What equipment do you need to be a YouTuber ?!

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I get asked quite a lot about what equipment I use to make my videos. In this video I talk through all my equipment and share with you some of the things I have learned in the two years I have been making YouTube videos. I've made some mistakes on the way !!

Here are links to some of the equipment in this video...

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Nice equipment, looking forward to more of your informativ car reviewes with that.


Great video Pete. Nice to see that you mention the fact that a licence is required for drone aerial work. Worked in Airspace Management for the Regulator prior to early retirement . Good luck with getting your licence.


I just watched this video never realised you had this video
It’s easy for all of us viewers to watch the content you provide but honestly you put a lot of hard work into these videos
Keep it up


I am new to your channel and have been keen to hear the answer to this question from anyone who is a youtuber, so cheers! What has also been driving me nuts is why Petrol Ped? The name I mean, specifically the 'Ped' bit! Maybe you have answered that a thousand times before but like I say I am new to you. Keep up the great work my friend and good luck with it all. Steve


Great video, very interesting to know how you shot your video! Keep up the great content!


Great video. It confirmed some of my thoughts as well as pointing me in the right direction on other bits of kit. Saved me a fair few quid in the process too.


Great info Pete! I'm thinking of starting a channel in the New Year and this was very helpful.


Another informative vid Pete. I'm liking the drone face stickers😁😁


Very interesting video Peter. The quality you produce is superb. Well done. I think its as good as bbc sometimes and i bet they use thousands of pounds of equip. P.s. your Dog is too cute.


Hi Peter a vital bit of kit you forgot is your loyal band of followers 😉some great kit you have there I have been into photography since I was a kid and worked for 7 years in
photography back in the early 80s still have my first camera a Olympus om 10. How things have changed in 30 years.


Hi Pete. Last Christmas I bought my teenage daughter a GoPro hero 5 with all the attachments. She's a keen filmmaker and more so a keen sports girl and therefore this would be an ideal present and envy of her friends. Never Used it Once! I will have to pass it onto my 11 year old son who wants to start a gaming YouTube I know he will.
Nice to see your set up.


Good video mate, waiting for my rode to come back from being repaired then doing my video, adobe is amazing but I will say spending over £50 a month is a lot and there is a lot to learn on top of that so expect many hours of tutorials and fun with colour correction etc. I do love the technical side of the process though and once you have got used to it the videos will look better but you have have the most important thing which is great content.


Hi PP. Great video mate. One point I picked up on which I don't think a lot of people realise is the length of time it takes to edit videos. You can film an hours worth of video and it'll take 3 or 4 times as long to actually edit it into a 15 or 20-minute video that's suitable for YouTube.
I can't imagine how horrific it would be if there wasn't digital processing and everything was still on a film reel :-((
My dad, many, many years ago and well before YouTube was even heard of (Pre Windows 95!), had a Sony Video camera that used cassette tapes for videos. He had to load the tapes onto his PC which took forever. Then once loaded, edit it (Again, taking for ages!). Then, once edited, it had to be re-downloaded onto a suitable cassette to watch on the TV. Plus, the Sony video camera he had was the size of a rather large briefcase that was shoulder mounted when in use.
So don't believe people who say bigger is best. It 'ain't!! :-))


There is some money’s worth there bud. Love the drone. Have asked for one for Christmas, depends if Kate took any notice lol


Sat on the sofa whilst kate is wrapping some gifts. Just finished putting lights on house guttering!


That's a heck of a lot of kit there but you missed out skinny jeans and a kids baseball cap which seems to be compulsory ;)


Excellent video Pete! Very informative. We have very similar kit. I use Sony action cams too and I also have a Canon 750D....and have the same problems with the autofocus. I use Sony Vegas to edit and find it very good and easy. The costs for the equipment certainly do start piling up!!


Hi Pete great video as ever I use a canon 700d on full manual mode on and use two different autofocus modes facial tracking mode and single fixed don’t really have any issues and the shots are very rewarding but for your channel content your setup is probably better suited to the action cameras and camcorders love your channel and at the end of the day it’s CONTENT and your channel will just continue to grow because we bloody love it 😊


Cool video buddy, insightful. I used iMovie for a while but went over to Adobe and haven't looked back. Final Cut is awesome but expensive and I found it a bit of a labyrinth. I also use an external digital sound recorder, this will avoid any issues with sound and after a few times using it, I promise again you'll never go back. iPhone 8+ user too, iPhone 7+ is great but the camera is much better on the 8 so maybe something to consider down the line if you haven't already. With all that said, you content is awesome and the videos outstanding so no matter you decide, I'm sure it will just keep getting better and better :D

Be Safe Pete,



Bugger, as I received notification that you was on, I scrambled to be first, then realised it’s Monday. GUTTED GUTTED GUTTED 😢😢😢😢😭😭😭😭😭😭
