? It is from God Himself, the giver of all good gifts.


Your pop-up video style comments are just annoying. Well said Paul Washer


I speak in tongues and trust me it's supernatural. I have no idea what language it is because it's a heavenly language. Like Paul the Apostle says even though I speak in tongues of angels...I understand if you have never spoke in tongues it must not make sense and you may think people are making it up but that is so false. Do not mock what the Holy Spirit does. There is a quiet arrogance that he presumes to know so much. It's sad like a pharisee with all their studies of doctrine but actually miss the living Spirit because of their pride.


I agree with Paul. Whoever made this video made a failed attempt to discredit Washer’s take. What Paul is saying is that there is a severe lack of faith and connection with God in modern times that prevents proliferation of true spiritual gifts. What he sees now is a substitute that pales in comparison to the biblical description of spiritual gifts.


The only issue in my mind with many cessationists is that even if someone proved or shared a story of speaking in another language not their own but by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit (which there are many) they still will not believe it. Their doctrinal belief is so entrenched in the understanding that spiritual gifts are not active today, that they would never actually believe the person sharing such a testimony. And I would say that is probably the same for every other spiritual gift as well.


Always someone who hates the truth and will mock Paul Washer! Indeed, Satan hates the truth!


2 Timothy 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.


The person who made this needs to study their bible more.


I am one who believes in predestination but not calvinist but I also believe in spiritual gifts if done biblically and in order but I also believe not all believers get all gifts love u all


Christian, Conservative and Canadian. Let's do this!


the Holy Spirit never stopped, nor did the gifts ever went away. God does talk to all brothers and sisters, as our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the best teacher, guiding us to do the Father's will, convicting us when we do wrong, comforting us in hard times, helping understand Scripture. The Holy Spirit is God.... so why teach that He stopped? He never stops working.... He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.


Speak in Tongues and Praying in Tongues are not one and the same thing. Confusion arises when one treated them to be synonymous.


Can you post the source for this clip please


Sincere comment here…
Why do most people (the ones I hear) speak in what seems to be the same tongue when filled with the Spirit? It sounds very similar, somewhat like Paul mocked in the video. The tongues of angels does not seem like a viable reason.

I believe Paul, in 1 Cor. 13, was speaking in hyperbole (exaggerated statements not meant to be taken literal) which seemed to be one of his literary forms (i.e. Galatians 5:12). Read verses 1-3. Did Paul have ALL knowledge? Not according to Phil 3:13 and we could all agree only God has ALL knowledge (the secret things belong to God).
Did he have ALL faith? Not enough to remove the thorn in his flesh, stop his brothers from becoming martyrs, perform enough miracles for the Jews to believe (Romans 9) or even have enough faith to not have to make tents to make ends meet. But he could remove mountains? Did he give ALL he had to feed the poor? 2 Tim 4:13 says he left his cloak and books at Troas so he didn’t give ALL. Again, I’m using Paul’s words. He could’ve have said “though I have knowledge, faith, give my goods” etc. but he said “ALL”.
Did he give his body to be burned? In his next letter to the Corinthians he gives his list of sufferings and does not mention giving his body to be burned (2 Cor. 11:23-33).
These are all hyperbole to exaggerate the importance of charity. THE CONTEXT OF THIS PASSAGE IS LOVE, NOT TONGUES. He ended the book “If a man love not the Lord Jesus let him be anathema, Maranatha.”
I say this because many people lean so strongly on angelic tongues and it’s a weak foundation. If Paul was saying “even if I could speak in all human languages (which he may have done) AND EVEN THE LANGUAGE OF HEAVEN (which would have perked the ear of the reader) I’m a sounding brass and tickling cymbal.” I’ve never heard anyone speaking another human language when filled with the Spirit. Wouldn’t it profit the lost world tremendously for people to go straight to Japan and start witnessing to people? The Japanese people are very proud of their language and struggle to trust people who do not speak it well.

Please understand that I’m a brother and do not wish to be divisive. I’m seeking truth as well.


Once upon a time, as a minister, I worked for a Word of Faith ministry...I have worked with K. Copeland, J. Savelle, Osteen, and other minister "superstars". Some were personal friends, as well. However, despite being knee deep in the ministry, God opened my eyes and called me out of the Word of Faith ministry. While still there, I Never in all my years saw any of the self-proclaimed gifted healers deliver anyone from their infirmary. Their "little god" and prosperity message is a false message. I am not denying that God can bless people with gifts all day long. However, the practice of tongues is especially dangerous if one does not truly have the gift of tongues, because it is blasphemous to credit the Holy Spirit with something that may not be the Holy Spirit.
Scripture tells us that many shall come in his name, but do not be deceived. My belief is the Word of Faith/prosperity message is a false gospel.


Lol of course hes not going to see all the gifts being manifested he goes to churches that dont believe in them


If cessationism is true, I would have hated to be the prayer meeting that the last apostle was on his way to when he dropped dead before he got there


He’s absolutely right. I HAVE seen people speak in tongues for real, and I myself did it at a young age. Once. I spoke in a foreign African tongue and we had visiting missionaries who told me I was speaking their language and they understood me to be praising God in a beautiful way they had never heard.

My brother in law recently spoke in some Latin based language and I understood him because of myself studying many Latin based languages though I didn’t recognize this particular language and my brother in law only knows English. He was prophesying in this tongue foreign to him.

My point is, I’ve seen the real. But you know what I’ve seen mostly in churches? The garbage fake stuff.
