Once Human Dropped A MAJOR New Update And There Are Balance Concerns

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So we finally got t check out the new Once Human update and there are a lot more change then we thought there were. so make sure you pay attention

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The drop rate is so sh*t that I thought that I was playing First Descendant again.


I have mixed feelings about the garden changes. The UI for it is so bad that i'm considering not even using it. I'm pretty sure that you enable continuous gardening on an empty plot and it repeats what was previously planted with the previous fertilizer. The problem is it doesn't tell you what was previously used and there doesn't seem like there is any indicator that that mode is on. The UI is basically even worse than i imagined it would be.

For context, i do a lot of gardening. I have 100+ gardening plots and most of my deviants are gardening ones.


You can turn the new audio beeping off in settings - Mouse/Display - Gameplay - scroll all the way to bottom and turn off whispers


I just start playing this game 2 days ago And DAMN this game its f*ckin fun man !

Btw W vid


My only issue with the game is that Closed Beta Testers are stuck with the Loading Bay platform unless you want to forego your whole progress prior to their decision to let us transfer the Lightforge medals, only after a week when most if not all of us already reached level 50 and already claimed other rewards such as twitch drop and the bike skin from the Steam test. It's either we leave everything behind that we got for a level 1 character without all the things that we claimed for just a lightforge medal or we're stuck with the worst platform which payment is in Mandarin and charges different currency than the Steam.


Since the update it restarted all my video settings and re downloaded the shaders . After that i've been experiencing like horizontal lines in game when moving everywhere . i can play perfectly but visually speaking it sucks :( anyone know what's going on ? this also happened to me long time ago playing apex legends . its like blurry lines in every object the further i am the worse .


The sound for me was not when picking stuff up it was getting in close proximity of the notes that people drop everywhere. When you run across them, and it could be above or below you and you not even see it, then it made a weird sound. Not bad in itself but when there are a ton of them and it sounds like a machine gun constantly going off it just started giving me a headache and no way to turn it off.


Sad to say but the Autonomous Garden Dream is a bust. Seems like the Continuous farming feature simply lets you "plant the last thing you planted" with one button press, not having to click in and select stuff, rather than what we had hoped where "a planter will remember what you planted in it last and replant after harvest". Still a good change but not quite what we had hoped. If anyone has evidence to the contrary please let me know.


Cheers for the videos dude. Be great to have some more livestreams, been missing them ;)


great to see you enjoying youtube again my guy keep up the good work


Some other bugs and "Rants" i had after few hours of playing the update :

1. There's a bug about Doors just pulling you back after opening and closing them, it happened to a couple of us in the server.
2. Autonomous farming? huh?
3. Acid/fuel farming is now bust, either land or water you still get dirty water either way.
4. WHY THE HELL they removed the "Withdraw Deviant" button- huh??? why fix a nonexistent problem.
5. Special memetic frags are just- i dont even know what to say but i guess fair??


About the mod droo change: i saw bosses dropping some mods way mlre often then others so i think they made it more even.


When I click on Blueprint to upgrade the game crashes due to the new update😢


the sounds for me are a nice touch except the when drinking water that pop and gulping sound is awful especially when you pop water a couple of times to fill hydration level's, the item pick up sound is handy though


The memetic drop being super rate is a good thing. It makes them worth something.


Sny controller support yet people? That's all I'm worried about. Not touching it until then


yeah im not that fussed with the memetics there is trading in the game so its not that big of a deal imo


I feel like they have a soft cap on getting furniture bps every 24 hours and its pissing me off


I opened 11 Nisa lootcrates yesterday and got only 4 rewards, maybe that was the bug they fixed :(


I fixed my gun with artisans touch last night
