Local Rabbi explains how Russian Invasion impacts how the Jewish Community here on the First coast

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Rabbi Nochum Kurinsky says the Jewish community in Ukraine is the 5th largest Jewish population in the world.
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Iron sharpens Iron
Hidden Message in the
Torah /Tanak / Bible

Hidden within within the genealogy first Sons from Adam. Genesis 5 : 3-32

NAMES ———- Name

Adam - Man
Seth - Appointed
Enos - Mortal
Cainan - Sarrow
Mahalaleel - Blessed GOD
Jared - Shall come Down
Enoch - Teaching
Methuselah -His Death shall
Lamech -To Make /Low
Noah -Rest / Favor /

Name Meanings written in a
Sentence 😳
Man appointed mortal Sarrow Blessed GOD shall come down
teaching His death shall bring to make low/MIGHTY, rest favor FULFILLED

My Interpretation:
Jesus given a task to preform from this earth feeling of deep distress BLESSED GOD shall come down as Jesus teaching Jew as a Rabbi His death shall bring SALVATION to make low to hang on a tree becomes MIGHTY rest/ favor/ FULFILLED HIS Purpose 🤔

Keep this in mind 🤔all 10 generations timeline took place up to chapter 5 of Genesis, Hidden Message telling Jesus COMING 😲
Approximately 4 thousand years later be fore it HAPPENED only God

Ten Trillion people could not gotten together and had have written 1 fact and placed it in a book Foretelling of there coming Christ 4K years before it Happened

Who is He ?

Choose you this day whom you
SERVE 🤔✝️😇😇


God’s intention, Jews originally
Chosen Why?

God chose the Jews because they were fewest in number !
He put them to a task, ( To Share the gospel of their coming Messiah. )
Originally many Jews REJECTED Him . They made their choice .
Malachi 4 : 5 Behold, I will send you Elijah the Prophet (John the Baptist! )
Bible says Call no man father so we will call him Dad, Name Zacharias, Mothers name Elisabeth,
KJV Mark 1:15 for he shall be great in the sight of the Lord, he shall be filled with the Holy Ghost= Holy Sprit
KJV Mark 1:6
And John ( John the Baptist) was clothed with camels hair and with a girdle of skin about his loins
KJV 2 Kings 1:8
And Elijah He was an hairy man with a girdle of leather about his loins. . And he said it is Elijah the Tishbite.
Elijah & John both had the Holy Spirit.
Notice : Their Dress was very much alike.
John-was clothed with camels hair(leather) Like a hairy man, girdle, skins about his loins.
Elijah- hairy man, girdle of leather about his loins.

What Has been done will be done Again !

Is Elijah Here Now !

Don’t Let Your Mom and Dad, Drag you to Hell, Because of TRADITIONS

Use your own brain,

Jesus Loves All of You

Believe ON The Lord Jesus Christ, like a child

You will Be BORN AGAIN

See you in Heaven

Not in Hell


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