What’s the average person’s strength level

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How much can the average person lift? People always want to know how they compare. This isn't always the best for your new lifters, but it's nice having realistic goals and expectations for most lifters. Let's take a look at the squat, deadlift, and bench press. and see what's the average person's strength level.
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The title of this video is misleading. It should be "What's the average lifter's strength level". Only 30% of the US adult population actually lifts weights. So the average lifter with the intermediate numbers is actually elite compared to the general population.


Let’s say you lift 50kg and the other guy does 60kg, it would appear he’s stronger, right?
now let’s say he started lifting a year before and you only started 2 months ago, it would appear you have more potential.
Okay but the other lifter is pushing 50 and you are barely 20, see where I am going with this?
There so many factors that you have to take into account before comparing yourself to anyone, that’s why you should just strive to be better than you were yesterday.


I am a 50 year old male, 225 lbs . 3vears deadlifting..425 pr.

It's been my mission to get to a 450 pr... very hard climb... but I think it's a reasonable goal.


Cap maxes out a benchpress at around 1100 pounds, whereas spidey can lift (on paper) around 20 tonnes, however both have shown greater feats of physical strength, e.g. Cap curling a helicopter mid flight and spidey holding a 2800 tonne yaght together and stopping a train, so overall spidey


Glad to see my own personal metrics wasn't too off from the actual science , I'm advanced in both my deadlift and squat but my bench is stuck at intermediate.


I used to go to the gym and I'm about to start going again. I need to lose weight. I am 350 pounds and 5'11". Even when I went before, I only went around 2 months. I squatted 500 pounds on the machine and could do it for 4 sets of 12. Anything less and it felt too light. IDK what I can do now. Also, I got up to around 200 on the bench press but I could only do that once. I could curl 50 pounds in my right arm and a bit less in the other arm. It will be interesting to see what I can lift now. I'm excited.


I'm happy to see that at 200 pounds I'm more than where I need to be


i am 1 year and 2 months into lifting and my training total is 400kgs, still looking up to much stronger people than me, keep up the progress


Bro, I have this co worker at work whom is a female telling me that deadlifting 405lbs for 2 reps is normal and that an average person can do it, she us uncluding women as well. My body is not the best, I am in above average shape and my only point to her was saying that its definitely above average and she wanted to keep saying its not. I pointed out that not a single male or female we work with can do it thus it proves my point, her comeback was that only proves it within my workplace

Bro, how many of you people that go to the gym see people deadlifting that much or more on a regular basis, my point to her was that first of all, most people don't even lift weights so naturally I am automatically above average in strength

And my claim was that even when people start going to the gym they definitely aren't all deadlift 405 let alone deadlifting at all

I already know this isn't anything compared to a power lifter, my diet and routine isn't even on point

The argument we had was if my strength is above average, my claim was that it is, she is saying its avarage and said women can easily do it

Shit makes me laugh, mainly commented to see if any of you who go to the gym think thats average for a person to do or not, i workout at work, because we have a gym, I'm the only one who deadlifts at all, the only one who uses it and none of them can do 405 let alone 225


I know this isn't the place, but Batman can bench over 1000bls easily. Is Bruce Wayne, who has no physical super powers, really stronger than Captain America?


A lot of data, but all in pounds? If they can also be in kilos, a lot more people could benefit.


Spiderman! Please let it be Spiderman!


Spider-man is stronger than Cap, and it's not even kinda close. The elite figures are close but a bit lower than what was expected of linemen coming in from off season although on bench the req was a min 25 reps of 225lbs but most guys warmed up with 20 at 225 and could put up 350+ once but our lifting coaches/trainers strongly discouraged one x maxes, as it does seem unsusally capable of injuring lifters.


If you ever do this video again can you do it in metric system for the rest of the world


Dude someone just going to the gym for there first few times regardless of how much they weigh SHOULD NOT put 350 pounds and try to squat it or the 180lb bench that's just asking to get hurt


I am ex basketball player, 6'6, 220lbs, and when I was in serious training I was squatting 485lbs for 6-7 reps, and bench press only 308lbs, since I never really focus that to much. Deadlift I didn't do, for athlete clean, snatch and other lifts are better imo. It was fun to see that with squats I was close to elite, If I tried singles I could probably do it, but with bench not even in advance level. And I always thought my bench was very good 😀


This chart is way off no way is an intermediate deadlift or squat that high


SpiderMan is WAY stronger! LOL... Most people would consider 2 years an advanced lifter but in reality, moderate. Great video!


I dont bench heavy so one day i had a guy benching 3 plates like two times ridiiculimg me pointing at me because i had one plate but after watching me push it up 32 times him.and his friend and girl friend's mouths were gaped open then i immediately did ten push ups after . Ive never been heavy weight prone on bench but my workouts would kill most people. Just be yourself push your limits in your own range and you will get great results..heavy weight is good for those who can do heavy weights but theirs another w9rld in weight training its light weight with high reps. Dont be fooled..if younwant that shape this is where its at. If you want to get stuck and power lift 6 to 10 reps allday every day then thats your choice but i choose to do the range and limits that i can wothout shame..


Spiderman could outlift captain America by 4 times.
