Last-Minute Study Strategies to Ace Your Exams
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If you’re new to my channel, my name is Reiley Dunlop.
I’m a “Rocket Scientist” or aerospace engineer (6th yr) and founder & CEO of DELTA YOU.
It’s an education company with the mission to bring to you a world class, Smart Skills based education that helps any student aged 10+ unlock your full potential!
If you’ve tried to succeed and failed - it’s not your fault. The education system is broken. It doesn’t give you the REAL Smart Skills you need to succeed today in every subject in less time and effort and be setup to thrive beyond school!
You see the key to success is NOT working harder.
It's not getting a tutor.
and It's not study tips and study hacks!
The secret is to develop your fundamental Smart Skills.
And with these Smart Skills no matter your book smarts or starting point you can quickly and easily score straight A's without working harder & develop the skills that will help you succeed beyond school in the modern world!
Isn't that exciting!?
But first how did I get here?
Back in high school I struggled…
I tried everything to improve, anything to get me out of feeling like a total and complete failure.
I tried working harder and harder,
Using every study hack I could find,
And even getting a tutor to help me.
Nothing worked.
In fact I worked on an essay for a whole year just to get smacked with a 60%.
I still remember the feeling of lying on my bed in tears with the crushing reality that no matter how hard I tried I was never going to be good enough or smart enough to do the things I wanted in life.
If you’ve ever felt this way, I get it. You’re not alone. But there is good news!
After thousands of hours of pain, trial and error I developed and worked on myself to learn skills that changed everything.
This is the origin of “Smart Skills” and they helped me rank first in 3 subjects, score straight A’s with MORE time to do what I love and gain entry into aerospace engineering on a scholarship!
But the best part wasn’t this success, it was that I had developed a set of skills that have helped me succeed and thrive every single day after school.
These smart skills helped me:
🏆 Become Australia’s best tutor and lecturer.
🚀 Study Aerospace Engineering & Physics
❤️ Build a 132,000+ following on TikTok and 171,000+ followers on Instagram.
💯 Build a business that has reached over 106,000,000+ people worldwide learn the skills they need to become successful and brilliant!
Smart Skills changed my life, changed millions of people’s lives already and I am on a mission to help you learn these Skills so you too can unlock your full potential.
So how do you learn these Smart Skills?
For students aged 10 to 18+: Get your parents, grandparents or guardians to enroll you in one of the Smart Student programs listed below 👇
For Parents/Grand-Parents & Guardians: Enroll them ASAP into one of the Smart Student Programs listed below 👇
I am eternally grateful for you, yes you ❤️